
Probability models for forecasting

Additive Components Models

Application: Web Forecasting at Facebook

Example Web Series, with Features Labeled

Facebook Events by Day: Source: Taylor and Letham (2018)

Facebook Events by Day: Source: Taylor and Letham (2018)

Seasonal Components

Fitting Seasonal Components


Trend Components

Logistic Curves and Product Forecasting

Technology adoption typically shows logistic shape

library(prophet) #Additive components
library(fpp2) #Forecasting, etc
library(ggplot2) #Plotting
library(dplyr) #Data manipulation


entitytokeep<-c("Computer","Ebook reader","Electric power","Landline","Microwave","Radio",
                "Automobile","Colour TV","Household refrigerator","Social media usage",
techseries<-filter_at(techadopt,"Entity",any_vars(. %in% entitytokeep))

  ggtitle("Technology Adoption in the United States",
          subtitle="Source: OurWorldinData.org")+ylab("Adoption Rate")

Breaks and Changepoints

Problems with Trend Extrapolation

Try it out

Cyclical Component

Extending Cyclical Component

Putting the Components Together

Example Implementation: Predicting Wikipedia Page Traffic

library(pageviews) #Obtain data on Wikipedia Page Views at Daily Frequency

#Download Pageview Statistics for Wikipedia Article "Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average"
arima_pageviews<-article_pageviews(article = "Autoregressive integrated moving average",
#Arrange into Data Frame with proper formatting for Prophet package
#Prophet requires date and series names to be "ds" and "y", respectively

#Initialize model, setting number of Fourier terms for yearly and weekly seasonality
prophetmodel<-prophet(yearly.seasonality = 20, weekly.seasonality = 7) 
prophetmodel<-add_country_holidays(prophetmodel, country_name = 'US') #Add list of commonly observed US Holidays
prophetmodel<-fit.prophet(prophetmodel,df) #Fit default prophet model by MAP
#Predict up to one year into the future
future <- make_future_dataframe(prophetmodel, periods = 365)

prophetforecast <- predict(prophetmodel, future)

#Analyze prediction residuals

Additive Components of Page Views Model


Model Fit and Forecast

plot(prophetmodel,prophetforecast,uncertainty = TRUE)+add_changepoints_to_plot(prophetmodel)+
  ggtitle("Additive Components Fit and Forecast of Views for Wikipedia ARIMA Page",
            subtitle="MAP Fit of `Prophet' Model, Trend and Large Changepoints Marked")+

#Can fit same model by MCMC, for comparison
#Warning: Extremely slow to run, over an hour at these settings on a laptop, so not run here
prophetMCMC<-prophet(yearly.seasonality = 20, weekly.seasonality = 7,mcmc.samples=1000,uncertainty.samples=500) 
prophetMCMC<-add_country_holidays(prophetMCMC, country_name = 'US') #Add list of commonly observed US Holidays
prophetMCMC<-fit.prophet(prophetMCMC,df) #Fit prophet model by MCMC


Residual Autocorrelation Function from Additive Model

ggAcf(presids)+ggtitle("Autocorrelation Function of Residuals from Additive Components Model")



Zvi Griliches. “Hybrid Corn: An Exploration in the Economics of Technological Change.” Econometrica Vol. 25. No. 4, 1957, pp. 501–522.

Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser (2019) - “Technology Adoption”. Published online at OurWorldInData.org. (https://ourworldindata.org/technology-adoption)

Sean J. Taylor & Benjamin Letham. (2018) “Forecasting at Scale” The American Statistician Vol 72. Issue 1, pp. 37-45.