Preferences and How to Learn Them


  • Resurgence of interest in ML in “learning from preferences/human feedback”
  • Extremely brief overview of how preferences are modeled and estimated in empirical economics
    • With some connections to the ML methods
  • Inspired less by Kahneman-Tversky Optimization than by this joke thread on the name


  • What are they?
    • Given a set of options \(X\), preference relation is a partial order \(\preceq\) over elements of \(X\)
    • Denote \(a\succeq b\) “a is preferred to b” for any \(a,b\in X\)
      • \(a\succ b\) “a is strictly preferred to b” if \(a\succeq b\) and not \(b\succeq a\)
    • “Rationality”
      • Complete: \(\forall a,b\in X\), \(a\succeq b\) or \(b\succeq a\)
      • Transitive \(\forall a,b,c\in X\), \(a\succeq b\) and \(b\succeq c\) \(\implies\) \(a\succeq c\)
  • How to represent them
    • Utility/reward functions \(u():X\to\mathbb{R}\): equivalent to rational preference relations
      • \(u(x)\geq u(y)\) iff \(x\succeq y\)
    • Defined up to scale: strictly monotone transform \(g(u(.))\) represents same relation
  • Rational behavior
    • Given choice set \(X_c\subseteq X\), choose \(x^* \in \arg\max_{x\in X_c} u(x)\)

Data to learn preferences

  • Given choice sets \(\{X_c\subseteq X:c\in C\}\), use stated or revealed preferences
    • Revealed: Observe \((X_c,x^*(X_c))_{c\in C}\) choices when presented with set of options
    • Stated: Ask for rank ordering, top-k, numerical ratings, or proxy
  • Feedback carries assumptions about representability:
    • Revealed preference: if choices follow preferences, no need to ask for feedback
    • Numerical feedback: if preferences genuinely ordinal, scale is meaningless.
      • Even assuming rationality, obtain \(f(u(.))\) for some non-unique \(f\)
      • Explains why it’s sometimes claimed numbers are hard to get from people
    • Ranking feedback
      • Completely defines preference relation
      • Less informative than numerics if scale \(u\) actually exists
    • Partial ranking (eg compare 2): aggregates up to full ranking if rationality holds
      • Revealed preference is special case: top 1

Real data does not satisfy axioms

  • At least 3 reasons
    • Noise: people make mistakes or are uncertain
    • “Irrationality”: preferences may be defined but not satisfy all axioms
    • Heterogeneity/aggregation: groups of people probably don’t have same preferences
  • Problems these induce
    • Usual problem of noiseless model: no perfect data match
    • Cycling: \(A\succeq B\succeq C \succeq A\) with at least one strict
    • Equivalence of representations breaks down!

Step 1: Noise: Random Utility Model

  • Replace \(u(x_j)\) with \(u(x_j)+\zeta_j\), \(\zeta\sim P(\zeta)\)
  • \(x^*=\arg\max_j\{u(x_j)+\zeta_j\}\) induces \(P(x^*=x_j)\) (Conditional) Choice probability (CCP)
  • (Multinomial) Logit model, or Plackett-Luce (1959) choice model
    • \(\zeta_j\overset{iid}{\sim}\text{Gumbel}\implies P(x^*=x_k)=\frac{exp(u(x_k))}{\sum_j exp(u(x_j))}\)
    • Alternate derivations: maximum entropy among all multinomial distributions, Luce axioms directly over choice probabilities
    • Special property: Independence of irrelevant alternatives
      • \(Pr(a|\{a,b\})/Pr(b|\{a,b\})=Pr(a|\{a,b,c\})/Pr(b|\{a,b,c\})\)
        • Relative probs unaffected by choice set
      • Good: Can perform rank-breaking: all info is in binary comparisons
      • Bad: “Red bus/blue bus” problem: introduce \(c\) which is identical to \(b\) except superficially (ie \(u(b)=u(c)\), \(P(a\cup b)\) goes down, \(Pr(b \cup c)\) goes up
  • Many many alternatives: Probit (\(\zeta_j\overset{iid}{\sim}N(0,1)\)), correlation structures, mixtures, etc

Step 2: Heterogeneity

  • Aggregation of rational preferences studied in Social Choice Theory
    • Voting rule: map \(\{\succ_i\}_{i=1}^{N}\to \{\succ\}\)
  • Example rules:
    • (sequential) Majority vote: pair off choices \(a,b\), discard b if \(\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i} 1\{a\succ_i b\}>\frac{1}{2}\)
    • Dictatorship: use person j’s preferences
  • Famous results
    • Condorcet: Majority vote outcome depends on order: \(\exists\) distributions of rational preferences such that preference defined by majority winner is not transitive
    • Arrow’s theorem: there exists no well-defined voting rule which satisfies all of
      • Not-dictatorial
      • Unanimity respecting: if \(a\succeq_i b\ \forall i\) and \(a\succ_i b\) for some \(i\), \(a\succ b\)
      • Independence of irrelevant alternatives: if \(\succ_i\)-ordering of \(a,b\) unchanged \(\forall i\), \(\succ\)-ordering also unchanged


  • In reality, anybody can choose anything for any reason: we have absolute human freedom
    • Engineering dictum: if it is physically possible to enter an input, no matter how dumb, we will see it in our system
  • Makes deciding whether we want to make model consistent with choices hard
  • Usual argument: Reflective equilibrium: make choices that match well-considered choices that people would defend if explained back to them
  • Practical implementations
    • Use RUM, declare \(\zeta\) to be mistaken or irrational, optimize \(u\)
    • “Multiple self”: take choice as result of voting model over mixture of preferences, extract and optimize the right one
      • Feasible if marked by, e.g., time: I procrastinate because my bad choices are a problem for future me, not present me
  • Many open questions

Aside: risk and uncertainty

  • Whole setup assumes people choosing actually get the option they choose
  • If outcomes vary, eg due to system unreliability, people face uncertainty
  • Bernoulli-von Neumann Morganstern-Savage: Theory of choice over lotteries
    • Offer a probability distribution \(\pi\) over choices
  • Representation: expected utility maximization: max \(\sum_j \pi_j u(x_j)\)
    • \(\exists\) axiomatic formulation due to Savage
    • Can recover cardinal utility \(u\) from choices due to linearity of expectations
  • Behavioral theories:
    • Kahneman Tversky: prospect theory: max \(\sum_j w(\pi_j)u(x_j)\)
    • Generalization: arbitrary functions of lottery vector Peterson et al (2021)
  • Ambiguity: \(\pi\) not given
    • Savage: (hierarchical Bayes): collapses to EU
    • Ellsberg, Aumann, Choquet, Gilboa, etc: minimax

Taking risk into account

  • No LLM training experiments I know of measure or express preferences over distributions of outputs
    • Instead optimize over realizations
    • Could be done: assess random samples of completions
      • “Do you prefer 100% reliably mediocre outputs or 90% great, 10% bad”
    • Might do something for reliability tuning
  • But standard LLMs do optimize a noisy output generator
    • Using ERM implicitly assumes that we care about expected reward optimization
    • Subclass of vNM EU preferences

Step 3: Heterogeneity + Noise

  • Actual choice data will give samples of rankings over any choice set due to some mix of both
  • With \(K\) options, look at fraction of times each ranking \(\Pi\) over \(\ell\) choices observed
  • \(\ell=2\) case: “Duels”
    • \(K\times K\) symmetric \(Q\) matrix of win proportions \(Q_{i,j}=P(i\succ j)\)
  • \(\ell>2\) case: “Battles”
    • For each K choose \(\ell\), menu, count proportion of each ranking over \(\ell\) choices
    • “Rank breaking”: collapse this down to binary win rates
  • Model approach: fit RUM to this data
    • Account for heterogeneity with observable contexts/covariates
    • If misspecified, obtain model in class closest in KL divergence to observed choice distribution
  • Mixture models: each ranking is sample from one of several preference orderings
    • Can be distribution of noiseless orderings, or mixture of RUMs
    • Popular example: mixed multinomial logit

Aggregation rules for random outcomes

  • To acknowledge heterogeneity, take rank matrix and apply voting rule
    • Per Arrow, no best such rule
  • Condorcet: break into binary comparisons \(Q_{ij}\), winner is majority vote
    • Global winner only exists if no cycles
  • Copeland: rank by \(d_i = \{\#k| q_{i,k}>\frac{1}{2}\}\) number of bilateral wins
  • Borda: rank by \(q_i=\frac{1}{K-1}\sum_{k\neq i} q_{i,k}\) average bilateral margin
  • Random walk (pagerank): rank by max eigenvector of \(Q\) matrix
  • von Neumann: Define 0-sum game where \(i\) played against \(j\) has payoff \(2q_{ij}-1\)
    • Nash equilibrium is distribution \(\pi\) over options that maximizes expected payoff played against itself

What is RLHF doing

  • Goal is optimizing \(p(x^\prime|x,\theta)\) to optimize a preference model
    • Data are contexts, randomly sampled completions, and stated preferences \((x, x_a^\prime,x_b^\prime, 1\{a\succ b\})\)
    • Fit PL (=logit) model to preference data, then choose \(\theta\) to optimize expected reward by PPO (clipped reweighted gradient ascent)
  • Direct preference optimization: DPO: same objective, but apply trick I learned as the Hotz-Miller (1993) inversion
    • In dynamic random utility model, difference in log CCPs determines difference in value functions
    • One step: choose \(\theta\) to optimize log CCP difference
  • Problems: preference from many annotators given some rules (prefer “helpful, harmless, honest” etc) may not follow PL model
    • Solution: find alternative models and win concepts
  • Methods optimizing alternative concepts
    • Zephyr finds Copeland winner
    • Self-play preference optimization Swamy et al: finds von Neumann/Minimax winner
    • Distributional preference optimization: fit mixture model: need additional rule to turn into “winner”
    • RL with AI feedback: use LLM as noisy preference proxy…

Implications: data collection

  • We have the option to choose what kinds of data obtained
    • Ranking vs binary comparison vs numerical scores
  • Preference models tell us what is learnable with each type and how fast
  • How fast is matter for learning theory
    • Active learning, (dueling/battling) bandits, etc
    • Generalizes sorting algorithms to noisy setting
    • Assumed preference model determines feasibility, complexity
    • Results known for many but not all settings; esp Plackett Luce
