Simple Forecast Methods
- Trivial: always predict 0, regardless of the data \[f(\mathcal{Y}_T)=0\]
- Simple, easy to compute, stable
- Naïve: Just pick the last value \[f(\mathcal{Y}_T)=y_T\]
- The next period will be the same as the current period
- Simple and straightforward, and uses the data
- Also called “random walk forecast”
- Mean: Take the average past value \[f(\mathcal{Y}_T)=\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^T y_t\]
- Still fairly simple, now uses all the data
- Apply methods to a monthly series of a Manufacturer’s inventories of Condensed Milk, 1971-1980
- Typical company forecasting task: predict inventories to avoid over-accumulation or stock-outs
data(condmilk) #Inventory Data
#Forecast using each of above methods
milknaive<-naive(condmilk,h=12) #Naive forecast, 12 months out
milkmean<-meanf(condmilk,h=12) #Mean forecast, 12 months out
milktrivial<-ts(trivialFC,start=c(1981,1),frequency=12) #Trivial forecast, 12 months out
#Plot the forecasts
autolayer(milknaive, PI=FALSE, series="Naive")+
autolayer(milktrivial, series="Trivial")+
autolayer(milkmean, PI=FALSE,series="Mean")+
ggtitle("Forecasts for Monthly Milk Stocks") +
guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Series and Forecasts"))

Methods with parameters
- Going beyond the simplest methods, one can construct families of methods which are similar
- Differ by one or more additional inputs to the method, which must be chosen
- Extra inputs are called parameters
- Once parameters are set, method again depends only on the data
- Denote parameter by \(\theta\), and set of possible parameters as \(\Theta\)
- A parametric forecast method is a set of methods
\[\{f(\mathcal{Y}_T,\theta,\text{other stuff})\}_{\theta\in\Theta}\]
Examples of Parametric Methods
- Trivial: always predict the same number, \(\theta\), regardless of the data \[f(\mathcal{Y}_T,\theta)=\theta\]
- \(\theta=0\) gives the trivial forecast
- Autoregression: Take \(\theta\) times the last value \[f(\mathcal{Y}_T,\theta)=\theta y_T\]
- \(\theta=1\) gives the naïve forecast
- Extend to horizon \(h\) by \(\widehat{y}_{T+h}=\theta^h y_T\)
- Weighted Average: Take average of past value + a constant, with different weights on different times \[f(\mathcal{Y}_T,\{\theta_t\}_{t=1}^{T})=\theta_0+\sum_{t=1}^T \theta_t y_t\]
- Extremely flexible, but requires many choices
- Picking \(\theta_t=\frac{1}{T}\) for all t,\(\theta_0=0\) gives unweighted average
- Picking \(\theta_T=\theta\), \(\theta_t=0\) for all \(t<T\) gives autoregression
Structured parametric models
- Arbitrary weighted averages can be too complicated, but some flexibility can help: use special cases
- Autoregression of order p, abbreviated as AR(p)
- Weighted sum of \(p\) most recent values (and a constant) \[f(\mathcal{Y}_T,\{\theta_j\}_{j=0}^{p})=\theta_0+\sum_{j=0}^{p-1} \theta_{j+1} y_{T-j}\]
- Simple Exponential Smoothing
- Weighted average where weights decline by fixed amount each time period
- Use all data, with more weight on recent past
- Takes two parameters \(\alpha\in[0,1]\) and \(\ell_0\) \[f(\mathcal{Y}_T,\alpha,\ell_0)=(1-\alpha)^T\ell_0+\sum_{j=0}^{T-1} \alpha(1-\alpha)^jy_{T-j}\]
- Higher \(\alpha\) gives more weight to recent data, up to \(\alpha=1\) naïve forecast
Choosing parameters
- Applying a parametric method requires a choice of which parameters to use
- Can pick based on sensible default values
- Random walk \(\theta=1\) often a good choice for autoregression with economic data
- Usually apply a parameter selection method based on the data \[\theta=\widehat{\theta}(\mathcal{Y}_T)\]
- Full forecasting method now a function of data again \[f(\mathcal{Y}_T)=f(\mathcal{Y}_T,\widehat{\theta}(\mathcal{Y}_T))\]
- Many types of parameter selection methods exist
- Will discuss details in later classes
- Selecting parameters not quite the same as “estimation” in statistics
- Care about \(f(\mathcal{Y}_T)\), not \(\theta\) itself
- Forecast using parametric methods, with default parameter selection rules
- Autoregressive models of order 1 and order 4
- Simple Exponential Smoothing
milkAR1selection<-Arima(condmilk,order=c(1,0,0),include.mean=FALSE) #Choose parameter of AR(1) model
#Do not include added constant
milkAR1<-forecast(milkAR1selection,h=12) #Autoregression of order 1 forecast, 12 months out
milkAR4selection<-Arima(condmilk,order=c(4,0,0)) #Choose parameters of AR(4) model, including constant
milkAR4<-forecast(milkAR4selection,h=12) #Autoregression of order 4 forecast, 12 months out
milkexpsm<-ses(condmilk,h=12) #Simple Exponential Smoothing Forecast, 12 months out
#Plot the forecasts
autolayer(milkAR1, PI=FALSE, series="AR(1) no constant")+
autolayer(milkAR4, PI=FALSE,series="AR(4)")+
autolayer(milkexpsm, PI=FALSE,series="Simple Exponential Smoothing")+
ggtitle("Forecasts for Monthly Milk Stocks") +
guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Series and Forecasts"))

Parameters Chosen
# alpha and l_0 from exponential smoothing
## [1] 0.99990 81.29198
# AR(1) Coefficient
## ar1
## 0.9783295
# AR(4) Coefficients
## ar1 ar2 ar3 ar4 intercept
## 0.98568158 -0.09175605 -0.11115186 -0.27093352 95.99392283
Seasonal and trending data
- Some simple methods are designed to rely on and exploit particular features of existing data
- These methods extrapolate features like seasonality or trends to future data
- Let \(m\) be the frequency of the series
- ex: \(m=4\) for quarterly, \(m=12\) for monthly data
- Seasonal naïve forecast for seasonal data
- Predict the value as the last observed value from the same season \[f(\mathcal{Y}_T)=y_{T+1-m}\]
- Extend to horizon \(h\) as \(\widehat{y}_{T+h}=y_{T+h-m(\lfloor\frac{h-1}{m}\rfloor+1)}\)
- Drift Method for trending data
- Adds average growth to naïve forecast
- Seasonal and trending versions exist for autoregression, exponential smoothing, etc
- Forecast using seasonal and drift methods
- Series appears highly seasonal, with minimal trend
- So expect better results from seasonal method
milksnaive<-snaive(condmilk,h=12) #Seasonal Naive forecast, 12 months out
milkdrift<-rwf(condmilk,drift=TRUE,h=12) #Drift forecast, 12 months out
#Plot the forecasts
autolayer(milksnaive, PI=FALSE, series="Seasonal Naive")+
autolayer(milkdrift, PI=FALSE,series="Drift")+
ggtitle("Forecasts for Monthly Milk Stocks") +
guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Series and Forecasts"))

Adding External Data
- A forecast might be a function of series of interest AND other data, \(\mathcal{X}_T\)
- Related time series, Background information, etc
- Method becomes \[\widehat{y}_{T+h}=f(\mathcal{Y}_T,\mathcal{X}_T,\text{other stuff})\]
- Example: (Predictive) Regression
- Forecast is linear function of \(x_T\) \[\widehat{y}_{T+h}=f(\mathcal{Y}_T,\mathcal{X}_T,\theta)=\theta_0+\theta_1 x_T\]
- More generally, may use subjective or judgmental assessment to come up with a number
- Judgemental forecast: think real hard and come up with a number \[\widehat{y}_{T+h}=f(\mathcal{Y}_T,\text{whatever you're thinking})=???\]
- Expert forecast: ask someone else to think real hard and come up with a number \[\widehat{y}_{T+h}=f(\mathcal{Y}_T,\text{whatever they're thinking})=???\]
Random methods
- Some forecasting methods involve randomness
- Let \(U\) be a random variable, with distribution \(F(u)\)
- A randomized method takes the random variable as an input, so its output is also random
- E.g. Random Guess: pick a number at random, without using the data \[f(\mathcal{Y}_T,U)=U\]
- A random guess is a random generalization of trivial method
- A randomized version of any other procedure can be made by adding \(U\) to the output
- Not super common, but one part of some more complicated methods
Choices: Finding a “Good” method
- Now we know we CAN use any of these methods to forecast
- What SHOULD we use?
- Want a good guess because bad guesses will lead to bad decisions
- Sales forecasts too high or low both lead to incorrect inventory decisions, lower profit
- Financial market forecasts too high or low lead to bad buy/sell decisions, lower profit
- Missed economic indicator forecasts can lead to inappropriate policy, worse outcomes
- Ideal forecast: exact true value \(y_{T+h}\)
- Problem: value isn’t known
- Next best choice: something very close to \(y_{T+h}\)
- Problem: also not known
- Problem: what is close?
- Need a measure of how bad decision will have turned out to be given an incorrect forecast
Loss Functions
- Mathematically, a loss function \(\ell(.,.)\)
- Takes true value \(y\) and forecast value \(\widehat{y}\)
- Outputs a number measuring how bad the guess was
- After truth is known, says how bad forecast was
- Acts like (dis)utility of outcome
- If used to utility functions from economics, this is negative of utility
- Usual property
- \(y=\underset{\widehat{y}}{\arg\min}\ell(y,.)\) for all \(y\)
- A perfect forecast is alway (weakly) better than other guesses
- If above holds, can use normalized version
- \(\ell(y,y)=0\) for any \(y\). 0 Loss for exactly correct guesses
- \(\ell(y_1,y_2)\geq 0\) for any \(y_1,y_2\). Incorrect guesses are (weakly) worse
- If profit \(\pi(y,\widehat{y})\) is maximized by correct forecasts
- \(\ell(y,\widehat{y})=\pi(y,y))-\pi(y,\widehat{y})\) is equivalent loss function
- Common loss functions \(\ell(y,\widehat{y})\) use measures of absolute or relative distance
- Absolute Error \[|y-\widehat{y}|\]
- Squared Error \[(y-\widehat{y})^2\]
- Absolute Percent Error: Requires non-zero values of \(y\) \[\left|100\frac{(y-\widehat{y})}{y}\right|\]
- Absolute Scaled Error: Compares error to average error of a random walk forecast \[\left|\frac{(y-\widehat{y})}{\frac{1}{T-1}\sum_{t=2}^T|y_t-y_{t-1}|}\right|\]
Evaluating Loss
- To see how forecast method performed in past, can evaluate loss within data \(\mathcal{Y}_T\)
- Sample mean of loss function common way to describe past performance \[\frac{1}{T-h}\sum_{t=1}^{T-h}\ell(y_{t+h},f(\mathcal{Y}_{t}))\]
- For Squared Error, this is called MSE, for Absolute Error, MAE, for Abolute Percent Error, MAPE, Absolute Scaled Error MASE
- Usually take square root of MSE to get RMSE: Units same as series
- Answers question: “How much loss would I have incurred (on average) had I used this method in the past?”
- Not same as “How much loss will I incur if I use this method in the future?”
Evaluating Parametric Methods
- With parameterized methods, common to use different data for forecast rule and parameter selection rule \[\widehat{y}_{t+h}=f(\mathcal{Y}_t,\widehat{\theta}(\mathcal{Y}_T))\]
- Predicted value for \(y_{t+h}\) that you would predict at \(t\) using the forecast rule chosen using all the data up to \(T\)
- Mostly done for computational reasons: methods to calculate \(\widehat{\theta}(\mathcal{Y}_T)\) can be very slow
- Values \(y_{t+h}-f(\mathcal{Y}_t,\widehat{\theta}(\mathcal{Y}_T))\) are called residuals
- \(\frac{1}{T-h}\sum_{t=1}^{T-h}\ell(y_{t+h},f(\mathcal{Y}_t,\widehat{\theta}(\mathcal{Y}_T)))\) is residual error
- Also given name MSE, MAE, MAPE, etc
- Residuals are a measure of error, but do not describe loss from a feasible procedure
- To compare a feasible measure, also use only past data for forecasting rule
- Predict \(\widehat{y}_{t+h}=f(\mathcal{Y}_t,\widehat{\theta}(\mathcal{Y}_t))\)
- Errors and loss from this approach called “evaluation on rolling forecast origin”
- Calculate via tsCV in forecast package
- Can be slow: calculate \(\widehat{\theta}(\mathcal{Y}_t)\) many times
- Construct rolling forecast origin AR4 models and evaluate 1-month errors
far4 <- function(x, h){forecast(Arima(x, order=c(4,0,0)), h=h)}
#Rolling Forecast Error RMSE and MAE
RMSEfc<-sqrt(mean((AR4forecasterrors)^2,na.rm = TRUE))
MAEfc<-mean(abs(AR4forecasterrors),na.rm = TRUE)
#Compare RMSE and MAE on residuals
RMSEres<-sqrt(mean((milkAR4selection$residuals)^2,na.rm = TRUE))
MAEres<-mean(abs(milkAR4selection$residuals),na.rm = TRUE)
Residual |
12.7383456 |
8.9054659 |
Rolling |
15.4255888 |
10.2356219 |
- Rolling window errors are larger than residual errors
- Former reflect what you would have gotten from running method in the past
Train vs Test Set
- Simple compromise: Split \(\mathcal{Y}_T\) into \[\mathcal{Y}_{Train},\mathcal{Y}_{Test}\] \[\mathcal{Y}_{Train}=\{y_t\}_{t=1}^{S},\mathcal{Y}_{Test}=\{y_t\}_{t=S+1}^{T}\]
- where \(S\) is split point
- Compute error as \[\frac{1}{T-S}\sum_{t=S+1}^{T}\ell(y_{t},f(\mathcal{Y}_{\min\{t-h,S\}},\widehat{\theta}(\mathcal{Y}_{Train})))\]
- Allows fast computation: compute \(\widehat{\theta}(\mathcal{Y}_{Train})\) only once
- Performance measure describes feasible method, since test set not used
Train vs Test Set
- Compute test set accuracy for milk forecasts by many measures
milktrain<-window(condmilk,end=c(1977,12)) #Until 1978
milktest<-window(condmilk,start=c(1978,1)) #After 1978
#Test set RMSE and MAE
Test Set Error |
17.5138905 |
14.6526401 |
#Plot results
autoplot(milktrain, series="Training Set Data")+
autolayer(milktest,series="Test Set Data")+
autolayer(milkAR4forecast, PI=FALSE,series="Forecast")+
ggtitle("Forecasts for Monthly Milk Stocks") +
guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Series and Forecasts"))

The problem of induction
- Now that we can measure forecasting performance, what do we know about how to forecast?
- Problem:
- “Past performance does not necessarily predict future results”
- U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission mandatory warning, paraphrasing Scottish Enlightenment philosopher David Hume

The problem of induction
- No matter how good the empirical performance of the method, or how much data, cannot say anything at all about what will happen on new data without additional logical premises
- Will sun rise tomorrow?
- Has done so every recorded day in the past
- Premise that things that have always happened before will continue to happen might be true
- But can’t be justified by the fact that it’s been true in the past
- Circularity of reasoning best expressed by considering opposite belief (cf Aaronson (2013) p229)
- There is “a planet full of people who believe in anti-induction: if the sun has risen every day in the past, then today, we should expect that it won’t. As a result, these people are all starving and living in poverty. Someone visits the planet and tells them,”Hey, why are you still using this anti-induction philosophy? You’re living in horrible poverty"
- They respond; “Well, it never worked before…”
- Clearly, we are going to need some additional principles
Next class
- Principles of forecasting
- No “right” answer
- Multiple reasonable approaches
- Submit first problem sets