
Neural Networks

What is a Neural Network?

Fitting a Neural Network

Modern Neural Networks: What’s New?

Training by Stochastic Gradient Descent


# Load libraries for Neural Networks and Deep learning
# These require installing and accessing Python and several libraries, which can be a major headache
# If not installed, and you don't want to spend several hours at the command line fixing things
# Try running this code in Kaggle environment instead: everything there is preinstalled

library(keras) #Simple syntax for fitting Neural Networks 
library(tensorflow) #Programming language and tools for neural networks: what is going on behind the simple Keras code
library(reticulate) #Access to Python, which is language Tensorflow is written in 
# Yes, we are going 3 layers of languages deep, from R to Keras to Tensorflow to Python, to run this code

# Subsequent code examples *show* but do not run Keras code in line for each step: 
# intialize, write models (feedforward, then recurrent, then recurrent with dropout), train, display results.

Recurrent Networks

Convolutional Networks

Software and Code


A Fully Connected Network for Loan Approval Prediction

ffmodel<- keras_model_sequential() %>%
    layer_dense(units=32,activation="relu",input_shape=c(59)) %>%
    layer_dense(units=32,activation="relu") %>%

Training the model

ffmodel %>% compile(
    optimizer = "rmsprop",
ffhistory <- ffmodel %>% fit(
    x = trainfeat, y = y_train,
    epochs=20, batch_size=10,


Loss and Accuracy in Training and Validation Data

Loss and Accuracy in Training and Validation Data

Regularized Models Can Improve on Default

ffmodel5<- keras_model_sequential() %>% 
    layer_dense(units=30,activation="relu",input_shape=c(59)) %>%
    layer_dropout(rate=0.5) %>% #50% chance of dropping each neuron in each batch
    layer_dense(units=30,activation="relu") %>%
    layer_dropout(rate=0.5) %>% #Add dropout again
ffmodel6<- keras_model_sequential() %>%
    layer_dense(units=64, kernel_regularizer = regularizer_l1(0.001),
                activation="relu",input_shape=c(59)) %>%
    layer_dense(units=64,kernel_regularizer = regularizer_l1(0.001),
                activation="relu") %>%

A Recurrent Model

recmodellstm <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
    layer_lstm(units = 32, dropout=0.2, recurrent_dropout=0.2,
              input_shape = list(NULL, dim(data)[[-1]])) %>%
    layer_dense(units = 1)

A Mixed Convolutional and Recurrent model

crmodel2<-keras_model_sequential() %>%
    layer_conv_1d(filters=32, kernel_size=5, kernel_regularizer = regularizer_l1(0.001), activation="relu",
                 input_shape = list(NULL, dim(data)[[-1]])) %>%
    layer_max_pooling_1d(pool_size=3) %>%
    layer_conv_1d(filters = 32, kernel_size = 5, kernel_regularizer = regularizer_l1(0.001),
                  activation = "relu") %>%
    layer_gru(units = 32, kernel_regularizer = regularizer_l1(0.001), dropout = 0.1, recurrent_dropout = 0.5) %>%
    layer_dense(units = 1)

Mean Squared Error Results, Convnet with Recurrent Layer

Training and Validation MSE

Training and Validation MSE

Interpreting the Applications

