- State Space Models
- Linear State Space Models
- Components of state space models
- Exponential Smoothing
- Applications
- Inflation Forecasting
State Space Models
- State Space Models are a particular class of hidden variable models
- Structure makes them easier to use, but still flexible enough to describe wide variety of patterns
- State equation: \(x_{t}\sim f_t(x|x_{t-1})\)
- Each period, latent process evolves randomly from conditional distribution \(f_t\) that only depends on current state
- Observation equation \(y_{t}\sim g_t(y|x_t)\)
- Data you see drawn from conditional distribution \(g_t\) that depends only on current state
- Use state to describe all the things going on over time and how they change, observation to describe how what you observe is related to it
- Distributions \(\{f_t(),g_t()\}_{t=1}^{T}\) (and sometimes initial state \(x_0\)) are parameters of model
- Different specifications allow for wide variety of dynamic behaviors
- In discrete case, called a Hidden Markov Model, otherwise a state space model
- Sequence \(\mathcal{X}_T=\{x_t\}_{t=1}^{T}\) are random variables but aren’t seen
Inference and Likelihood
- Likelihood of the data \(\ell(\mathcal{Y}_{T})\) given by \(\int\int\ldots\int\Pi_{t=1}^{T} g_{t}(y_{t}|x_{t})f_t(x_{t}|x_{t-1})\Pi_{t=1}^{T}dx_{t}\)
- So, likelihood based methods like MLE, MAP, or full Bayes require computing T-dimensional integral
- Fortunately, procedure can be split up into computing conditional likelihoods by process known as filtering
- Begin with \(p_{t-1}(x_{t-1}|\mathcal{Y}_{t-1})\) (at \(t=1\), this is \(p(x_0)\))
- Predict next period \(x\): \(p_t(x_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_{t-1})=\int f_{t}(x_t|x_{t-1})p_{t-1}(x_{t-1}|\mathcal{Y}_{t-1})dx_{t-1}\)
- Construct conditional likelihood: \(\ell(y_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_{T-1})= \int g_t(y_t|x_t)p_t(x_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_{t-1})dx_t\)
- Use Bayes rule to predict \(x_t\): \(p(x_t|\mathcal{Y}_t)=\frac{g_t(y_t|x_t)p_t(x_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_{t-1})}{\ell(y_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_{T-1})}\)
- Go back to 1
- From this procedure, obtain conditional likelihood for inference and prediction
- Also get sequence of filtered distributions \(p(x_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_{t})\) which give best guess of state as of time \(t\)
- Now only one integral per step: still a challenge, but more feasible: approximate integrals sequentially
- For discrete data case (HMM) steps have known closed form
- Linear gaussian case also has explicit steps: Kalman Filter
Linear State Space Model
- By far most common subclass of state space models assumes linear equations and normal shocks
- Mostly for computational reasons, but can do a lot with just this
- Observation Equation
- \(y_t=a_{t}x_t+b_{t}u_t\)
- \(u_t\overset{iid}{\sim}N(0,\Sigma_u)\)
- Describes how observed variables \(y_t\) are determined by latent variables \(x_t\)
- State Equation
- \(x_{t}=c_{t}x_{t-1}+d_{t}e_t\)
- \(e_t\overset{iid}{\sim}N(0,\Sigma_e)\)
- Describes how latent variables change over time
- Invented to predict rocket trajectories, used for sending people to the moon in 1960s
- Example: local level model \(y_t=x_t+u_t\) \(x_{t}=x_{t-1}+e_t\)
- Latent state is random walk, describing stochastic trend, observable contains both this trend and a noise component
- Data behaves like random walk (has unit root), but noise means data beyond most recent observation needed to uncover state
Dynamic Regression Model
- Many models can be written in state space form by clever choice of state and parameters
- Can include regression model by letting state be the coefficient and coefficient be the data
- Observations \(\{y_t\}_{t=1}^{T}\) and predictor \(\{a_t\}_{t=1}^{T}=\{z_t\}_{t=1}^{T}\)
- Model is \(y_t=z_t\beta+u_t\)
- Here, state \(x_t\) is coefficient \(\beta\)
- Since constant over time \(\beta_{t}=\beta_{t-1}+0*e_t\), with intitial value \(\beta_0=\beta\)
- This leads to simple extension: dynamic regression model where coefficient varies over time
- \(y_t=z_t\beta_t+u_t\)
- \(\beta_{t}=\beta_{t-1}+e_t\)
- Allows predictor \(z_t\) to have smoothly evolving effect over time
- Can also allow more general process for \(\beta_t\)
- \((\beta_{t}-b)=\phi(\beta_{t-1}-b)+e_t\)
- Allows coefficient to vary around long run mean \(b\)
Multivariate Linear State Space Model
- Let \(y_{t}\in\mathbb{R}^n\), \(x_t\in\mathbb{R}^m\) be multiple observations, multiple states
- Use this to represent many components of series
- Observation Equation \(y_{i,t}=\sum_{j=1}^{n}a_{i,j,t}x_{j,t}+\sum_{k=1}^{m}b_{i,k,t}u_{k,t}\) for \(i=1\ldots m\)
- \(\{u_{i,t}\}_{i=1}^{m}\) jointly \(N(0,\Sigma_u)\) with \(\Sigma_{u}\) the covariance across shocks
- Vector representation \(y_t=Ax_t+Bu_t\)
- State Equation \(x_{j,t}=\sum_{k=1}^{n}c_{j,k,t}x_{k,t-1}+\sum_{l=1}^{m}d_{j,l,t}e_{l,t}\) for \(j=1\ldots n\)
- \(\{e_{j,t}\}_{j=1}^{n}\) jointly \(N(0,\Sigma_e)\) with \(\Sigma_{e}\) the covariance across shocks
- Vector representation \(x_{t}=Cx_{t-1}+De_t\)
- Any set of univariate state equations can be combined additively to make a multivariate state space model
- State equations are the same, observation equation now \(y_t=\sum_{j=1}^n a_{i,j}x_{j,t}\)
- Allows building model out of many components, each of which describes some aspect of model
- Additive components model is special case, but now can have many random components as well
Building blocks of multivariate state space models
- The following components are possible options that can be included in such a model
- Deterministic trend, seasonality, and holiday components exactly as in additive model
- Represent values as parameters which depend on time
- Linear regression with any set of predictors \(z_t\)
- Can extend to case where coefficients vary over time also
- ARIMA models
- Any ARIMA model has a state space representation
- This is in fact how likelihood for ARIMA models built in standard commands
- Time varying drift
- \(\mu_{t}=\mu_{t-1}+\delta_{t-1}+e_{1t}\), \((\delta_t-D)=\phi (\delta_{t-1}-D)+e_{2t}\)
- Allows local level model to drift upwards or downwards at rate “close to” D
- Seasonality
- Can allow seasonal components to change over time
State Space Representation of ARMA models
- Standard representation has observation depending only on current state
- And state depending on only most recent past state
- Can incorporate longer history by adding states which “store” previous values
- AR(p) model \(y_t=\sum_{j=1}^{p}b_jy_{t-j}+\epsilon_t\)
- Let state be \(x_{t}=[y_t,y_{t-1},\ldots,y_{t-p+1}]^\prime\), \(e_t=[\epsilon_t,0,\ldots,0]\)
- Observation equation is \(y_t=x_{1,t}\): 0 coefficient on all states except current
- State equations for \(x_t\)
- First is \(x_{1,t}=\sum_{j=1}^{p}b_jx_{j,t-1}+\epsilon_t\)
- Each subsequent one is just \(x_{j,t}=x_{j-1,t-1}\) for \(j=2\ldots p\)
- State stores lagged values, and update to next position ensures \(y_{t-j}\) today becomes \(y_{t-j-1}\) tomorrow
- ARMA(p,q) process representation uses similar trick, with more complicated formulas
- Likewise for seasonality: Assume seasonal components sum to 0 on average
- \(s_{1,t}=-\sum_{j=2}^{m}s_{j,t}+e_t\) is first state equation
- Add \(s_{j,t}=s_{j-1,t-1}\) for \(j=2\ldots m\) so seasons rotate on cycle of length \(m\)
Estimation of Linear State Space Models
- With linar gaussian models, each update step in filtering procedure has known formula
- Each conditional density \(p_t(x_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_{t})\) is Gaussian, so update formulas reduce to finding new means and covariances
- Kalman filter formulas are several lines of tedious but computationally straightforward matrix algebra
- If observation and state equation known, filter produces conditional likelihood \(\ell(y_{t+1}|\mathcal{Y}_T)\) to use for forecasting
- If parameters \(\theta\) determining \(A(\theta)\), \(B(\theta)\), \(C(\theta)\), \(D(\theta)\) unknown, filter gives likelihood at each \(\theta\)
- Maximum likelihood: at each \(\theta\), run Kalman filter to produce likelihood, iterating over parameters to find maximizer
- Under usual stationarity and weak dependence, usually chooses \(\widehat{\theta}\) near optimum if \(T\) large
- Like with MA special case, identifiability issues may make solution non-unique, or approximation less precise
- Bayesian case is standard: Given prior \(\pi(\theta)\), posterior \(\propto\ell(\mathcal{Y}_T|\theta)\pi(\theta)\)
- Run Kalman filter inside MCMC sampler to calculate likelihood at each point
- Posterior predictive density \(p(y_{t+1}|\mathcal{Y}_T)\) generated by integrating conditional likelihood over posterior
- Common to choose gaussian priors over coefficients as in other linear models for tractability
- In \(R\), library
executes Kalman filter and MLE for arbitrary model, many functions use special cases
- Library
from Google Data Science provides convenient interface for Bayesian case
- Common components built in, reasonable default priors, and fast samplers
Exponential Smoothing
- Exponential smoothing models are particularly simple class of state space models
- State innovation \(e_t\) and observation innovation \(u_t\) are the same (equivalently, perfectly correlated)
- Allows closed form forecast rule and simple likelihood formula
- Many varieties correspond to different components in rule
- Simple Exponential Smoothing \(y_t=\ell_{t-1}+\epsilon_t\), \(\ell_t=\ell_{t-1}+\alpha\epsilon_t\)
- Like local level model, but dependent shocks give exact updates
- Additive (damped) trend method: \(y_t=\ell_{t-1}+\phi b_{t-1}+\epsilon_t\), \(\ell_t=\ell_{t-1}+\phi b_{t-1}+\alpha\epsilon_t\), \(b_{t}=\phi b_{t-1}+\beta\epsilon_t\)
- Adds drift \(b_t\) to account for trends, with size moving according to AR(1) model
- Seasonal component: \(y_t=\ell_{t-1}+s_{t-m}+\epsilon_t\) \(s_t=s_{t-m}+\gamma\epsilon_t\), \(\ell_t=\ell_{t-1}+\alpha\epsilon_t\)
- Adds seasonal component (with moving size) to account for frequency \(m\) repetitions
- Can also combine seasonal with trend, or change additive to multiplicative
- ets() command estimates by MLE, choosing components by AICc if not specified
- ets is default method in forecast() command
- Flexible enough to capture persistence, seasonality, trends, with few parameters: reasonable choice for short series with not much data
Exercise: Airline Flights
- Look at the state space approach to ETS by applying it to contemporary airline data in a Kaggle notebook
Filtering vs Smoothing
- State space models particularly valuable for their interpretability
- Allow decomposing data into multiple components with known structure
- While not needed for general forecasting, can be useful to recover values of \(x_t\)
- Due to presence of multiple components, exact value cannot be known, but can construct a posterior distribution
- Recovering \(p(\mathcal{X}_T|\mathcal{Y}_T)\) is called smoothing
- Contrasts with filtering, which produces \(p(x_t|\mathcal{Y}_t)\) using only past, and not also future data
- Future observations provide additional information regarding current state
- Smoothing generally computationally complicated, but simple formulas in linear Gaussian case
- Common to present smoothed components as interpretable summary of different parts of series
- Since only obtain density of \(x_t\), not exact value, present means and intervals
Example: State Space Decomposition
- Take Consumer Price Index Inflation as an example for decomposition
- Exhibits large persistent spikes in 1970s which might be hard to capture with stationary ARMA component
- Exponential smoothing can be used to provide simple decomposition
- AICc suggests to choose model with additive damped trend (and no seasonality, as series deseasonalized)
- Unlike generic state space models, because only one shock, can recover components exactly rather than perform smoothing
- Based on this, build less restricted linear state space model and apply Bayesian estimate using BSTS
- Start with “semilocal linear trend” component: exactly ETS model but observation, trend, and drift shocks are independent normal
- Normal prior on slope parameters, inverse gamma on variances
- Fed Funds Rate, primary interest rate set by monetary policy, exhibits similar patterns to inflation series
- Add a dynamic regression component: \(\beta_tFFR_t\) with \(\beta_t=\beta_{t-1}+e_{t}\)
- Reflects possibly changing relationship between policy and outcomes
- With multiple random components, get time series of posterior distributions
library(fredr) #FRED Data
library(fpp2) # Forecasting tools
library(bsts) #Bayesian State Space Models
library(gridExtra) #Graph Display
fredr_set_key("8782f247febb41f291821950cf9118b6") #Key I obtained for this class
#One Year Percent Change in Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers
INFLATION<-fredr(series_id = "CPIAUCSL",units="pc1",vintage_dates = as.Date("2021-04-08"))
#Fed Funds Rate
FEDFUNDS<-fredr(series_id = "FEDFUNDS",vintage_dates = as.Date("2021-04-08"))
#Truncate to same window as Fed Funds Rate
# Estimate Exponential Smoothing Model of Inflation
# Choose components by AICc, estimate parameters by maximum likelihood
#Construct 6 month forecast
Exponential Smoothing Component Decomposition: \(y_t\), \(\ell_t\), \(b_t\)
#Plot components and variance decomposition

# Build a Bayesian State Space Model of Inflation
#Start by adding components to specification object
state.specification = list(), #Initialize with empty list
y=inflation) #Use data to define scale of prior
# Set number of MCMC draws, and number to discard as "burn in" in analysis
#Construct model posterior by MCMC sampling
model <- bsts(inflation, state.specification = ss, niter = niter)
## =-=-=-=-= Iteration 0 Wed May 12 09:33:21 2021 =-=-=-=-=
## =-=-=-=-= Iteration 100 Wed May 12 09:33:22 2021 =-=-=-=-=
## =-=-=-=-= Iteration 200 Wed May 12 09:33:24 2021 =-=-=-=-=
## =-=-=-=-= Iteration 300 Wed May 12 09:33:25 2021 =-=-=-=-=
## =-=-=-=-= Iteration 400 Wed May 12 09:33:26 2021 =-=-=-=-=
## =-=-=-=-= Iteration 500 Wed May 12 09:33:28 2021 =-=-=-=-=
## =-=-=-=-= Iteration 600 Wed May 12 09:33:29 2021 =-=-=-=-=
## =-=-=-=-= Iteration 700 Wed May 12 09:33:31 2021 =-=-=-=-=
## =-=-=-=-= Iteration 800 Wed May 12 09:33:32 2021 =-=-=-=-=
## =-=-=-=-= Iteration 900 Wed May 12 09:33:33 2021 =-=-=-=-=
for (i in 1:niter){
#Remove first 500 draws as burnin
# Make forecast under contingency that fed funds rate stays constant for next 6 months
#Construct posterior predictive distribution by sampling
pred <- predict(model, newdata=newdata,
horizon = 6, burn = burnins)
BSTS Filtered Decomposition into Components
#Time series of posterior distributions for trend and dynamic regression components

BSTS Filtered Coefficients
#Time series of Coefficient posterior distributions

Results and Interpretation
- Changes mostly driven by trend component
- Coefficient on FFR small until ~1980, then rising until stabilizing recently
- Reflects more stable monetary policy post 1970s “Great Inflation”?
- Forecast with regression requires forecasting predictors
- Either use lagged predictors or supplement with additional forecasts
- Here, construct conditional forecasts given Fed Funds Rate stays constant
- Produces conditional posterior predictive distribution
- Point forecasts similar across models, but uncertainty intervals a bit wider for full state space model
- Reflects uncertainty in multiple components added together
BSTS vs ETS Forecasts


Application: Macroeconomic Forecasting with DSGE Models
- Central banks value models which permit both forecasting and interpretation
- State space models with Bayesian priors over equations provide reasonable forecast performance
- Due to flexibility to capture data features but substantial regularization from priors
- Also provide interpretability since components can be backed out by smoothing
- Most central banks now use version where parameterization of model based on economic theory
- “Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium” (DSGE) model solves system of economic equilibrium equations to form a state space model
- Priors over economic parameters used to put priors over coefficients
- Introduced at European Central Bank by Smets & Wouters (2003)
- Forecast performance similar to BVARs, but policymakers find it useful to see which shocks responsible for outcome
- Answers entirely dependent on structure of model, so substantial economic intuition needed to interpret
- Following figure an example: NY Fed DSGE’s latest (Mar 2021) inflation forecasts
- Along with estimate of a latent variable they call “natural rate of interest”, that policymakers care about but is not directly observed
- Comes from multivariate state space model with many components corresponding to macroeconomic relationships
Mar 2021 NY Fed DSGE Forecasts and Estimated State

- State Space Models are structured way to build model from many probabilistic and deterministic components
- Construction of likelihood requires filtering, which is easiest in Linear Gaussian case
- Kalman Filter approach encompasses models which can account for many structural components, additional predictors
- Can use smoothing to construct posterior distribution of components and interpret movements in series
- William Chen, Marco Del Negro, Shlok Goyal, Alissa Johnson, and Andrea Tambalotti. “The New York Fed DSGE Model Forecast—March 2021” (3/31/2021)
- E. E. Holmes, M. D. Scheuerell, and E. J. Ward “Applied Time Series Analysis for Fisheries and Environmental Sciences”
- Text on state space modeling in environmental science, with R libraries for MLE and Bayesian estimation
- Frank Smets and Raf Wouters. “An estimated dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model of the euro area.” Journal of the European economic association 1, no. 5 (2003): 1123-1175.
- First Bayesian DSGE in use by a central bank
- Case studies of state space models for forecasting with BSTS library