- Additive components models
- Motivation and Application
- Web forecasting
- Additive models at Facebook
Probability models for forecasting
- Data sequence \(\mathcal{Y}_{T+h}=\{y_t\}_{t=1}^{T+h}\)
- Features described by a probability model \(\{p(\mathcal{Y}_{T+h}|\theta):\ \theta\in\Theta\}\)
- Probability approach uses information on these features to build a forecast
- Given \(\theta\), forecast distribution given by conditional likelihood \(p(y_{T+h}|\mathcal{Y}_T,\theta)\)
- With Bayesian approach, information about \(\theta\) encoded in posterior \(\pi(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T):=\frac{p(\mathcal{Y}_T|\theta)\pi(\theta)}{\int_{\Theta}p(\mathcal{Y}_T|\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta}\)
- Use prior \(\pi(\theta)\) to express weight on different features
- Forecast distribution given by posterior predictive distribution \(p(y_{T+h}|\mathcal{Y}_T)=\int_{\Theta}p(y_{T+h}|\mathcal{Y}_T,\theta)\pi(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)d\theta\)
- For probability approach, model must describe data sufficiently well that conditional likelihood encodes all relevant information about future from past
- Requires encoding detailed information about data properties in \(\theta\)
- Goal today: introduce one class of probability models that can be used for this
Additive Components Models
- Simple but flexible model way to build a probability model describing different features of a series
- Build model out of simple components, each of which describes one aspect of data
- Trend, Seasonality, Cycle, or others as needed: breaks, external predictors, etc
- Each component may itself be built of smaller subcomponents
- Seasonality may have annual, monthly, daily components, etc
- Each observation \(y_t\) is sum of the several components
- \(y_t=\sum_{j=1}^{J}\theta_j(t)\)
- A multiplicative components model is an additive components model of \(\log y_t\)
- Each component \(\theta_j(t)\) is a sequence, a function of time \(t\)
- It may be fixed: dependent only on time
- Or it may be random: itself described by a probability model
- Each component may have parameters which describe size or shape of that feature
- Mix and match components to model very different types of data
- By recovering components separately, can interpret movements of series
Application: Web Forecasting at Facebook
- Large internet companies like Facebook have cost and revenue streams that depend on usage of their services
- Need to anticipate traffic on large number of sites, which may exhibit diverse patterns, at daily or higher frequency, with usually a few years of data at most
- Have large internal data science team which may need to quickly adapt forecasts to new or different products and communicate them across the company
- Approach: developed forecasting tool, Prophet (
in R)
- Allows simply building additive models which exhibit common features of daily web traffic data
- Built on Stan, contains
- Likelihoods for several common additive components
- Adjustable priors with defaults corresponding to reasonable values for commonly seen web series
- Options for fast MAP fit or slow MCMC if full uncertainty estimates needed
Example Web Series, with Features Labeled
- Goal is to forecast series like these (number of Facebook events created per day)
- Series exhibits features which should be accounted for in a model
Seasonal Components
- Most unprocessed economic series have (fairly) regular variation at fixed frequencies
- Day of the week, month or quarter of the year, etc
- A seasonal component describes this regular seasonal variation
- Simplest form: for series with \(P\) observations per year, use a constant for each frequency
- \(s(t):=\sum_{p=1}^{P}a_p1\{t\mod P=p\}\)
- E.g., for monthly data \(P=12\), add \(a_1\) in January, \(a_2\) in February. For daily data \(P\approx365\), \(a_1\) for January 1st, \(a_2\) for January 2nd
- Educational sites visted more during school year, leisure sites more outside of it
- If each period has regular subperiods, can also fit to regular subperiods
- \(s_2(t)=\sum_{l=1}^{7}b_l1\{day(t)=l\}\) can model a “weekly” effect, with a value for each day of the week
- Some sites mostly visited on weekdays, others on weekends, etc
- \(s_3(t)=\sum_{h=1}^{24}c_h1\{hour(t)=l\}\) can model a “daily” effect, with a value for each time within a day
- Web traffic larger while people awake, more at certain hours of the day, etc
- Add subcomponents together \(s_1(t)+s_2(t)+s_3(t)+\ldots\) to model regular variation correponding to particular periods
- For any future date, forecast from seasonal component is that regular pattern will continue
Fitting Seasonal Components
- Size of each period-level effect is a parameter that must be fit from data
- Can have difficulty fitting if length \(T\) of series short and frequency \(P\) large
- With 3 years of data, only have 3 observations of a particular (month/quarter/date)
- Especially with daily data, have huge number of parameters and not much data for each
- For statistical approach, may have substantial overfitting, for Bayesian approach, forecast may be driven mostly by choice of prior
- A solution: share information across frequencies
- Idea is that seasonal patterns may be smooth: February 27 and February 28 effects maybe not identical, but probably close
- Implementation: Model \(s_j(t)\) as sum of \(N\) Fourier Components: Sines and Cosines
- \(s(t)=\sum_{n=1}^{N}\left(a_n\cos(\frac{2\pi nt}{P})+b_n\sin(\frac{2\pi nt}{P})\right)\), with \((a_n,b_n)\overset{iid}{\sim}N(0,\sigma^2)\) prior
- Let \(N<<P\) to use only smoothly changing low frequency components: Prophet uses \(N=10\) for yearly, \(N=3\) for weekly by default
- Alternately, can use prior alone to achieve similar smoothing effect
- Allow coefficients of neighboring periods \(a_p\), \(a_{p+1}\) to have correlated prior, like Multivariate Gaussian
- \(a_p\sim N(0,\sigma^2)\) for each \(p\), \(Cov(a_p, a_{p+s})=M\exp(-\theta s^2)\) for each \(s\)
- Hyperparameters \((M,\theta)\) determine how far apart sharing is done, acting like \(N\) in Fourier approach
- Due to correlation, high value one day will increase posterior of high value of nearby ones
- Sometimes have particular periods \((D_1,\ldots,D_L)\), like holidays, which are important for series
- These can be regularly spaced, like Christmas in Gregorian calendar, which is always 12/25
- Or they can be irregularly spaced, like Eid-al-Fitr or Superbowl Sunday
- Either determined by alternate calendar or fixed but non-regular procedure
- If behavior of series likely to differ in these periods, include in another component
- \(h(t)=\sum_{l=1}^{L}\kappa_l 1\{t\in D_l\}\) (with, e.g., independent normal prior on each \(\kappa_l\))
- If irregularly spaced, holiday effect accounts for features specifically due to timing of particular event
- Even if regularly spaced, useful when seasonal trend is smooth to allow spike distinct from smooth variation
- If seasonal effect already includes a day effect, regular holidays redundant
- “December 25th effect” and “Christmas Effect” both give identical explanation
- Not a problem for predictions, since identical, but can’t measure components separately
- If a prior is used, assignment to each determined only by prior
- Can supply list of holidays relevant to own application, or use common list, as built into Prophet
Trend Components
- To match long run growth or change, need component which matches this pattern
- Regularity across observations is needed because one does not have multiple observations at each level
- One solution: use a parametric trend with known pattern
- Linear trend \(g(t)=ct\) for some \(c\) if increasing at same rate \(c\) over time
- Can use polynomial trend \(g(t)=c_1+c_2t+c_3t^2+\ldots\) to allow growth to be smoothly varying with time
- Use data and theory to construct trend which allows extrapolating into future
- A linear trend will grow into the future at the same rate always without stopping
- A quadratic trend will have growth rate increasing (or decreasing) at the same rate into the future forever
- High order polynomial trends can be dangerous, especially for long-term forecasts
- Fit uses high order part to match up and down patterns in current data, but this is also main determinant of far future prediction
- Fine if this link is desired (or forecast is short term), otherwise use caution
Logistic Curves and Product Forecasting
- May be better to forecast trend with long-term properties matching theory
- Many series are definitionally or logically bounded, because number of users cannot exceed population
- Trend may exhibit fast or increasing growth in early periods, but must level off over time
- Simple logistic curve exhibits these features
- \(g(t)=\frac{C}{1+\exp(-k(t-m))}\) where \(C\) is maximum capacity, \(k\) is growth rate, and \(m\) determines when growth starts
- Commonly used in modeling how new products get adopted since Griliches (1957) on Hybrid Corn
- Can choose between linear or logistic trend in Prophet with
or growth='linear'

Technology adoption typically shows logistic shape
library(prophet) #Additive components
library(fpp2) #Forecasting, etc
library(ggplot2) #Plotting
library(dplyr) #Data manipulation
entitytokeep<-c("Computer","Ebook reader","Electric power","Landline","Microwave","Radio",
"Automobile","Colour TV","Household refrigerator","Social media usage",
techseries<-filter_at(techadopt,"Entity",any_vars(. %in% entitytokeep))
ggtitle("Technology Adoption in the United States",
subtitle="Source: OurWorldinData.org")+ylab("Adoption Rate")

Breaks and Changepoints
- Many series exhibit large and sudden discrete changes in the process
- A site or product redesign may result in rapid growth or immediate stagnation or decline
- Media attention may spark sudden burst of activity
- These can be modeled as a change in the parameters of the trend process
- Have \(S\) changes at times \(\{s_j\}_{j=1}^J\) where parameter changes by \(\delta_j\)
- May have breaks: discontinuous jump in trend
- Or changes: level stays the same but new slope or rate afterwards
- May involve simultaneous parameter adjustments to preserve continuity
- Fixed vs random modeling of changepoints affects forecasts substantially
- Fixed: Times \(s_j\) and sizes \(\delta_j\) are parameters of trend process
- Once estimated, future forecast uses final value of trend to extrapolate
- Random: Changes \(\delta_j\) drawn from a process, and future trend may also change
- Example process: Every period, \(\delta_j=0\) w.p. \(\alpha\) , \(\delta_j\sim \text{Laplace}(0,\tau)\) w.p. \(1-\alpha\)
- Parameter \(\alpha\) determines frequency of changes, \(\tau\) determines size: priors over both adjust how close trend sticks to linear or logistic curve
- 0 mean changes means center of forecast uses latest value of trend, but uncertainty increases over time
Flexible Trends
- Many aggregate or financial economic series exhibit slow long term movements hard to describe by simple shape
- May want to allow trend component \(g(t)\) to take form of smooth curve one might draw through the series
- Such a component is called a smoother, filter, or nonparametric regression
- Many slightly different ways to define a smooth trend
- Try to find a function \(g(t)\) in some smooth but not necessarily finite class of functions
- Example: Let \(g(t)\) be twice differentiable function of \(T\) with bounded \(\int g^{\prime\prime}(t)^2 dt\)
- Penalized risk minimizer is a smoothing spline: piecewise cubic polynomial:
in R
- Called a Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter when used for time
- Can also just build trend as sum of piecewise cubic spline functions
- Can also use estimate based on simple locally-weighted average of points \(\widehat{x}(t)=\sum_{h=-k}^{k}\theta_{h}x_{t+h}\)
- Different families of weights can describe variety of properties of trend
- R command
implements additive model with seasonal component + cyclical + trend based on smoother of this form called “Loess”
Try it out
- Explore what can go wrong with polynomial trend models using Covid data in a Kaggle notebook
Cyclical Component
- A complete model needs some way of accounting for remaining variation with no regular seasonal or trend pattern
- Cyclical component \(\epsilon(t)\) effectively just residual: “whatever is left”
- Useful to model cyclical component as random: only know average properties
- Simplest cyclic model: white noise \(\epsilon(t)\) iid mean 0
- Reasonable when other components account for systematic patterns
- Distribution determines how other components are fit
- If \(\epsilon_t\sim N(0,\sigma^2)\), other components describe mean of process, and MAP estimate minimizes square loss
- If \(\epsilon_t\sim \text{Laplace}(0,\tau)\), other components describe median of process, and MAP estimate minimizes absolute loss
- Occasionally, see huge values unrelated to any known pattern or data point: outliers
- Tail properties of noise determine frequency and magnitude of outliers
- Distributions with thicker tails allow for more outliers, which are given less weight in estimating other components
- Cauchy, Student’s t, or Laplace, in decreasing order of tail thickness can be used
uses normal, and suggests just manually removing outliers from data
Extending Cyclical Component
- Often series displays non-trivial behavior after trend, seasonal, holiday, etc components removed
- Rediduals may display complicated but irregular patterns like autocorrelation, heteroskedasticity, etc
- In these cases, may use a non-white noise probability model for cycle \(\epsilon(t)\)
- With time dependent parts gone, may be reasonable to use stationary model
- Many available
- We have seen regression and autoregression models, based on external series or past values
- Mentioned Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) models for time-varying variance
- More to come in future classes
Putting the Components Together
- Full model just adds up seasonal, holiday, trend and cyclical components
- \(y_t=s(t,\theta_{s})+h(t,\theta_{h})+g(t,\theta_{g})+\epsilon(t)\)
- Consider case where only cyclical component is random, with likelihood \(\Pi_{t=1}^{T}p(\epsilon_t|\theta_{\epsilon})\)
- Model likelihood is then \(\Pi_{t=1}^{T}p(y_t-s(t,\theta_{s})-h(t,\theta_{h})-g(t,\theta_{g})|\theta_{\epsilon})\)
- With priors over parameters, can fit this likelihood by MAP or MCMC
- For prophet model, MAP is penalized least squares, so very fast
- In case where \(\epsilon_{t}\) has conditional likelihood \(p(\epsilon_{t}|\epsilon_{t-1},\ldots)\), can use past residuals to get conditional likelihood
- If more than one additive component is random, likelihood takes more complicated form
- Formula may involve integrals, and so require additional integration methods: need to distinguish one random component from another
- Models of this form called “state space models”: defer to later
- Once fit, forecasts are same as any other probability model
- Center of conditional likelihood is \(s(T+h,\theta_{s})+h(T+h,\theta_{h})+g(T+h,\theta_{g})\)
- So \(s(T+h,\widehat{\theta}^{MAP}_{s})+h(T+h,\widehat{\theta}^{MAP}_{h})+g(T+h,\widehat{\theta}^{MAP}_{g})\) is MAP point forecast
- Forecast interval is interval of conditional likelihood around this
- If performing full Bayesian forecast, integrate conditional likelihood over posterior to get uncertainty
Example Implementation: Predicting Wikipedia Page Traffic
- As an example, apply additive components model to daily web traffic data
- Obtain views of Wikipedia page for “Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average” from library
- Use
library to obtain fit of additive components model
- For full model details, see Taylor and Letham (2018) or library documentation
- Assumes linear trend with 25 changes in slope, taken as parameters with estimated location
- Laplace(0,0.05) prior on size of each change: presumes mostly tiny, but some large
- Model yearly seasonality by 20 sine and cosine terms, weekly with 7 (unrestricted)
- Priors \(N(0,10)\), \(N(0,3)\) for coefficients on yearly and weekly terms
- Add US Federal holidays to account for holiday patterns
- \(N(0,10)\) prior on coefficients
- Model is fit by MAP (penalized optimization)
- Forecast from conditional likelihood, using probability model allowing for future trend changes
library(pageviews) #Obtain data on Wikipedia Page Views at Daily Frequency
#Download Pageview Statistics for Wikipedia Article "Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average"
arima_pageviews<-article_pageviews(article = "Autoregressive integrated moving average",
#Arrange into Data Frame with proper formatting for Prophet package
#Prophet requires date and series names to be "ds" and "y", respectively
#Initialize model, setting number of Fourier terms for yearly and weekly seasonality
prophetmodel<-prophet(yearly.seasonality = 20, weekly.seasonality = 7)
prophetmodel<-add_country_holidays(prophetmodel, country_name = 'US') #Add list of commonly observed US Holidays
prophetmodel<-fit.prophet(prophetmodel,df) #Fit default prophet model by MAP
#Predict up to one year into the future
future <- make_future_dataframe(prophetmodel, periods = 365)
prophetforecast <- predict(prophetmodel, future)
#Analyze prediction residuals
Additive Components of Page Views Model

Model Fit and Forecast
plot(prophetmodel,prophetforecast,uncertainty = TRUE)+add_changepoints_to_plot(prophetmodel)+
ggtitle("Additive Components Fit and Forecast of Views for Wikipedia ARIMA Page",
subtitle="MAP Fit of `Prophet' Model, Trend and Large Changepoints Marked")+

#Can fit same model by MCMC, for comparison
#Warning: Extremely slow to run, over an hour at these settings on a laptop, so not run here
prophetMCMC<-prophet(yearly.seasonality = 20, weekly.seasonality = 7,mcmc.samples=1000,uncertainty.samples=500)
prophetMCMC<-add_country_holidays(prophetMCMC, country_name = 'US') #Add list of commonly observed US Holidays
prophetMCMC<-fit.prophet(prophetMCMC,df) #Fit prophet model by MCMC
- This series is typical of Wikipedia traffic series for academic concepts
- Strong day of week effects, with traffic plummeting on weekends
- Holiday effects strongly negative
- Reduced interest in summer and especially over Winter break period
- Trend grew somewhat over time, then flattened out or declined
- Forecasts predict details of patterns even 1 year out
- Within-week and across-season variation as large or larger than total long run movements
- Capturing these patterns of primary importance when working with series like this
- Additive model does good job at this, even though completely ignoring any patterns in cyclical variation
- Uncertainty intervals, based on conditional likelihood only, stay similar width over time
- IID cyclical model implies constant interval width: trend uncertainty makes this grow slightly
- ACF of residuals demonstrates serial correlation, weekly patterns, suggesting that iid model and weekly model could be improved
- May need model of weekly component which changes over time
Residual Autocorrelation Function from Additive Model
ggAcf(presids)+ggtitle("Autocorrelation Function of Residuals from Additive Components Model")

- Additive models particularly useful for series with strong time-dependent features
- Account for nonstationary features of data
- Seasonal effects can be modeled at different overlapping frequencies, and smoothed to share information
- Trends should reflect long-term growth patterns using knowledge of reasonable outcomes
- Understand the out-of-sample behavior implied by chosen model
- Change points and holiday effects can be accounted for to adapt to unusual behavior
- White Noise cyclic terms mainly determine loss function for other parts
- But time series probability models can account for systematic patterns
- Stationary cyclical dynamics can be quite complicated, and may require substantial additional modeling
Zvi Griliches. “Hybrid Corn: An Exploration in the Economics of Technological Change.” Econometrica Vol. 25. No. 4, 1957, pp. 501–522.
Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser (2019) - “Technology Adoption”. Published online at OurWorldInData.org. (https://ourworldindata.org/technology-adoption)
Sean J. Taylor & Benjamin Letham. (2018) “Forecasting at Scale” The American Statistician Vol 72. Issue 1, pp. 37-45.