- What is ML?
- Trees
- Bagging
- Random Forests
- Boosting
- Kernels
Machine Learning for Forecasting
- Recently, area of quantitative prediction has experienced substantial development
- Often, results have been under the heading of Machine Learning (ML)
- Use and development of algorithms for automated construction of predictions and decisions using data
- Precise characterization of what methods count as machine learning is contentious
- By many standards, many principles and methods in this class could be characterized as ML
- Practically, “Machine Learning” is what Machine Learning researchers do
- An eclectic variety of methods, with most salient characteristic is that they “work”
- Performance usually defined in terms of statistical learning context
- Given a data set \(\mathcal{Z}^{\text{Train}}_{T_1}=(\mathcal{Y}^{\text{Train}}_{T_1},\mathcal{X}^{\text{Train}}_{T_1})\) produce predictions \(\widehat{f}\), by some method or another
- Such that when faced with new data \(\mathcal{Z}^{\text{Test}}_{T_2}=(\mathcal{Y}^{\text{Test}}_{T_2},\mathcal{X}^{\text{Test}}_{T_2})\), predictions are accurate, in sense that for loss function \(\ell:\ \mathbf{Y}\times\mathbf{Y}\to\mathbb{R}^{+}\)
- Average loss over test set \(\frac{1}{T_2}\sum_{t=1}^{T_2}\ell(y_{t},\widehat{f}(X_t))\) is small
- In forecasting case, \(X_t\) contains past outcomes \(\mathcal{Y}_{T-1}\) and observations are ordered in time
- In general, observations may be unordered: customers, products, files, etc
Characteristics of Machine Learning Methods
- Focused on prediction error
- Do not restrict attention to rules that are simple or interpretable or produce complete models of data and environment
- Algorithmic
- Procedures are automated, not using human input to adjust or evaluate predictions
- Predictions may not even be expressed as functions you can write down, and can instead be produced by any series of steps that gives a number
- Nonlinear or nonparametric
- Prediction rules as described need not be written as linear functions, or even describable using a finite set of known nonlinear forms
- High dimensional
- Set of predictors used can be extremely large, including unconventional types of data like text, audio, or images
Machine Learning Approaches
- Befitting a topic for which there is an entire department at CMU, coverage will be selective and shallow
- A handful of popular methods, with limited discussion of theory or principles
- Today: “last generation” machine learning, roughly defined as “what you find in Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman (2009)”
- Some methods we have already discussed: e.g. regularized (structural) risk minimization
- Lasso and other penalized approaches permit using many predictors
- Cross validation is key tool for ensuring regularization chosen leads to low risk predictions
- Regularized versions of linear or logistic regression allow many predictors, but still impose linearity
- Performance is okay, but usually can do much better with nonlinear methods
- Simple, easy to use, and extremely effective nonlinear methods are based on trees
- Simplest possible nonlinear functions, used as building block in boosting and bagging for effective procedures
- Will also briefly discuss reproducing kernel methods
- Nonlinear approach posessing beautiful and elegant theory: Performance usually “just okay”, but often better than simple linear methods
- Next class: Neural networks and Deep Learning
- Dominant approach in last 7 years, notable for success with new types of data
- Suppose we have data \((y_t,X_t)\) in \(\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R}^{N}\) or \(\{0,1\}\times\mathbb{R}^{N}\)
- Former case is called regression, latter is called classification
- A (decision) tree is a piecewise constant function, defined sequentially
- Pick some predictor \(i\in 1\ldots N\), split space in two regions, where \(x_{i,t}\) is above or below a threshold \(s_1\)
- Within each region \(x_{i,t}<s_1\), \(x_{i,t}\geq s_1\), pick another predictor in \(1\ldots N\), and another threshold \(s_2\), and split the region in two
- Continue choosing and splitting regions in two until space is split into \(J\) non-overlapping rectangular subregions \(\{R_j\}_{j=1}^{J}\)
- Once space is split up into subregions, for each region \(j=1\ldots J\) prediction depends only on the region of \(X_t\)
- Formally, \(f(X_t)=\sum_{j=1}^{J}b_j 1\{X_t\in R_j\}\) for some constants \(b_j\)
- For classification case, can let \(b_j\in\{0,1\}\): either yes or no in that region
- Prediction is then a sequence of yes-no decisions, like a game of 20 questions
- “Is it blue?”
- If so, ask “Is it bigger than a breadbox?”, If not ask “Does it have hair?”
- Keep on asking questions for some series of steps, and then finally make prediction based on sequence of questions
Fitting Trees
- Trees are the functions \(\mathcal{F}=\{f(X)=\sum_{j=1}^{J}b_j1\{X_t\in R_j\},\ \{R_j\}_{j=1}^{J} \text{ are rectangular partition of }\mathbb{R}^{N},\ b\in\mathbb{R}^{J}\}\)
- Class is not linear because thresholds defining the region also a choice, not just the coefficients on them
- Given a class of functions like trees, could just do empirical risk minimization, but rarely done in practice
- Finding the optimum is computationally (NP) hard: searching all combinations of orderings, thresholds, coefficients can take hours or days
- Goal is test set prediction, not in sample prediction, so effort only worth it if predictions better
- Instead, trees usually fit by faster “greedy” algorithm: recursive binary splitting
- For each predictor \(x_{i,t}\) \(i=1\ldots N\), pick a threshold \(s\) to split into regions \(R_1=\{X:\ X_i<s\}\), \(R_2=\{X:\ X_i\geq s\}\) to minimize loss \(\sum_{t: X_{t}\in R_1}(y_{t}-\widehat{y}_{R_1})^2+\sum_{t: X_{t}\in R_2}(y_{t}-\widehat{y}_{R_2})^2\) where \(\widehat{y}_{R_1}\) is the mean of the outcome in \(R_1\), \(\widehat{y}_{R_2}\) is the mean of the outcome in \(R_2\)
- Choose the split \(i\in1\ldots N\) with the smallest loss to define the chosen region
- Within each region split by same approach, and continue until a stopping criterion met, like max depth or min # of \(X_t\) in final region
- Prediction is sample mean within each final region
- Mean squared error criterion for split is for regression: for other losses, like classification, can use other choice
- Method is “greedy” because split used is best at each level, not best sequence of splits
Regularization and Evaluation
- Recursive partitioning reduces the in-sample prediction error at every step
- Although not finding the absolute minimum, method still has potential to overfit
- Can handle this with form of regularization called pruning
- Idea is that once the tree is chosen by recursive partition, can remove splits to find a smaller subtree
- Can choose which splits to remove using an information criterion
- If \(|J|\) is number of total subregions \(\{R_{j}\}_{j=1}^{|J|}\) of a subtree criterion is \(\sum_{j=1}^{|J|}\sum_{\{x_t\in R_j\}}(y_t-\widehat{y}_{R_j})^2+\alpha |J|\)
- Find the subtree with smallest criterion value, which trades off fit and complexity
- Can choose \(\alpha\) by, e.g., cross-validation
- Not the same as just doing regularized ERM over set of trees, since initial set chosen recursively
- With initial fit to low error then pruning, trees have decent out-of-sample performance
- Main advantage is interpretability: final rule is just sequence of yes-no steps
Application: Mortgage Loan Approval
library(rpart) # Fit Classification and Regression Trees (could also use "tree")
library(randomForest) # Fit Random Forests
#library(ranger) # Also fit random forests, but using faster method
library(xgboost) # Fit Gradient Boosting
library(kernlab) # Fit Reproducing Kernel Methods
#library(KRLS) #Fit least squares regression with kernels
library(caret) #Train and validate machine learning models
library(plyr) #Data manipulation
library(dplyr) # Data Manipulation
#Load Data Set on Mortgage Loan Application Approvals
library(foreign) # Load data sets in Stata format
#Data on loan applications: see http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/wooldridge/loanapp.des for descriptions
#Remove "action", which is more refined outcome variable, to predict binary yes-no loan approval
#Split data into train and test sets
set.seed(998) #Ensure randomness is reproducible
# Take 75% random sample of approved and non-approved each into training data, 25% into test data
inTraining <- createDataPartition(loanapp$approve, p = .75, list = FALSE) #Function in "caret" library
training <- loanapp[ inTraining,]
testing <- loanapp[-inTraining,]
# Fit classification tree to mortgage loan data to see approval
rpfit <- rpart(approve ~ ., data = training)
# Now try to simplify tree by pruning
# Use 10-fold cross-validation to fit complexity parameter, using caret library
fitControl <- trainControl(## 10-fold CV
method = "repeatedcv",
number = 10,
## repeated ten times
repeats = 10)
#Cross-validate tuning parameters using RMSE
rpfit1 <- train(approve ~ ., data = training,
method = "rpart",
trControl = fitControl,
na.action = na.exclude)
- Use data set of New York area applications for mortgage loans, containing 1989 applicants and 59 attributes
- Contains variety of demographic, housing and credit-related characteristics
- Split into training and test sets to compare models
- Use regression tree to predict conditional probability of loan approval given applicant status
- Library rpart or tree can be used
- Results tell a story: first significant preditor is whether applicant meets the bank’s credit guidelines
- If not, moved into split with low probability of approval
- Among those who do meet guidelines, next predictor is whether they qualify for private mortgage insurance
- Sequence of additional characteristics adjusts probability up or down
- Can prune tree to simplify model: use caret library, unified R interface for training, tuning, testing ML models
- 10 fold CV selects \(\alpha=\) 0.0253385 with RMSE 0.2500335
- Pruned tree reduced to just guidelines and private mortgage insurance as predictors
Decision Tree for Mortgage Approval, Before and After Pruning
#Plot sequence of partitions and outcomes
par(mfrow = c(1,2), xpd = NA) # otherwise on some devices the text is clipped
text(rpfit, use.n = FALSE,digits=2)
#Plot pruned tree using CV-selected optimal tuning parameter
text(rpfit1$finalModel, use.n = FALSE,digits=2)

Model Combination
- Trees make nonlinear predictions over moderately large number of predictors by splitting space into big rectangles on which to make constant predictions
- In terms of quantitative precision, advantage over regression isn’t spectacular
- Reason trees are popular and effective method is that they work much better in model combination
- A combination of linear regressions is still a linear regression, but a combination of trees need not be a tree
- Still piecewise constant, but regions don’t have to be rectangles
- Can use model combination methods to combine multiple trees in a way that improves predictions
- As with any other predictor, trees can be used in the model combination methods we used before
- E.g. averaging or regression combination or online methods like exponential weights
- Machine learning researchers have developed alternative, algorithmic model combination methods
- Combine a very large number of simple models into one complex model with good performance
- Bagging, short for “bootstrap aggregation” is a way of performing regularization, by averaging a model with itself
- Idea is that model fit to one set of data can overfit, producing high variability
- If we had \(2^{nd}\) data set, could fit model on that data and average prediction with that of the first model
- Even though both overfit, they do so to different data, so shared component reflects systematic variation
- In practice, only have one data set, but can “pull yourself up by your own bootstraps” by resampling the data
- From original data set \(\mathcal{Z}_{T}\) draw observations \((y_t,X_t)\) independently with replacement to create new data set \(\mathcal{Z}_{b}\)
- Data set will on average have only about \(\frac{2}{3}\) of original observations, with rest as duplicates
- Fit any model \(\widehat{f}_b\) on data \(\mathcal{Z}_{b}\), e.g., a decision tree by recursive partitions
- Then draw with replacement again to create another data set and fit the same model again to the new data set
- Repeat \(B\) times, and use as the final model the average of all the models on different data sets \(\mathcal{Z}_b\)
- \(\widehat{f}^{\text{Bagged}}=\frac{1}{B}\sum_{b=1}^{B}\widehat{f}_b\)
- Note each predictor fit to part of data set, so don’t gain quite as much for each from large samples
- But because errors produced this way nonsystematic, may get substantial better out of sample improvement, especially if using a complex model prone to overfitting like a deep decision tree
Random Forests
- Bagging can be applied to any procedure, but does well when fit model is a tree
- Large trees can incorporate info from many predictors, but variability can be high, which is helped by bagging
- Further, because average of trees doesn’t have to be a tree, bagging can also increase expressivity of model
- In practice, because data is shared between bags, tree fit within each tends to be pretty similar
- To increase expressivity of ensemble as a whole, force models to be different by only using a random subset of features
- In each bag, sample \(m<N\) random elements of \((x_{1,t},x_{2,t},\ldots,x_{N,t})\) and fit tree using only those features
- Typically use \(m\approx \frac{N}{3}\) for regression, \(m\approx \sqrt{N}\) for classification
- Since “top” features may be removed, forced to find best prediction with other features instead
- Each individual tree predicts less well, but with \(B\) large, combination accounts for all features by including them in the average
- Final predictor is based on random collection of trees, and so is called a Random Forest
- Allows nonlinear predictions from very large number of predictors, while controlling overfitting by averaging
- In practice, for moderately sized data sets (100s-1000s of data points, features) random forests seem to give most accurate out of sample predictions of anything that runs “out-of-the-box”
- Can do better by careful modeling with advanced methods, but worth your time to try random forests first
Bagging and Random Forests on Time Series Data
- Resampling methods like bagging and random forests handle overfitting to in-sample data by removing random subsets of it and replacing with duplicate samples to produce method that does well on samples not in training data
- With time series data, feature set \(X_t\) often contains past values of \(y\)
- Removing subsets of \(y_t\) would delete features used in prediction, making it not possible to fit
- Solve this issue by resampling \((y_t,X_t)\) pairs, with needed lags of \(y_t\) included in \(X_t\)
- Idea that random subsets of in-sample data are good proxies for out-of-sample relies on stationarity
- If data has trend, or periods which differ substantially, precisely which sample is used makes a difference
- More importantly, test set in forecasting problem is the future, which if nonstationary need not be like the past
- For this reason, methods should be applied to stationary series, with differencing or detrending as needed
- Other issue: samples removed may be correlated with remaining samples, so can still “overfit” to them even if not seen
- E.g., lagged features may still be kept as predictors, even if not as outcomes
- Can alleviate this problem by resampling random consecutive blocks of observations, and fitting within blocks
- If series is weak dependent and blocks reasonably large, get better approximation to truly out of sample data
- An alternative method for aggregating models, also often used with trees, is boosting
- Bagging is designed for taking big complicated models prone to overfitting and stabilizing them by averaging
- Boosting takes many small models with weak in-sample fit and combines to produce a more accurate model
- Idea is to improve model sequentially by adjusting slightly in the direction of each new predictor
- By an amount \(\lambda\), called “learning rate”, often small, e.g., 0.01 or 0.001 each step
- Start with \(\widehat{f}=0\), \(\mathcal{R}_{T}=\mathcal{Y}_{T}\), and for steps \(b=1\ldots B\)
- Starting with data \((\mathcal{R}_{T},\mathcal{X}_{T})\) fit a decision tree \(\widehat{f}^{b}\) by recursive partitioning with small number \(d\) (eg 1, 2, etc) of maximum splits
- Update \(\widehat{f}(.)=\widehat{f}(.)+\lambda\widehat{f}^{b}(.)\)
- Obtain new residuals \(r_t=r_t-\lambda\widehat{f}^{b}\) for all \(r_t\in\mathcal{R}_{T}\)
- Final predictor \(\widehat{f}(.)=\sum_{b=1}^{B}\lambda\widehat{f}^{b}(.)\) ensures good fit because each subsequent \(\widehat{f}^{b}\) accounts for weaknesses of last
- Because updates are slowed down by \(\lambda\), avoid large oscillations and strong overfitting to noise
- Model complexity increases in \(B\): should be \(>>\lambda\) to get good in sample fit: use cross-validation for out-of-sample fit
- \(d\) determines degree of interaction between variables
- \(d=1\) (“decision stump”) case fits additive model. Use \(d=2,\ 3\) to get 2, 3-way interactions: can help to use 3-7
Gradient Boosting
- Boosting as described above attempts to minimize mean squared error loss using sum of trees
- It is special case of method for general loss functions and more general predictors in each step, gradient boosting
- Start with \(\widehat{f}=0\) \(\mathcal{R}_{T}=\mathcal{Y}_{T}\), and for steps \(b=1\ldots B\)
- Starting with data \((\mathcal{R}_{T},\mathcal{X}_{T})\) fit a predictor \(\widehat{f}^{b}\) which may be a tree or other small model
- (Optional): Update learning rate \(\widehat{\gamma}=\underset{\gamma}{\arg\min}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\ell(y_t,\widehat{f}(.)+\gamma\widehat{f}^{b}(.))\)
- Update model \(\widehat{f}(.)=\widehat{f}(.)+\widehat{\gamma}\widehat{f}^{b}(.)\)
- Obtain new pseudo-residuals \(r_t=-\frac{\partial \ell(y_{t},\widehat{f}(x_t))}{\partial \widehat{f}(x_t)}\) for all \(r_t\in\mathcal{R}_{T}\)
- Each boosting step can be seen as moving in direction of best marginal improvement to prediction
- Optimizing rate allows data to determine speed
- Allows boosting to be applied to classification problems and other cases where we use non-MSE loss
- Fast implementation in xgboost library has made method popular, and like random forests, is a good default choice
- Maybe better overall performance, based on winning many forecasting competitions
Feature Maps and Engineering
- Methods based on iterating a sequence of steps or random combinations work well in practice
- But hard to analyze from perspective of principles we have seen, like ERM or Bayes
- Benefit of ML methods is producing highly flexible predictors with large set of covariates without overfitting
- Can we get these benefits by simply using a better predictor or model class in our known methods?
- Consider adding nonlinearities in a linear prediction class \(\mathcal{F}_1=\{f(x)=x_t\beta,\ \beta\in\mathbb{R}\}\)
- Starting with \(x_t\in \mathbb{R}\), to get a nonlinear predictor, add nonlinear functions of it like \(x_t^2\)
- This adds flexibility, but still quite restrictive, so add more features, \(x_t^3\), \(x_t^4\),
- Resulting class \(\mathcal{F}_P=\{f(x)=\sum_{p=1}^{P}x^{p}_t\beta_p,\ \beta\in\mathbb{R}^{P}\}\) gets more and more flexible, but parameters and complexity grow without bound, even if we restict \(\Vert \beta\Vert<C\), and even worse if \(x_t\in\mathbb{R}^{N}\)
- Can think of transformation as defining a feature map \(\Phi(x_t)=(x_t,x_t^2,\ldots)\) to space of predictors
- ML methods purpose is basically to act like a good feature map
- Can mimic their performance if you know what kinds of features make good predictions
- ML people call this “feature engineering”: use subject matter knowledge to transform predictors
Kernel Methods
- Kernel methods work by defining an infinite feature map: a function called a kernel function \(K(.,.):\ \mathcal{X}\times\mathcal{X}\to \mathbb{R}\)
- For each data point \(x_t\), feature map is the function \(K(x_t,.):\ \mathcal{X}\to\mathbb{R}\)
- This seems like it would lead to great flexibility, but be impossible to work with
- Would you need to compute infinite set of coefficients?
- If we choose \(K(.,.)\) to have certain properties, and restrict to an appropriately bounded set, no!
- Optimize \(\widehat{\alpha}=\underset{\alpha\in\mathbb{R}^T}{\arg\min}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\ell(y_t,\sum_{t=1}^{T}\alpha_s K(x_s,x_t))\) over \(\alpha\) such that \(\sum_{s=1}^{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\alpha_s\alpha_tK(x_s,x_t)\leq C\)
- Predictor has 1 coefficient per data point, with size bounded by constraint, and can be computed by evaluating kernel function at data points
- This can be shown to be equivalent to ERM over an infinite dimensional but bounded feature space
- Often used with special loss for speed improvements: Support Vector Machine results in sparse \(\alpha\)
- Most useful thing is that since \(K(.,.)\) is a function, \(x_t\) can be anything and we can represent it by a finite set of numbers
- Want to use a photograph, an MP3, a brain scan, or the text from a website to predict? There’s a kernel for that!
- Example: Radial Basis kernel \(K(x_s,x_t)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}\exp(-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2} d(x_s,x_t)^2)\) for distance \(d\) between two points
- Prediction function is sum of “bumps” which take similar values in neighborhood of an example
# Fit a Random Forest using randomForest package, accessed through caret train function
# Caret provides additional diagnostics, but since no CV used here, mostly just for comparability
# We fit regression even though outcome is binary because goal is eliciting probabilities
forestControl <- trainControl(method = "none") ## Use Default Parameters all the Way
rffit1 <- train(approve ~ ., data = training,
method = "rf",
trControl = forestControl,
na.action = na.exclude)
## Commented out cross-validation because very slow, and don't want it to run every time I recompile
# # Use 10-fold cross-validation to fit parameters, using caret library
# xgbfitControl <- trainControl(## 10-fold CV
# method = "repeatedcv",
# number = 10,
# ## repeated ten times
# repeats = 10)
# #Fit tuning parameters by cross-validation
# xgbfit1 <- train(approve ~ ., data = training,
# method = "xgbTree",
# trControl = xgbfitControl,
# na.action = na.exclude)
# Set parameters: learning rate eta, # of splits max.depth, MSE loss and rmse evaluation,etc
# Set parameters to be hard-coded at value chosen by cross validation
cvparam <- list(max_depth = 1, eta = 0.3, gamma=0, colsample_bytree=0.8,
min_child_weight=1, subsample=1, objective = "reg:linear", eval_metric = "rmse")
## Syntax to train xgboost directly
# Extract features from training and test data
#Transform data into format needed for xgboost command
dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix(as.matrix(trainfeat), label=training$approve)
dtest <- xgb.DMatrix(as.matrix(testfeat), label = testing$approve)
#Set training and test sets for evaluation
watchlist <- list(train = dtrain, eval = dtest)
# Fit gradient boosted trees using xgboost
bst <- xgb.train(params=cvparam, data=dtrain,verbose=0,nrounds=50,watchlist=watchlist)
#Fit a radial basis kernel regression using kernlab and KRLS, again fit through caret
kernControl <- trainControl(## 10-fold CV
method = "repeatedcv",
number = 10,
## repeated ten times
repeats = 10) ## Use Default Parameters all the Way
#Fit Support Vector Regression to centered and scaled data, and cross-validate constraint C and radial basis width sigma
kernfit <- train(approve ~ ., data = training,
method = "svmRadial",
preProc = c("center", "scale"),
metric = "RMSE",
trControl = kernControl,
na.action = na.exclude)
Application: Mortgage Approval Prediction Again
- Apply random forest, boosted decision trees, and kernel method using radial basis function kernel to same data set
- Random forests by randomForest using default settings: trees of depth 7 combined over 500 resamples of data
- Boosting trees with mean squared error loss by xgboost, using 10-fold CV to pick options: 50 iterations of depth 1 with a learning rate of 0.3
- Kernel regression with support vector regression loss over normalized data fit by kernlab using 10-fold CV to pick \(\sigma=\) 0.0146774 in kernel and bound \(C=\) 0.5 on max norm of coefficients
- Performance in sample okay for all, but kernel method performs worse in test set
- Boosting wins overall, but just barely, after long CV fit to choose parameters
- Random forests, in contrast, do nearly as well using default settings, in seconds
#Construct test set predictions and RMSE for each
rppreds<-predict(rpfit1$finalModel, newdata = testing) #Decision Tree
#Use approximate imputation for missing values in random forest prediction, rather than excluding
rfpreds<-predict(rffit1$finalModel, newdata = na.roughfix(testing)) #Random Forest
bstpreds<-predict(bst,newdata=as.matrix(testfeat)) #Tree Boosting
kernpreds<-predict(kernfit$finalModel, newdata = testfeat) #Kernel Support Vector Regression
#Squared errors
MSEvec<-colMeans(prederrors,na.rm=TRUE) #Mean Squared Errors
TestRMSE<-sqrt(MSEvec) #Test Set Root Mean Squared Errors
#Compute Training Set RMSE
rprmse<-rpfit1$results$RMSE[1] #Take from CV fit
rfrmse<-sqrt(rffit1$finalModel$mse[500]) #Take from model fit at last random forest
bstrmse<-bst$evaluation_log$train_rmse[50] #Take from model fit at last boosting iteration
kernrmse<-kernfit$results$RMSE[2] #Take from CV fit
colnames(fitresults)<-c("Tree","Random Forest", "Boosting","Kernel SVM")
caption="Prediction Performance of ML Methods") %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped")
Prediction Performance of ML Methods
Random Forest
Kernel SVM
- Wide variety of machine learning methods have been developed for prediction
- Work well with large sets of predictors and complicated nonlinearities while maintaining out of sample performance
- Tree based methods split space of predictors recursively into regions to produce simple chain of yes-no rules
- Improve variance and overfitting of large nonlinear models by combining within resampled subsets of data: bagging
- Applied to trees, with predictors also random, get random forests
- Small simple models can be fit sequentially to compensate for individual weak performance to produce strong overall model: boosting
- Kernels allow complex nonlinearities and high dimensional data without too much overfitting, by feature mapping
- These and dozens of other methods designed for similar tasks can be fit and compared using