- The probability approach
- Inference by Bayes Rule
- Posterior Prediction
- Examples
- Beta-Bernoulli Model
- Normal-Normal Model
The probability approach to forecasting
- Today, we begin to consider an alternate perspective on how to build a forecast rule
- Recall setup for general forecasting problem
- Data \(\mathcal{Y}_T=\{y_t\}_{t=1}^{T}\in\otimes_{t=1}^{T}\mathrm{Y}\)
- Decision rule \(f():\ \otimes_{t=1}^{T}\mathrm{Y}\to\mathrm{Y}\)
- Loss function \(\ell(.,.):\ \mathrm{Y}\times\mathrm{Y}\to\mathbb{R}\)
- Realized loss \(\ell(y_{T+h},f(\mathcal{Y}_T))\)
- Goal of different forecast approaches is to find a decision rule that produces small realized loss “in some sense”
- Average case approaches recognize uncertainty by asking for realized loss to be small, “on average”
- Let \(\{\mathcal{Y}_{T+h}(\omega):\ \omega\in\Omega\}\) be a space of possible sequences which might occur
- A probability distribution \(p(\omega)\) assigns a weight to subsets of this space of sequences
- Given a probability distribution \(p\), want to choose a rule with small risk
- \(R_p(f):=E_p[\ell(y_{T+h},f(\mathcal{Y}_T))]=\int\ell(y_{T+h}(\omega),f(\mathcal{Y}_T(\omega)))p(\omega)d\omega\)
- Difference in methods is how one finds such a rule
Statistical vs Bayesian Approach
- Problem with pure average case approach is where distribution \(p()\) comes from
- Want to assign more weight to sequences that will occur, less weight to those that won’t
- But whole problem is you don’t know what sequences will occur
- One way to relax this: allow a family of distributions \(\mathcal{P}\), called a probability model
- Expresses the types of features that reasonable sequences might exhibit
- May index distributions by a set \(\Theta\) of such features \(\theta\): family \(\mathcal{P}=\{p(\mathcal{Y}_{T+h},\theta):\ \theta\in\Theta\}\) called a parametric probability model
- Statistical learning approach
- Find a rule such that, for any distribution \(p\in\mathcal{P}\) which might describe the data, \(R_p(f)\) is small
- Saw in previous classes cases where statistical approach can work
- \(\mathcal{P}\) is big but not universal class: a set of distributions which are stationary and weak dependent
- For all \(p\in\mathcal{P}\), risk is “small” (or “probably not so big”) relative to minimum (oracle) risk over some class \(\mathcal{F}\) of rules
- Achieve this by Empirical or Structural Risk Minimization
- Bayesian approach
- Find a rule such that, on average over distributions \(p\in\mathcal{P}\) which might describe the data, \(R_p(f)\) is small
Bayesian Approach: Average case over distributions
- Weight more highly distributions which are more likely, rather than try to do well for all possible distributions
- In Bayesian modeling, the family \(\mathcal{P}\) of distributions over sequences is called the likelihood
- Expresses features of data like mean, variance, autocorrelation, quantiles, etc
- Average over distributions must be with respect to another distribution \(\pi(.)\) over subsets of \(\mathcal{P}\)
- \(\pi(.)\) is called a prior distribution
- If \(\mathcal{P}\) is parametric, \(\pi()\) may equivalently assign weights to subsets of \(\Theta\)
- Expresses beliefs about chance of seeing data with different features before the data is observed
- Average risk of a rule \(f\) is then \(R_{\pi}(f)=E_{\pi}[R_{p_{\theta}}(f)]\)
- \(=\int[\int \ell(y_{T+h},f(\mathcal{Y}_T))p(\mathcal{Y}_{T+h},\theta)d\mathcal{Y}_{T+h}]\pi(\theta)d\theta\)
- Applying Fubini’s theorem (saying you can change order of integrands)
- \(=\int \ell(y_{T+h},f(\mathcal{Y}_T))[\int p(\mathcal{Y}_{T+h},\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta]d\mathcal{Y}_{T+h}\)
- In other words, averaging case over models just gives you back average case over sequences
- Distribution now \(\int p(\mathcal{Y}_{T+h},\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta\)
- Optimal risk is the Bayes Risk, optimal forecast is the Bayes forecast
Likelihoods and Priors
- Whether Bayes forecasts are useful depends on how well likelihood and prior describe the data
- Likelihood represents possible processes producing the data
- Prior reflects knowledge of which features of process are more or less plausible
- Both are opportunities to incorporate existing knowledge or intuition into forecast process
- Likelihood reflects features that occur in the sequence
- What values can \(Y\) take? Binary \(\{0,1\}\), Real valued, nonnegative, bounded, vector-valued, etc
- Is the sequence stationary (same features at all time) or does it have time-dependent features like trends, seasonality, breaks?
- Are observations independent, weakly dependent, or strongly dependent?
- What is shape of distribution? Bell-shaped, decreasing or increasing, multimodal (two or more peaks) etc
- What is magnitude of features: possible means, variances, skewness, etc
- Prior reflects weighting on different subsets of these distributions
- May have reason to think certain features are more probable
- Give larger weight to distributions with these features, less to others in proportion to how often they might be seen
Example: Bernoulli Likelihood
- Suppose we want to know whether the sun will rise tomorrow.
- Example due to astronomer, physicist, and statistician Pierre-Simon Laplace
- More generally, applies to any binary yes-no event, like recession, default, etc
- Data: some number \(T\) days of observations \(y_t=1\) if the sun rose on day \(t\), \(y_t=0\) if the sun failed to rise.
- A probability model of this data might be that for each day, independently, the sun rises with probability \(\theta\), where \(\theta\) is a number in \(\Theta:=[0,1]\).
- The probability on each day is \(p(y_t|\theta)=\theta^{y_t}(1-\theta)^{1-y_t}\)
- Outcome \(y_t=1\) occurs with probability \(\theta\), outcome \(y_t=0\) occurs with probability \(1-\theta\).
- Independence means distribution over \(Y=\{y_t\}_{t=1}^{T}\) is product of \(p(y_t|\theta)\)
- \(p(Y|\theta)=\prod_{t=1}^{T}p(y_t|\theta)=\prod_{t=1}^{T}\theta^{y_t}(1-\theta)^{1-y_t}\)
- This likelihood expresses features sequence might have
- The data take only two possible values, 0 and 1
- In any sequence, chance of seeing a 1 on one day is the same as, and unaffected by the chance on any other day
- A prior over this likelihood is a probability distribution \(\pi()\) over \(\theta\in\Theta=[0,1]\)
- Expresses chance of seeing the sun rise on average a fraction \(\theta\) of days
Priors for the Bernoulli Likelihood
- May have a prior under which any fraction is as likely as any other before the data is seen
- The uniform distribution \(\pi(\theta)=1\) on \([0,1]\)
- More generally, a prior can put greater weight on large values of \(\theta\) if one expects a high average fraction of 1s
- Or lower weight if one expects a low average fraction of 1s
- A simple family of priors which expresses these views is the Beta distribution
- Family of distributions over values in \([0,1]\) with parameters \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) \(\pi(\theta|\alpha,\beta)=\frac{\theta^{\alpha-1}(1-\theta)^{\beta-1}}{\int x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}dx}\)
- Mean of distribution is \(\frac{\alpha}{\alpha+\beta}\)
- Measures perceived chance of seeing a 1 relative to a 0: use this to reflect existing knowledge of frequency
- Increasing both \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) together while leaving mean the same increases concentration of distribution
- Higher values cause distribution to put more and more weight on \(\theta\) near the average, and less on those far away
- Use prior concentration to reflect confidence in existing knowledge
- With a lot of weight given to a small area, you will do well in cases where the distribution takes that form
- However, you will do poorly in cases where likelihood is given little weight
- \(\alpha=\beta=1\) gives uniform prior
- Key problem in Bayesian method is how to perform inference
- Starting with weighting of different sequences expressed by likelihood and prior
- Observe data
- Produce forecast rule which is optimal based on that data
- Given a likelihood, prior, and data, optimal forecast rule is completely determined by a mechanical procedure
- Introduced in 1763 by the Reverend Thomas Bayes in “An Essay towards solving a problem in the doctrine of Chances.”

Bayes Rule
- You may recall Bayes Rule from an elementary probability class
- Use definition of conditional distributions
- \(p(x,y)=p(x|y)p(y)=p(y|x)p(x)\)
- Divide through by p(y) to get Bayes Rule \[p(x|y)=\frac{p(y|x)p(x)}{p(y)}\]
- How does Bayes Rule relate to the Bayes Forecast?
- Let \(y\) be observations, \(x=\theta\) be parameters
- The likelihood can be thought of as family of conditional distributions \(p(y|\theta)\) given the parameters
- Prior \(\pi(\theta)\) gives weight attached to each model
- \(p(y)=\int p(y|\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta\) distribution of data known from above two
- Rule gives us a way to get a conditional distribution for parameters given observed data
- \(p(\theta|x)\) is the posterior distribution
- Describes conditional weights to be given to different distributions
Obtaining Bayes Forecast from Bayes Rule
- Distribution \(p(\mathcal{Y}_{T+1})=\int p(\mathcal{Y}_{T+1},\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta\) factorizes as \[\int p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T},\theta)p(\mathcal{Y}_T|\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta=\int p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T},\theta)p(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)p(\mathcal{Y}_T)d\theta\]
- Using \(p(\theta,\mathcal{Y}_T)=p(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)p(\mathcal{Y}_T)=p(\mathcal{Y}_T|\theta)\pi(\theta)\)
- Results in risk \(R_{\pi}(f)=\int[\int \ell(y_{T+1},f(\mathcal{Y}_T))[\int p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T},\theta)p(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)d\theta]dy_{T+1}p(\mathcal{Y}_T)]d\mathcal{Y}_{T}\)
- Given data, have Conditional Risk \(\int \ell(y_{T+1},f(\mathcal{Y}_T))[\int p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T},\theta)p(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)d\theta]dy_{T+1}\)
- Result: To calculate risk, average over posterior predictive distribution \[\int p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T},\theta)p(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)d\theta\]
- \(p(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)\) is posterior: Calculate by Bayes Rule
- \(p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T},\theta)\) is conditional likelihood: often has a simple or closed form formula
- Optimal forecast conditional on data \(\mathcal{Y}_T\) now involves picking single number
- \(\widehat{y}^{*}=\underset{\widehat{y}\in\mathrm{Y}}{\arg\min}\int\ell(y_{T+1},\widehat{y})\int p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T},\theta)p(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)d\theta dy_{T+1}\)
- Bayesian inference learns about distribution of the data by changing the weights assigned to different elements of \(\mathcal{P}\)
- Parameter values \(\theta\) for which the likelihood of observed data \(p(\mathcal{Y}_{T}|\theta)\) is high are given larger weight
- As are parameter values that we assigned larger weight to initially
- Posterior distribution concentrates weight on parameters which produce sequences that look like data you have seen
- Allows refining “average case” forecast to average over plausible distributions
- Posterior may be thought of as “degree of plausibility” of different parameters
- Posterior predictive distribution averages predictions for new data based on predictions from the models weighted by the posterior probability
- Predictions are average of predictions from many models, weighted towards those which are plausible
- Distribution of possible values in future tells us which values might be produced by plausible probability models, weighted by their plausibility
- Can obtain distribution of losses of any decision rule by weighting loss function by by this predictive distribution
- Minimizing over this distribution produces an optimal prediction
Choosing a Likelihood
- Likelihoods \(\mathcal{P}=\{p(Y_t,\theta):\theta\in\Theta\}\) express model of process generating the data
- Not just a predictive tool, but full description of all features of the data
- Parameters allow for parts of form not known in advance: eg, know data binary, but don’t know proportion of different outcomes
- Can be very helpful to build likelihood out of simpler parts
- If each distribution in \(\mathcal{P}\) is iid, distribution factorizes \(p(\mathcal{Y}_{T+h},\theta)=\Pi_{t=1}^{T+h}p(y_{t},\theta)\)
- Many models, like autoregression models, not iid but built from simpler parts that are
- Each data point satisfies \(y_{t}=\beta_0+\beta_1y_{t-1}+\ldots\beta_py_{t-p}+e_t\), \(e_{t}\overset{iid}{\sim}f_{\sigma}(e)\)
- Here \(f_{\sigma}()\) is a mean 0 distribution with unknown variance parameter \(\sigma\) and \(\theta=(\beta,\sigma)\in\Theta=\mathbb{R}^{p+2}\)
- Then \(p(y_t|\mathcal{Y}_t)=f_{\theta}(y_{t}=\beta_0+\beta_1y_{t-1}+\ldots\beta_py_{t-p})\) for all \(t\)
- Likelihood of data can then factorize into product of conditional likelihoods \(p(\mathcal{Y}_{T+h},\theta)=\Pi_{t=1}^{T+h}p(y_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_t,\theta)\)
- Build likelihood to reflect features of data: e.g., AR(p) model can describe data with different ACFs
- But assumes 0 trend or seasonality, constant conditional distribution, etc
- We will see many examples of probability models in classes to come
Choosing a Prior
- If you have already applied Bayesian inference to existing data, you already have a distribution over parameters
- The posterior is a new prior
- Given new data, you can use the posterior as your new prior, and apply Bayes rule again to get a new posterior
- This is another application of Bayesian updating
- Allows transfering knowledge across data sets and time periods
- Given a new problem, your prior should be the posterior you would have had after performing Bayesian updating over the information you have
- In cases where this is not possible, like a completely new domain, can apply intuition and general principles
- e.g. Cromwell’s rule: Do not assign prior of 0 to any event unless it is literally impossible
Prior and Posterior Predictions
- Prior predictive distribution: even before data is seen, can construct predictions
- \(\int p(\mathcal{Y}_{T}|\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta\) is a distribution over sequences \(\mathcal{Y}_{T}\)
- Can simulate from it by drawing \(\theta\) at random from \(\pi\), then \(\mathcal{Y}_{T}\) at random from \(p(\mathcal{Y}_{T}|\theta)\pi(\theta)\)
- Prior predictive distribution should generate sequences that have features of typical distribution
- Simulate and check: do the values look plausible or not, in terms of scale or other features
- If simulations lead to quarterly GDP growth of 3 million percent or more in a nontrivial fraction of years, probably some implausible guesses are given too high a weight
- If in 1000 simulations, never see a recession, probably assigning too little weight to some outcomes
- Encompassing principle
- Prior predictive distribution should contain any plausible outcome, plus a bit more to account for surprises
- If prior predictive distribution looks implausible, problem may be with prior or likelihood
- Adjust both to reflect data features
- Posterior predictive distribution can also be compared to the data
- If even after updating, simulations look very different from data, model may not be describing data very well
Computing the Posterior
- Start by choosing a model expressing features of data distribution, a prior over these features, and data
- Inference then requires computation to find posterior \(p(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)\)
- Applying Bayes rule means computing \(\frac{p(\mathcal{Y}_{T}|\theta)\pi(\theta)}{\int p(\mathcal{Y}_{T}|\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta}\)
- Numerator is (usually) easy: both terms come from probability model
- Denominator is usually harder
- Just a constant (in \(\theta\)) which normalizes distribution to give mass 1 to set of all values
- But requires integral over parameter space
- One possible solution: use likelihood and prior such that integral has known solution
- Prior-posterior pairs which give closed form posterior in same family as prior are called conjugate
- Mid-20th century textbooks on Bayesian methods were mostly big compendia of conjugate families and integral tables
- Useful when applicable, but simple forms not always a reasonable model of likelihood or prior
- Nowadays, can also use numerical integration to compute or simulate from \(p(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)\)
- Next class will be all about this
Computing Posterior Predictive Distribution and Bayes Forecast
- Once posterior \(p(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)\) is computed or simulated from, integrate again to compute posterior predictive distribution
- \(p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T})=\int p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T},\theta)p(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)d\theta\)
- And integrate again to compute conditional risk with respect to this distribution
- \(\int \ell(y_{T+1},\widehat{y})p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T})dy_{T+1}\)
- Conditional likelihood \(p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T},\theta)\) usually easy to calculate for fixed \(\theta\)
- Especially if likelihood factorizable
- If simulations from distribution feasible, simple procedure: for \(j=1\ldots J\) simulations
- Simulate \(\theta_j\) from posterior \(p(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)\)
- Simulate \(y_{t+1,j}\) from conditional likelihood \(p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T},\theta_j)\)
- Estimate posterior predictive risk as \(\frac{1}{J}\sum_{j=1}^{J}\ell(y_{t+1,j},\widehat{y})\)
- Find \(\widehat{y}\) minimizing approximate risk
- In cases where risk minimization elicits a feature of distribution, can optimize by calculating that feature of posterior predictive distribution
- Square loss gives posterior predictive mean, absolute gives median, cross-entropy gives conditional probability, etc
Example: Beta-Bernoulli Posterior
- Beta distribution is a conjugate prior for a Bernoulli likelihood
- Posterior also a Beta distribution, with different parameters \(\alpha,\beta\).
- Applying this prior along with Bayes rule to the Bernoulli formula, obtain \[\pi(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_{T})=\frac{p(\mathcal{Y}_T|\theta)f(\theta,\alpha,\beta)}{\int p(\mathcal{Y}_T|\theta)f(\theta,\alpha,\beta)d\theta}=\frac{\prod_{t=1}^{T}\theta^{y_t}(1-\theta)^{1-y_t}\frac{\theta^{\alpha-1}(1-\theta)^{\beta-1}}{\int x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}dx}}{\int\prod_{t=1}^{T}\theta^{y_t}(1-\theta)^{1-y_t}\frac{\theta^{\alpha-1}(1-\theta)^{\beta-1}}{\int x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}dx}d\theta}\]
- Simplifies by symmetry: if \(N\) is the # of times outcome \(1\) observed, \(M:=T-N\) is the # of times outcome \(0\) observed
- Posterior density proportional to \(\pi(\theta|Y)\propto\theta^{N+\alpha-1}(1-\theta)^{M+\beta-1}=f(\theta,N+\alpha,M+\beta)\)
- Parameters have a meaningful interpretation
- If \(\alpha=\beta=1\), the Beta distribution is just a uniform distribution on \([0,1]\).
- Starting with this prior, different parameter values correspond to the number of observations of \(1\) or \(0\) that have been seen.
- A prior of \(\alpha=n+1,\beta=m+1\) corresponds to having seen \(n\) ones and \(m\) zeros.
- Values of \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) with non-integer components, or less than 1, are also feasible.
Example Continued: Beta-Bernoulli Forecast
- Posterior predictive probability that the sun rises tomorrow is the posterior mean
- \(p(y_{T+1}=1|\mathcal{Y}_{T})=\int\theta\frac{\theta^{N+\alpha-1}(1-\theta)^{M+\beta-1}}{\int x^{N+\alpha-1}(1-x)^{M+\beta-1}dx}d\theta\)
- Using that the mean of a Beta distribution with parameters \(a,b\) is \(\frac{a}{a+b}\), this is \(\frac{N+\alpha}{T+\alpha+\beta}\)
- So posterior predictive distribution is Bernoulli with probability \(\frac{N+\alpha}{T+\alpha+\beta}\)
- With quadratic or cross-entropy loss, posterior predictive probability of 1 is exactly the optimal forecast \(\widehat{y}\)
- With finite prior \(\alpha,\beta\), this converges to \(\frac{N}{T}\)
- Fraction of samples where a 1 was observed
- Seems like a sensible choice: ERM over all constant forecast rules
Example 2: Normal-Normal Model
- Consider an example useful for continuous data \(y\in\mathbb{R}\)
- Likelihood: Normal distribution with unknown mean \(\mu\) known precision \(\tau\) (\(\tau=\) inverse of variance \(\sigma^2\) )
- \(y\sim N(\mu,\frac{1}{\tau})\) has density \(p(y|\mu)=\frac{\sqrt{\tau}}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp(-\frac{\tau}{2}(y-\mu)^2)\)
- Prior: Normal distribution with fixed mean \(m\), precision \(t\) is conjugate
- \(\pi(\mu;m,t)=\frac{\sqrt{t}}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp(-\frac{t}{2}(\mu-m)^2)\)
- Posterior: Normal, with new precision \(t^\prime=\tau+t\) and new mean \(m^\prime=\frac{t}{\tau+t}m+\frac{\tau}{\tau+t}y\)
- \(p(\mu|y)=\frac{p(y|\mu)\pi(\mu;m,t)}{\int p(y|\mu)\pi(\mu;m,t)d\mu}=\frac{\sqrt{t^\prime}}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp(-\frac{t^\prime}{2}(\mu-m^\prime)^2)\)
- See bonus slide for proof, by completing the square
- Interpretation: posterior mean is weighted average of prior and data, and precision increases
- Conjugacy extends to multivariate case, with any variance
- Includes any gaussian model of a sequence, including AR model with normal \(e_t\), VAR, and many more
- Unknown variance case works with appropriate prior on variance
- Historically, most work on Bayesian methods for time series based on normal-normal model
- Linear formulas make exact calculations feasible
- The probability approach uses probability distribution to describe behavior of data sequences
- Comes from a model describing properties of the data
- Bayesian approach puts a probability distribution, called a prior over the distribution of sequences
- Comes from existing beliefs or knowledge about these properties
- Given observed data, a conditional distribution over the distribution of sequences, called a posterior, can be computed by Bayes Rule \[p(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)=\frac{p(\mathcal{Y}_T;\theta)\pi(\theta)}{\int p(\mathcal{Y}_T;\theta)\pi(\theta) d\theta}\]
- Can compute a predictive distribution \(p(y_{T+h}|\mathcal{Y}_T)\) by averaging over the posterior
- Use this to compute forecasts with lowest risk on average over the prior distribution
- Complexity of Bayesian method comes from choosing a good model (likelihood and prior) and being able to compute the posterior
Bonus: Gaussian Posterior Calculation
- Calculations for posterior in normal normal model
- \(p(\mu|y)=\frac{p(y|\mu)\pi(\mu;m,t)}{\int p(y|\mu)\pi(\mu;m,t)d\mu}\)
- \(\propto\exp(-\frac{1}{2}(\tau(y-\mu)^2+t(m-\mu)^2))\) ignore constant of proportionality
- \(\propto\exp(-\frac{1}{2}(\tau(\mu^2-2\mu y)+t(\mu^2-2\mu m))\) expand square and drop terms not dependent on \(\mu\)
- \(=\exp(-\frac{\tau+t}{2}(\mu^2-2\mu\frac{\tau y +tm}{\tau+t}))\)
- \(\propto\exp(-\frac{\tau+t}{2}(\mu-\frac{\tau y +tm}{\tau+t})^2)\) complete the square
- Up to proportionality, this is density of a \(N(\frac{\tau y +tm}{\tau+t},\frac{1}{\tau+t})\) distribution