Empirical Risk Minimization
- Empirical Risk Minimizer \[\widehat{f}^{ERM}(\mathcal{Y}_T)=\underset{f\in\mathcal{F}}{\arg\min}\frac{1}{T-h}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\ell(y_{t+h},f(\mathcal{Y}_t))\]
- Saw in previous classes that empirical risk minimization can do a good job
- Most of the time, loss is small on average with respect to “true” distribution, relative to empirical risk or oracle risk
- If true distribution \(p\in\mathcal{P}\) is stationary and weak dependent and hypothesis class \(\mathcal{F}\) is low complexity
- Today
- Examples of useful hypothesis classes
- Handling (some) cases of nonstationarity, strong dependence
Linear Function Classes
- Let \(\mathcal{Z}_T=\{z_t\}_{t=1}^{T}\), \(z_t\in\mathbb{R}^d\) be some set of “predictor variables”
- \(z_t\) may include
- Lagged values of series to be forecast \(\{y_{t-k}\}_{k=0}^{p}\)
- A constant term \(1\)
- Other variables known at time \(t\) \[\mathcal{F}(\mathbf{Z})=\{f(z)=\sum_{j=1}^dz_j\beta_j:\ \beta\in\mathbb{R}^{d}\}\]
- Most commonly used function class by far in all areas of data analysis
- ERM with linear class goes by many different names
- Square Loss: Ordinary Least Squares Regression
- Absolute Loss: Least Absolute Deviations Regression
- Categorical Cross-Entropy Loss: Logistic Regression
- Role of predictors \(z_t\) is to provide information about \(y_{t+h}\)
- Want \(\mathcal{F}(\mathbf{Z})\) such that oracle risk \(\underset{f\in\mathcal{F}(\mathbf{Z})}{\min}R_p(f)\) is small
- Choose variables such that \(\sum_{j=1}^d\beta_jz_{jt}\) provides good description of \(y_{t+h}\)
- Use intuition, economic theory, and availability of measurements to find predictors
- Past values of \(y_t\) (almost) always available and often closely associated
- Economically relevant variables depend on context
- Often \(y_t\) related to other variables by accounting identity, e.g. \(y_t=z_{1t}+z_{2t}\) by definition
- Note that we need to predict \(y_{t+h}\) using \(z_t\), not \(z_{t+h}\)
- Can use past but not contemporaneous values, so knowing \(y_t\) depends on \(z_t\) not enough
- Can help to use multiple lags of \(z_t\)
- Also want class such that generalization error is small
- Depends on sample size, model complexity, and dependence
- If sample small or strongly dependent, use simpler class
- All predictors need to satisfy stationarity and weak dependence: not just \(y_t\)
- Best class for ERM usually not class minimizing oracle risk
Nonlinear predictors
- Using a linear function class does not require linear relationship between variables
- Can include nonlinear transformations of variables \(z_t\) as predictors \[\Phi(z_t)=\{\phi_j(z_t)\}_{j=1}^J\]
- Class becomes \(\mathcal{F}(\Phi(\mathbf{Z}))=\sum_{j=1}^{J}\beta_j\phi_j(z_t)\)
- Examples:
- Polynomials: \(\phi_j(z)=z^{j-1}\)
- Multivariate polynomials: \(\phi_{j}(z)=z_1^{j_1}\cdot z_2^{j_2}\cdot\ldots z_d^{j_d}\)
- Piecewise polynomials (splines): \(\phi_{jk}(z)=z^k1\{t_{j-1}<z<t_{j}\}\)
- Trigonometric functions (Fourier): \(\phi_{j}(z)=cos(\pi jz)\)
- Etc: Anything else you can think of!
- Extremely general relationships can be modeled this way
- Model complexity can blow up if many nonlinear terms used
- In multivariate case, # of parameters exponential in \(d\)
- Run into overfitting problems very quickly: can do very badly in practice
Linear regression
- Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression solves ERM for square loss and linear function class \[\widehat{\beta}=\underset{\beta\in\mathbb{R}^d}{\arg\min}\frac{1}{T-h}\sum_{t=1}^{T-h}(y_{t+h}-\sum_{j=1}^dz_{jt}\beta_j)^2\]
- Implementation: minimizer has known formula
- For case where predictors are past values, have
, Ar
- For general predictors \(z_t\), use
(or tslm
or dynlm
when working with lags)
#Select coefficients (b0,b1,b2,b3) by minimizing square loss
#Produce forecasts by evaluating regression function at latest values
#AR(2) forecast
Application: GDP Growth Forecasting
- The US Bureau of Economic Analysis collects aggregate economic data in the National Income and Product Accounts
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is measure of the market value of total output in the US economy
- Used as a measure of aggregate economic activity in all areas
- Forecasts used by policymakers and businesses to plan for level of expenditures
- Composed, by definition, of sum of Consumption + Investment + Government Spending + Net Exports
- Predict quarterly log changes using lagged change and lags of changes in components (exclude one for redundancy) \[\underset{\beta\in\mathbb{R}^5}{\min}\frac{1}{T-1}\sum_{t=1}^{T-1}(\Delta Y_{t+1}-(\beta_0+\beta_1\Delta Y_{t}+\beta_2\Delta C_{t}+\beta_3\Delta I_{t}+\beta_4\Delta G_{t}))^2\]
##Empirical example: GDP and Recession forecasting
library(fredr) #Access FRED, the Federal Reserve Economic Data
library(fpp2) #Analysis and manipulation functions for forecasting
library(dynlm) #Linear Model for Time Series Data
library(quantreg) #quantile Regression
fredr_set_key("8782f247febb41f291821950cf9118b6") #Key I obtained for this class
#US GDP components
GDP<-fredr(series_id = "GDP",
observation_start = as.Date("1947-01-01"),
vintage_dates = as.Date("2021-02-27")) #Gross Domestic Product
#US GDP components from NIPA tables (cf http://www.bea.gov/national/pdf/nipaguid.pdf)
PCEC<-fredr(series_id = "PCEC",
observation_start = as.Date("1947-01-01"),
vintage_dates = as.Date("2021-02-27")) #Personal consumption expenditures
FPI<-fredr(series_id = "FPI",
observation_start = as.Date("1947-01-01"),
vintage_dates = as.Date("2021-02-27")) #Fixed Private Investment
CBI<-fredr(series_id = "CBI",
observation_start = as.Date("1947-01-01"),
vintage_dates = as.Date("2021-02-27")) #Change in Private Inventories
NETEXP<-fredr(series_id = "NETEXP",
observation_start = as.Date("1947-01-01"),
vintage_dates = as.Date("2021-02-27")) #Net Exports of Goods and Services
GCE<-fredr(series_id = "GCE",
observation_start = as.Date("1947-01-01"),
vintage_dates = as.Date("2021-02-27")) #Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment
#Format the series as quarterly time series objects, starting at the first date
gdp<-ts(GDP$value,frequency = 4,start=c(1947,1),names="Gross Domestic Product")
pcec<-ts(PCEC$value,frequency = 4,start=c(1947,1),names="Consumption")
fpi<-ts(FPI$value,frequency = 4,start=c(1947,1),names="Fixed Investment")
cbi<-ts(CBI$value,frequency = 4,start=c(1947,1),names="Inventory Growth")
invest<-fpi+cbi #Private Investment
netexp<-ts(NETEXP$value,frequency = 4,start=c(1947,1),names="Net Exports")
gce<-ts(GCE$value,frequency = 4,start=c(1947,1),names="Government Spending")
# ## Plot Data
# autoplot(gdp, series="Gross Domestic Product")+
# autolayer(pcec,series="Consumption")+
# autolayer(invest,series="Investment")+
# autolayer(netexp,series="Net Exports")+
# autolayer(gce,series="Government Spending")+
# ggtitle("US GDP and NIPA Components") +
# ylab("Billions of Dollars")+xlab("Date")+
# guides(colour=guide_legend(title="NIPA Component"))
## Predict using OLS on lagged predictors
#Restate as aligned variables of same length
#ldnetexp<-window(lag(diff(netexp),-1),end=c(2020,4)) #Exclude net exports, which is sometimes negative
#Predict using OLS
#Collect Q42020 Data for Q12021 Forecast
last<-length(diff(pcec)) #Index of last observation for all series, Q4 2020
#Use OLS to predict GDP growth from lagged component growth
#Predict value for 2021Q1, using 2020Q4 data
Loss Guarantees for OLS
- Bayes forecast for square loss is (conditional) expectation \(m^*(\mathcal{Z}_T):=E_p[y_{t+h}|\mathcal{Z}_T]\)
- Oracle forecast rule solves \(\underset{f\in\mathcal{F}(\mathbf{Z})}{\min}E_p[(m^*(\mathcal{Z}_T)-f(\mathcal{Z}_T))^2]\)
- OLS approximates conditional mean: oracle risk smallest when \(\mathcal{F}(\mathbf{Z})\) contains this
- For any \(p\in\mathcal{P}\) such that \((y_{t+h},z_t)\) stationary and mixing with finite variance
- Probability that excess risk relative to oracle exceeds any fixed constant \(c\) goes to 0 as \(T\to\infty\)
- p((\(\frac{1}{T-h}\sum_{t=1}^{T-h}(y_{t+h}-\sum_{j=1}^dz_{jt}\widehat{\beta}^{\text{OLS}}_j)^2-\underset{f\in\mathcal{F}}{\min}E_p[(y_{t+h}-\sum_{j=1}^dz_{jt}\beta_j)^2])>c)\overset{T\to\infty}{\to}0\)
- Above conditions do not say anything about finite \(T\) excess risk
- Uniform bounds require stronger conditions
- Problem is that \(\mathcal{F}\) unbounded: predictions could be anywhere
- A claim: “Its performance is… typically poor in most applications” (Mohri et al 2018, p276)
- Depends on the use case: often a strong performer in economic data
- Simplicity, interpretability, ease of use make it popular method
Least Absolute Deviations regression
- LAD regression solves ERM for absolute (MAE) loss and linear function class \[\widehat{\beta}=\underset{\beta\in\mathbb{R}^d}{\arg\min}\frac{1}{T-h}\sum_{t=1}^{T-h}\left|y_{t+h}-\sum_{j=1}^dz_{jt}\beta_j\right|\]
- Absolute Error weights small forecast errors more and large forecast errors less than square loss
- Predictions tolerate more large errors but do better with typical case
- Can show (won’t prove) that best predictor is the (conditional) median of \(y\) given \(z\)
- P(y<=median(y|z)|z)=P(y>=median(y|z)|z)=0.5
- Searches for a value so you are as likely to be wrong above as below
- Implementation: minimizer computable by fast algorithm as a special case of quantile regression
- Use
command in library quantreg
#Select coefficients (b0,b1,b2,b3,b4) by minimizing absolute loss
#Produce forecasts by evaluating regression function at latest values
Application: Comparison of LAD and OLS Forecasts
- Forecasts of log GDP growth in 2021Q1
- OLS: 0.0165646
- LAD: 0.0140319,
#Table of results
"Delta log(Y_{t-1})","Delta log(C_{t-1})","Delta log(I_{t-1})",
"Delta log(G_{t-1})"),
caption="Coefficients for ERM in GDP Growth Forecast")
Coefficients for ERM in GDP Growth Forecast
Delta log(Y_{t-1})
Delta log(C_{t-1})
Delta log(I_{t-1})
Delta log(G_{t-1})
- Predictions are fairly similar, but not the same
- Weight different events differently
- Bigger differences can occur if median far from mean
Log GDP Growth and OLS vs LAD Predictions
#Contemporaneous Predictions
autoplot(dgdp,series="Log GDP Growth")+
autolayer(LADfcsts,series="LAD Forecasts")+
autolayer(OLSfcsts,series="OLS Forecasts")+
ggtitle("Past GDP Growth Forecasts") +
ylab("Log Change (Billions of Dollars)")+xlab("Date")+

Binary Prediction
- \(y_t\) a binary (0,1) variable: 1 if something happened, 0 if it didn’t
- Recession or no recession, default or no default, buy or don’t buy
- Could use loss function which is small if prediction right, large if wrong
- 0-1 Loss: \(0\) if \(\widehat{y}_t=y_t\), \(1\) if \(\widehat{y}_t\neq y_t\)
- Useful if forecast must be a classifier: make binary decision based on outcome
- Alternately: allow forecasts \(\widehat{y}\in[0,1]\) and use loss based on closeness to \(y\)
- Useful if goal is to learn probability of outcome
- Categorical cross-entropy loss \(\ell(y,\widehat{y})=y\log(\widehat{y})+(1-y)\log(1-\widehat{y})\)
- 0 if \(\widehat{y}=y\), \(\infty\) if \(\widehat{y}=1-y\)
- \(E_p[\ell(y,\widehat{y})]\) minimized at \(\widehat{y}=p(y=1)\)
- Brier score is name given to square loss for binary prediction
- \(E_p[(y-\widehat{y})^2]\) also minimized at \(\widehat{y}=p(y=1)\)
- Can turn \(\widehat{y}\in[0,1]\) to classifier \(\in\{0,1\}\) by thresholding
- Predict \(1\{\widehat{y}>c\}\), usually for \(c=0.5\)
Logistic Regression
- To make prediction in \([0,1]\), apply monotone transformation \(F:\ \mathbb{R}\to[0,1]\) to linear predictor class
- Typical choice: Logistic (or softmax) function \(F(x)=\frac{\exp(x)}{1+\exp(x)}\)
- Apply ERM to loss \(y\log(F(f))+(1-y)\log(1-F(f))\)
- Logistic regression solves ERM for cross-entropy loss and softmax applied to linear function class \[\widehat{\beta}=\underset{\beta\in\mathbb{R}^d}{\arg\min}\frac{1}{T-h}\sum_{t=1}^{T-h}(y_{t+h}\log(F(\sum_{j=1}^dz_{jt}\beta_j))+(1-y_{t+h})\log(1-F(\sum_{j=1}^dz_{jt}\beta_j)))\]
- Implementation: minimizer computable by fast algorithm
- Use
command with option family=binomial(link="logit")
#Select coefficients (b0,b1,b2,b3) by minimizing categorical cross-entropy loss
#Produce forecasts by evaluating regression function at latest values
Application: Recession Forecasting
- A recession is a period of sustained economic contraction
- Characterized informally as “a sequence of two or more quarters of negative output growth”
- Official dates are declared by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Business Cycle Dating Committee
- Monthly \((0,1)\) variable going back to 1854
- Use logistic regression with 2 lags of past indicator as predictors
#The NBER recession indicator has FRED ID "USREC"
#1 in NBER declared recession, 0 in any other date
USREC<-fredr(series_id = "USREC",
vintage_dates = as.Date("2021-02-27"))
usrec<-ts(USREC$value,frequency=12,start=c(1854,12)) #Convert to time series
#Produce lagged values
## (Intercept) l1usrec l2usrec
## -3.672571 20.854996 -14.427029
- Coefficients go into softmax function to produce a probability of recession
- Being in a recession this month predicts higher chance next month
- But being in a recession two months ago predicts lower chance
Recessions, Predicted and Observed
autoplot(usrec,series="NBER Recession Indicator")+
autolayer(recessionprobs,series="Predicted Probability of Recession")+
ggtitle("NBER Recessions and Logit Autoregression Forecasted Probabilities") +
ylab("Probability of Recession")+xlab("Date")+

What if my data isn’t stationary or weak dependent?
- Principle of ERM relies on assumptions
- Future data will be like past data
- Sample averages are good approximation of future averages
- There are infinite ways this can be violated
- Nothing says that data that looks “well behaved” now will continue to be so in the future
- If this is a major concern, there is little the statistical approach can offer
- Online learning approach (much later) can help, but only by changing objective
- Often, we face slightly simpler problems
- Stationarity or weak dependence fail, but in detectable and correctable ways
- At least for these, important to check and perform the needed corrections
Nonstationary probability models
- A probability model \(p\) is nonstationary if \(p(y_{t})\neq p(y_{s})\)
- Distribution \(p_t(y_t)\) depends on time \(t\)
- Goal becomes to find rule \(f_{t}\) to achieve small time-dependent risk \[R_{p_{T+h}}(f):=E_{p_{T+h}}\ell(y_{T+h},f_{T}(\mathcal{Y}_T))\]
- One model of nonstationarity: additive components model
- \(y_t=\tilde{y}_t+T(t)\), \(\tilde{y}_t\sim\tilde{p}(.)\) stationary and weak dependent, \(T(t)\) a deterministic function of time
- If \(\log(y_t)\) is additive components model, call it multiplicative components model
- Examples
- Linear Trend: \(T(t)=ct\) for a constant \(c\)
- Deterministic Seasonality: \(T(t)=\sum_{j=1}^{k}a_j1\{t\mod k=j\}\) (eg, add \(a_j\) in month \(j\))
- Structural breaks: \(T(t)=c\cdot 1\{T\geq k\}\) for constant c, break date \(k\)
- Outliers: \(T(t)=c1\{T=k\}\) add c at date \(k\)
- Smooth Trend: \(T(t)\) is an arbitrary “smooth” (eg 2x differentiable) function
Restoring stationarity
- If way that distribution depends on time is known, can use this to make predictions
- One possible solution: find invertible transform \(\tilde{\mathcal{Y}}_t=T(\mathcal{Y}_t,t)\) so that \(\tilde{\mathcal{Y}}_t\) is stationary
- In additive components model, just subtract nonstationary part \(T(t)\)
- \(\tilde{y}_t=y_t-T(t)\) is stationary and weak dependent
- Goes by different names depending on form of nonstationarity
- Detrending, deseasonalizing, break removal
- Other models may require other transformations
- Differencing: \(\Delta y_t=y_{t}-y_{t-1}\)
- Turns linear trends into constant \(\Delta(ct)=c\), random walk \(y_{t}=y_{t-1}+e_{t}\) into \(e_t\), stationary series
- Double (triple, etc) differencing \(\Delta^{k}y_t=\Delta\Delta\ldots\Delta{y}_t\)
- Removes linear and quadratic (cubic, etc) trends
- If difference of series is a random walk, double difference is stationary
- Seasonal differencing: \(y_{t}-y_{t-k}\)
- Removes additive seasonality at frequency \(k\)
Applying ERM with detrending
- Detrended ERM Procedure
- Detrend data \(\tilde{\mathcal{Y}}_T=\{\tilde{y}_t\}_{t=1}^{T}\)
- Apply ERM to detrended data \(\widehat{f}^{ERM}(\tilde{\mathcal{Y}}_T)=\underset{f\in\mathcal{F}}{\arg\min}\frac{1}{T-h}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\ell(\tilde{y}_{t+h},f(\tilde{\mathcal{Y}}_t))\)
- Add trend back to make prediction \(\widehat{y}_{T+h}=\widehat{f}^{ERM}(\tilde{\mathcal{Y}}_T)+T(T+h)\)
- Suppose loss function depends only on distance \(\ell(x,y)=\ell(x-y,0)\)
- True for square loss, absolute loss, etc
- Then \(E_{p_{T+h}}\ell(y_{T+h},\widehat{y}_{T+h})\) \(=E_{p}\ell(y_{T+h}-T(T+h),\widehat{f}^{ERM}(\tilde{\mathcal{Y}}_T))\) \(=E_{p}\ell(\tilde{y}_{T+h},\widehat{f}^{ERM}(\tilde{\mathcal{Y}}_T))\)
- Result: risk guarantees for \(y_t\) are same as those for \(\tilde{y}_t\), which satisfies usual ERM conditions
What if source of nonstationarity not known?
- In some cases, theory or prior knowledge tells you about trend
- Stock variables likely to contain linear trends or random walk behavior
- Efficient Market Hypothesis: Prices in financial markets are random walks
- Solution: forecast differences instead of levels!
- Add differences back to get levels if needed
- In other cases, some parameters \(\theta\) of trend \(T(t,\theta)\) not known
- Slope \(c\) of linear trend \(ct\), size \(a_j\) of month/quarter seasonal effects,etc
- Posssible solution: estimate \(T(t,\theta)\) by procedure \(T(.,\widehat{\theta})\) using data
- Method 1: detrend then apply ERM
- Estimate trend \(\widehat{\theta}=\underset{\theta}{\arg\min}\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\ell(y_t,T(t,\theta))\)
- Run ERM on approximate detrended data \(\widehat{f}^{ERM}(\tilde{\mathcal{Y}}_T)=\underset{f\in\mathcal{F}}{\arg\min}\frac{1}{T-h}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\ell(y_{t+h}-T(.,\widehat{\theta}),f(\mathcal{Y}_t-T(.,\widehat{\theta})))\)
- Method 2: Apply ERM including trend
- \((\widehat{f}^{ERM}(\tilde{\mathcal{Y}}_T),\widehat{\theta})=\underset{(f\in\mathcal{F},\theta)}{\arg\min}\frac{1}{T-h}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\ell(y_{t+h},f(\mathcal{Y}_t)+T(.,\theta))\)
- Joint procedure extremely easy to implement for linear model class
- Just add \(T(.,\theta)\) to regression equation
- Commands
, tslm
can include linear trend, seasonality, etc in ordinary least squares formula
#OLS with prediction rule b_0+b1*z1_t+b2*y_{t-1}+c*t+sum(a_j*season_j)
- Or just create variables and include in prediction equation
When does this method work?
- For ERM under usual conditions, do not have to assume that model \(\mathcal{F}\) is “correct”
- Here “correct” means \(\mathcal{F}\) contains the Bayes forecast rule
- Still approach best risk in class \(\mathcal{F}\)
- In nonstationary case do need transformation \(T(t)\) to be the correct one
- If \(T(t)\) known exactly \(\tilde{y}_t=y_t-T(t)\) is stationary
- If \(\widehat{T}(t)\) is approximated, \(\widehat{\tilde{y}}_t=y_t-\widehat{T}(t)\) is not stationary
- ERM applied with approximate detrending does not have same guarantees
- Most straightforward problem: error from \(\widehat{T}(T+h)-T(t+h)\) added
- Harder problem: if stationarity not exact, chosen \(f\) may be affected
- Hard to show general results, but in many cases, additional approximation error is small
- Linear (or polynomial) trends and seasonality known to have small effect on error of OLS
- Bonus slides give some sufficient conditions on \(\ell\), \(\mathcal{F}\), \(\widehat{T}(.)\) for small error
- In other cases additional approximation error known to be a big problem
- Especially for smooth trends (cf Hamilton 2018)
- ERM with linear hypotheses provides simple and interpretable forecasting tool
- Can accomodate past values, external predictors, and nonlinearities
- Performance usually okay with larger samples
- If data stationary and model not too complicated
- Transforming, deseasonalizing, detrending, etc can be used to get back to stationarity
- If nonstationaity takes additive form, this can be added as variable in linear predictor
- James Hamilton “Why You Should Never Use the Hodrick-Prescott Filter” Review of Economics and Statistics 100 (December 2018): 831-843.
- Explains some serious problems that can arise for forecasting when using a smoothing spline to approximate a smooth trend (A process called “the Hodrick-Prescott Filter” by economists)
Bonus Slide: Risk From Approximate Detrending
- Consider additive components model \(y_t=\tilde{y}_t+T(t)\)
- Assume \(\widehat{T}(.)\) converges to \(T(t)\) with high probability in \(p\)
- w.p. \(1-\delta\), \(\underset{t\in1\ldots T+h}{\max}\left|\widehat{T}(t)-T(t)\right|\leq b(\delta,T)\overset{T\to\infty}{\to}0\)
- Use some method to get uniformly accurate trend estimates
- Let \(\ell(y,\widehat{y})=\ell(y-\widehat{y},0)\) be \(L_1\)-Lipschitz
- \(\left|\ell(x+a,0)-\ell(x,0)\right|\leq L_1\left|a\right|\) for all \(x,a\)
- Permits absolute loss but not square loss
- Let all \(f\in\mathcal{F}\) be \(L_2\) Lipschitz in all \(d\) arguments
- Permits linear predictors if coefficients bounded
- Want to bound excess risk of post-detrending predictor relative to oracle with known \(T(t)\) and distribution \(p\)
Bonus Slide 2: Proof of Bound
- Consider approximate detrended empirical risk minus exactly detrended empirical risk \[\underset{f\in\mathcal{F}}{\min}\frac{1}{T-h}\sum_{t=1}^{T-h}\ell(y_{t+h},f(\{y_s-\widehat{T}(s)\}_{s=1}^{t})+\widehat{T}(t+h))-\underset{f\in\mathcal{F}}{\min}\frac{1}{T-h}\sum_{t=1}^{T-h}\ell(y_{t+h},f(\{y_s-T(s)\}_{s=1}^{t})+T(t+h))\]
- Difference in min bounded by max of difference \[\leq \underset{f\in\mathcal{F},t\in1\ldots T}{\sup}\left|\ell(y_{t+h},f(\{y_s-\widehat{T}(s)\}_{s=1}^{t})+\widehat{T}(t+h)-\ell(y_{t+h},f(\{y_s-T(s)\}_{s=1}^{t})-T(t+h)\right|\]
- By Lipschitz conditions bound by \(\leq (dL_1L_2+1)\underset{t\in1\ldots T+h}{\max}\left|\widehat{T}(t)-T(t)\right|\)
- Add and subtract exactly detrended empirical risk to bound excess risk by \((dL_1L_2+1)\underset{t\in1\ldots T+h}{\max}\left|\widehat{T}(t)-T(t)\right|+\) \[(\underset{f\in\mathcal{F}}{\min}\frac{1}{T-h}\sum_{t=1}^{T-h}\ell(y_{t+h},f(\{y_s-T(s)\}_{s=1}^{t})+T(t+h))-\underset{f\in\mathcal{F}}{\min}E_{p}[\ell(y_{T+h},f(\{y_s-T(s)\}_{s=1}^{T})+T(T+h))])\]
- Last term is excess risk of ERM for exactly detrended data
- Bounded with high probability by standard ERM inequality under usual assumptions
- First term bounded with high probability by (uniform) consistency of detrending method