- Neural Networks
- Feedforward Networks
- Training
- Regularization
- New Archictectures: Convolutional, Recurrent
- Applications and Evaluation
Neural Networks
- Machine learning methods designed to use high-dimensional data to produce nonlinear prediction rules with good out-of-sample prediction accuracy
- Allows companies and researchers with large, messy data sets, possibly containing nontraditional data like images, text, and audio, and no idea where to start on building a model, to produce good forecasts
- Movie studio wants to know if people will buy tickets to latest blockbuster
- Multinational retailer, like Amazon or Walmart wants to predict sales for each of 100s of 1000s of products
- Why not incorporate data from all products into forecasts?
- More than any other type of method, approach which made this practical is neural networks, or deep learning
- A class of prediction rules with good performance in large data applications
- Basic ideas are quite old (McCulloch & Pitts 1943, Rosenblatt 1958), but massive resurgence in recent years
What is a Neural Network?
- Given data \(\mathcal{Z}_T=\{y_t,X_t\}_{t=1}^{T}\), \(X_t\in\mathbf{X}\subseteq\mathbb{R}^{N}\), \(y_t\in\mathbf{Y}\) want forecast rule \(f:\ \mathbf{X}\to\mathbf{Y}\)
- A neural network is a class \(\mathcal{F}(\Theta)=\{f(,\theta):\ \mathbf{X}\to\mathbf{Y},\ \theta\in\Theta\}\) of nonlinear functions produced by iterated composition of many simple nonlinear functions called neurons
- Single “neuron”: takes a \(K\times 1\) vector \(X\) to scalar \[f_{j}(b_{0,j}+b_{1,j}x_1+b_{2,j}x_2+\ldots+b_{K,j}x_k)\]
- Include a constant \(b_{0,j}\) (the bias) along with \(K\) coefficients on the inputs, called weights
- \(f_j(u)\) is a fixed nonlinear function, e.g. \(\max(u,0)\) (“relu”) or \(\tanh(u)\) or \(\frac{\exp(u)}{1+\exp(u)}\) (“sigmoid”")
- Example: with sigmoid nonlinearity, a single neuron is exactly function fit by a logistic regression
- A layer is a vector of \(J\) neurons, applied to same inputs but with different coefficients: \(F^{(1)}(X)=\{f_j(X)\}_{j=1}^{J}\)
- Parameters of a layer are the \(J\times K+1\) coefficients \(b\) of the individual neurons
- Can take \(J\) dimensional output of one layer as input vector to another layer, repeatedly
- \(Y=F^{(L)}(... F^{(2)}( F^{(1)}(X))))\)
- Result is a deep neural network, and fitting such a model is called deep learning
Fitting a Neural Network
- Given a set of inputs, a neural network is just a class of functions \(\mathcal{F}(\Theta)\)
- We know plenty of things we can do given such a class, some data and a forecasting problem
- Empirical Risk Minimization: find \(\widehat{f}(x)=f(x,\widehat{\theta})\), \(\widehat{\theta}=\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\arg\min}\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\ell(y_t,f(x_t,\theta))\)
- Results for Empirical Risk Minimization apply just as well to this class
- If data is stationary and weak dependent and model class not too complex, excess risk is small
- Here, “not too complex” can be expressed in terms of number \(L\) of layers and number of neurons in each
- With many parameters, may need large data size to get good performance
- Indeed, forecasting performance of Neural AR models (where \(X_t\) contains lags of \(y_t\)) historically not great
- Adds a lot of parameters, creating overfitting, especially in low data applications
- NARX models, where \(X_t\) contains lags of \(y_t\) and other variables, not much better
- As usual, can use penalized risk minimization to help protect against overfitting
- Use as mean function in probability model with prior over parameters for Bayesian Neural Networks
- Methods well known by 1990s, but interest faded until recently, with good performance by modified versions
Modern Neural Networks: What’s New?
- Modern deep learning fad kicked off by Krizhevsky et al (2012), showing unprecedented accuracy with image data
- Many changes from early models: why is performance so much better?
- Bigger Data
- With more observations, overfitting problem reduced while prediction improvement from nonlinearity remains
- Advantage of more complicated model like very deep neural network increases with data
- Architecture
- Basic formula above is a Fully Connected Feedforward Neural Network, the simplest kind.
- Modern approach uses modified forms like Convolutional and Recurrent Networks
- Even more recently, new methods like Attention and Graph neural networks
- Succeed especially with particular data types like images, time series, text, and 3d data, respectively
- Training
- As with trees, for big enough networks, finding exact minimizer with off-the-shelf optimization methods rarely feasible
- Instead use methods like Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) and variants, which provide speed and out-of-sample accuracy gains
- Using backpropagation algorithm and Graphics Processing Units, now faster than other methods on huge data
- Regularization
- In addition to standard L1/L2 penalization, methods like dropout, early stopping, and SGD itself improve generalization
Training by Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Want to approximately minimize \(\widehat{R}(\theta)=\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\ell(y_t,f(x_t,\theta))\) over class of neural networks
- Start with \(\theta^{(0)}\) random (on scale of normalized data), learning rate \(\eta\), and minibatch size \(B\)
- Each step \(k\), randomly draw \(B\) data points \(\{(y_s,x_s)\}_{s=1}^{B}\) without replacement and update parameters
- \(\theta^{(k+1)}=\theta^{(k)}-\eta\frac{1}{B}\sum_{s=1}^{B}\nabla_{f}\ell(y_s,f(x_s,\theta^{(k)}))\nabla_{\theta}f(x_s,\theta^{(k)})\)
- Continue update steps until all of data set used, 1 epoch, then start again, possibly with smaller \(\eta\), and stop after preset number of epochs
- Using \(B\) random data points gives unbiased but noisy estimate of derivative, which is enough to go towards minimum
- Unlike computing exact derivative, don’t have to go through whole giant data set each step: 100s of times faster
- Algorithm same as Online Gradient Descent in random order, but objective not convex, so no exact guarantees
- Randomness seems to help prevent getting stuck in local minima, not true minimum but all local directions point up
- Backpropagation: when calculating gradient \(\nabla_{\theta}f(x_s,\theta^{(k)})\), have to apply chain rule through compositions of layers
- Way faster to compute from output (1 dimension) back to input (N-d) since components used multiple times
- Speed advantages make working with huge data (\(T>10^{7}\)) huge parameter size (millions) possible
- Still very slow: use fast Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) chips, and wait for hours or days
- Common to use adaptive variants that scale learning rate automatically, like Adagrad, Adam, or RMSProp
- Even with fairly big data, neural networks prone to overfit, so regularization needed
- Choose hyperparameters like number/size of layers, L1/L2 penalty, etc by checking accuracy in validation set
- With SGD-like training, number of epochs can be chosen to trade off fit and performance
- Usually see on plot that validation error decreases for early epochs, then levels off or increases
- Can regularize by early stopping: don’t train all the way until empirical risk minimized
- This can be shown to act a lot like L2 penalty, but has obvious speed advantage since you don’t have to wait
- Another popular regularization strategy, to apply at each layer, is dropout (Srivastava et al 2014)
- Within each minibatch, multiply neurons in a layer by independent \(0-1\) Bernoulli(p) random variables
- Acts as if fraction \((1-p)\) of neurons disappeared, so others must update to give good fit without them
- Use all neurons, scaled by \(p\) for prediction (to keep average output size same as in training)
- Many other tricks are used, set based on validation performance
- Result can be good test performance with as many or more parameters as data points
- In fact, SGD alone also acts like regularizer in this overparameterized case
- Of the many minima, seems to select one with better generalization (Zhang et al 2017)
# Load libraries for Neural Networks and Deep learning
# These require installing and accessing Python and several libraries, which can be a major headache
# If not installed, and you don't want to spend several hours at the command line fixing things
# Try running this code in Kaggle environment instead: everything there is preinstalled
library(keras) #Simple syntax for fitting Neural Networks
library(tensorflow) #Programming language and tools for neural networks: what is going on behind the simple Keras code
library(reticulate) #Access to Python, which is language Tensorflow is written in
# Yes, we are going 3 layers of languages deep, from R to Keras to Tensorflow to Python, to run this code
# Subsequent code examples *show* but do not run Keras code in line for each step:
# intialize, write models (feedforward, then recurrent, then recurrent with dropout), train, display results.
Recurrent Networks
- Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are specifically designed to take sequence data as input
- Uses ordering of the data by using output of function as input into same function, along with next observation in sequence
- Applying recurrent unit repeatedly transforms sequence of inputs arbitrary length into output sequence of same length
- Can think of RNN as like a state space model, with deterministic state transition
- Given input sequence \(\{z_{t}\}_{t=1}^{T}\in\underset{t}{\otimes}\mathbb{R}^K\) and initial state \(s_0\) repeatedly iterate \(s_{t+1}=f(s_t,z_t,\theta)\)
- Way to take a sequence as input, produce ordered sequence of states \(\{s_t\}_{t=1}^{T}\) as output
- Can use vector of these transformations, with different coefficients, to produce a recurrent layer
- Can use several recurrent layers to produce deep recurrent network
- Specific nonlinear function \(f(s_t,z_t,\theta)\) can be basic neuron \(f_j(b_0+W_1^{\prime}z_t+W_2^{\prime}s_t)\), or more complicated object
- Popular choices are Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) unit or Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)
- Use final output of repeated iterates \(s_{T+1}\) as forecast or input to next non-recurrent layer
- Or output entire sequence \(\{s_t\}_{t=1}^{T}\) to be used as input for another recurrent layer
- RNNs accomodate variable-length inputs, can take into account long-term dependences, and work with input like text
- Performance very good with LSTM or GRU with enough data and regularization (Karpathy 2015)
Convolutional Networks
- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) encode ordered structure in data by restricting coefficients
- Instead of arbitrary coefficients over entire input space, each convolutional layer applies small number of coefficients repeatedly to overlapping subsets of inputs, called patches, before applying nonlinearity to each output
- For 1d input, eg time series, a patch of length \(k\) is simply an ordered set of observations \((y_{t},y_{t-1},\ldots,y_{t-k})\)
- A filter is a set of coefficients \((b_{1},b_{2},\ldots,b_{k})\) multiplying each patch \(t=k+1,\ldots,T\) in order
- E.g. a filter \((b_1=1,b_2=-1)\) performs differencing: output is \(\{\Delta y_t\}_{t=2}^{T}\)
- Convolutional layer applies a vector of filters to input, then applies nonlinearity, with output an array of series
- Output of a convolutional layer can be passed to another convolutional layer, or a dense or recurrent layer
- Often pass to a pooling layer, which takes ordered blocks of entries and passes block to a single output
- Max pooling takes max of entries in block, Average pooling takes average, etc
- Filters are time invariant, capturing features of series which are same regardless of point in time
- Also use fewer parameters than dense layer in doing so
- 2d convolutions apply filters to 2d patches of images, preserving location-shift invariance
- Major component of good performance in image processing applications
- Typical CNN has several convolutional and pooling layers, then passed into dense layers before prediction
Software and Code
- Neural network modeling requires specifying a lot of aspects, including choice of layers and nodes, nonlinearities, architectures, optimization methods, etc
- Fitting a neural network requires running optimization algorithms which take as input complicated derivative formulas
- Complication means deep learning mainly uses specialized programming languages designed to do all these things
- Especially automatic derivative computation and use of GPU to speed up operations
- Many options, pros and cons of which are source of debates: choose best for your application
- Tensorflow, Torch, MXNet, Theano, CNTK, Keras, Flux, etc
- Here, will show code examples via R interface to Keras (Chollet 2018)
- Simple interface allowing “high level” descriptions of structure, rather than building from scratch
- In background, runs “low level” language like Tensorflow, which specifies functions, calculates gradients, etc
- Low level languages allow setting many nonstandard options, but are much more work for simple methods
- Use neural networks of different types described here for applications from last classes
- The former is a task using independent, unstructured data: try dense feedforward networks and regularized versions
- The latter is a sequence task, so try feedforward case but also recurrent and convolutional approaches
- Display here, but, for speed and memory, all code and analysis hosted on Kaggle notebooks
- Not an in-class exercise because methods too slow to run in short time
- Data fairly small, and even with regularization performance not great in either application
- Can’t really rule out that all methods outperformed by simpler approaches
A Fully Connected Network for Loan Approval Prediction
ffmodel<- keras_model_sequential() %>%
layer_dense(units=32,activation="relu",input_shape=c(59)) %>%
layer_dense(units=32,activation="relu") %>%
- This network has 59 input variables, all passed to 32 neurons with different coefficients with a nonlinear transform
- Then these 32 neuron outputs are passed as inputs into 32 more neurons, with same nonlinear transform
- These then have coefficients on them that enter into a logistic transformation
- Compare logistic regression: would take the inputs and have linear coefficients on them
- We learn a complicated nonlinear transfomation of all inputs along with logit coefficients
Training the model
ffmodel %>% compile(
optimizer = "rmsprop",
- Binary crossentropy loss is just log likelihood of binary output.
- Minimize sequentially by RMSprop, a modified variant of Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Compute percent correctly guessed in validation set
ffhistory <- ffmodel %>% fit(
x = trainfeat, y = y_train,
epochs=20, batch_size=10,
- Use 10 samples of training data at a time, going over whole data set in this way 20 times
- Compute results on validation data
Regularized Models Can Improve on Default
ffmodel5<- keras_model_sequential() %>%
layer_dense(units=30,activation="relu",input_shape=c(59)) %>%
layer_dropout(rate=0.5) %>% #50% chance of dropping each neuron in each batch
layer_dense(units=30,activation="relu") %>%
layer_dropout(rate=0.5) %>% #Add dropout again
ffmodel6<- keras_model_sequential() %>%
layer_dense(units=64, kernel_regularizer = regularizer_l1(0.001),
activation="relu",input_shape=c(59)) %>%
layer_dense(units=64,kernel_regularizer = regularizer_l1(0.001),
activation="relu") %>%
- L1 Penalty seems to improve the most in this example: promotes sparsity of weights
A Recurrent Model
- Apply to predicting industrial production from many other time series
- Each LSTM unit takes in all series and current state, updates state vector, and then state and next observation go into LSTM unit
- Do this with 32 different parameter configurations, spitting out 32 final states for each prediction
- Then put coefficients on each for prediction
- Use dropout on input units, and “recurrent dropout”
- Applies same Bernoulli to output of recurrent nodes in each time step
recmodellstm <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
layer_lstm(units = 32, dropout=0.2, recurrent_dropout=0.2,
input_shape = list(NULL, dim(data)[[-1]])) %>%
layer_dense(units = 1)
- For training, feed pairs of current output and series lagged by \(h\) as input
- SGD can be used, but derivative requires chain rule repeatedly through recurrent unit at each time step
A Mixed Convolutional and Recurrent model
- Needed complicated model to get performance even close to auto.arima on just the outcome series on this data set
- Start with convolutional layers, to learn filters capturing patterns, including dealing with obvious trend
- Filters are length 5, then layer pooled to max of every 3 units
- After 2 such pairs of layers, pass to a recurrent layer, a GRU, to encode sequential ordering
- Use dropout and L1 penalization in every layer to account for huge number of parameters
crmodel2<-keras_model_sequential() %>%
layer_conv_1d(filters=32, kernel_size=5, kernel_regularizer = regularizer_l1(0.001), activation="relu",
input_shape = list(NULL, dim(data)[[-1]])) %>%
layer_max_pooling_1d(pool_size=3) %>%
layer_conv_1d(filters = 32, kernel_size = 5, kernel_regularizer = regularizer_l1(0.001),
activation = "relu") %>%
layer_gru(units = 32, kernel_regularizer = regularizer_l1(0.001), dropout = 0.1, recurrent_dropout = 0.5) %>%
layer_dense(units = 1)
- Final MSE 0.1513 versus 0.00133 for auto.arima on validation set
Mean Squared Error Results, Convnet with Recurrent Layer
Interpreting the Applications
- For time series prediction, plain ARIMA handily beats NARX and simple RNN with either GRU or LSTM nodes, even with regularization
- Starting with a convolutional layer helped, if also well-regularized
- Need CNN to capture patterns, RNN to capture ordering of those patterns
- On non-time series mortgage loan prediction, with many choices, loss is fine, but much more work than random forests
- In general, neural network methods are highly labor intensive
- Search for appropriate tuning, hope that randomness in training doesn’t produce unreliable predictions
- These applications are typical sample sizes for traditional economic or business applications, but small by neural network standards
- May be a better tool with genuine “big data”
- Very large scale businesses find a lot of uses for it, not so smuch small ones
- Amazon, Walmart, AirBnB, Google, Facebook, all use methods internally
- Neural networks are class of nonlinear prediction rules produced by iterated composition of linear and nonlinear functions
- Can estimate predictions by minimizing empirical risk, but need specialized method to approximately minimize
- Iterative methods like Stochastic Gradient Descent push sample loss down bit by bit using part of the data at a time
- Can regularize neural networks to minimize overfitting, by penalization, dropout, or early stopping
- Recurrent networks allow predictions from sequence data in way that acts like nonlinear state space model
- Convolutional networks encode invariances to shifts along the ordering of data, allowing detection of patterns wherever or whenever they show up
- Modern methods have good performance on very large data sets and complicated but structured applications like text, audio, and images
- May do worse than simple methods on small or moderate size data, without substantial search for good specifications
- François Chollet with J.J. Allaire (2018) “Deep Learning with R” Manning Publications
- Guide to using Keras in R. See also “Deep Learning with Python” for Keras in Python
- Andrej Karpathy (2015) “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks”
- Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, & Geoff Hinton (2012) “ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
- Warren McCulloch & Walter Pitts (1943) “A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity” The Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics December, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp 115–133
- Frank Rosenblatt (1958) “The perceptron: a probabilistic model for information storage and organization in the brain” Psychological Review Vol. 65, No. 6 pp 386-408
- N. Srivastava, G. Hinton, A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever, & R. Salakhutdinov (2014) “Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting” Journal of Machine Learning Research Vol 15 pp 1929-1958
- C. Zhang, S. Bengio, M. Hardt, B. Recht, & O. Vinyals (2017) “Understanding deep learning requires rethinking generalization” ICLR