- Review of Bayesian Theory
- Posterior Computation Approach I: Large sample approximation
- Laplace approximation
- Posterior Computation Approach II: MCMC Sampling
- Probabilistic programming and Stan
- Example: Beta-Bernoulli revisited
- Posterior, Forecasts, Evaluation
- Example extended: Logistic regression
Review of Bayesian Approach
- Bayesian approach to modeling data \(\mathcal{Y}_{T+1}=\{y_t\}_{t=1}^{T+1}\)
- Describe sequence by likelihood: family of distributions \(\{p(\mathcal{Y}_{T+1},\theta):\ \theta\in\Theta\}\)
- Describe beliefs about \(\theta\) with prior: distribution \(\pi(\theta)\) on \(\Theta\)
- Bayesian Inference
- Given data \(\mathcal{Y}_T\), update prior to obtain posterior \(\pi(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_{T})\): conditional distribution of \(\theta\) given \(\mathcal{Y}_T\)
- Posterior formula given by Bayes Rule \[\pi(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_{T})=\frac{p(\mathcal{Y}_{T},\theta)\pi(\theta)}{\int_{\Theta}p(\mathcal{Y}_{T},\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta}\]
- Bayesian Forecasting
- Use posterior and conditional likelihood \(p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_T,\theta)\) to produce posterior predictive distribution
- \(p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T})=\int_{\Theta}p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_T,\theta)\pi(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_{T})d\theta\)
- Bayesian Decision Theory
- Want rule \(f(\mathcal{Y}_T)\) minimizing prior predictive risk \(R_{\pi}(f)=\int_{\Theta}\int_{\times_{t=1}^{T+1}\mathrm{Y}}\ell(y_{T+1},f(\mathcal{Y}_T))p(\mathcal{Y}_{T+1},\theta)d\mathcal{Y}_{T+1}\pi(\theta)d\theta\)
- Achieve by minimizing posterior predictive risk \(f^*(\mathcal{Y}_T)=\underset{\widehat{y}}{\arg\min}\int_{\mathrm{Y}} \ell(y_{T+1},\widehat{y})p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T})dy_{T+1}\)
Applying the Bayesian Approach
- Genuinely hard part of Bayesian forecasting: modeling
- Express features of situation and economic and measurement processes producing data through the likelihood
- Provide honest and well-calibrated assessment of uncertainty regarding these features through the prior
- Once you have these, previous slide has all formulas you will ever need
- Compare statistical approach: pick rule class \(\mathcal{F}\) and optimize
- Helpful to choose model class attuned to features of the data that help prediction
- But don’t need full knowledge of probability model, and can still do well without it in relative sense
- Leads to “push-button” solutions
- “Bayesian inference is hard in the sense that thinking is hard.” (cf Berry, via Sims)
- More prosaically, Bayesian inference is hard in the sense that integration is hard
- Posterior and prediction calculation means integrating over \(\Theta\)
- In all but the simplest models, there is no exact solution
- Need to resort to various sorts of approximations
Types of posterior calculations
- Posterior \(\pi(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)\) is proportional to \(p(\mathcal{Y}_T,\theta)\pi(\theta)\), which is easy to calculate
- But constant of proportionality \(\int_{\Theta}p(\mathcal{Y}_T,\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta\) requires integration
- Exact Integration
- Feasible if likelihood \(p(\mathcal{Y}_{T+1},\theta)\) and prior \(\pi(\theta)\) are conjugate: posterior in same family as prior
- Many useful cases: Bernoulli with Beta, Normal with Normal, etc
- If you can find a pair which is “close enough” to model you want, simple and fast
- Large T approximations
- If likelihood stationary & weak dependent, and sample \(T\) large, simple posterior approximations may work well
- MAP/Laplace/Bernstein-von Mises procedures
- Calculations reduce to optimization, end up looking a lot like ERM/SRM
- Sampling (Monte Carlo) algorithms
- Algorithms can produce (stationary weak dependent sequence of) samples \(\{\theta_j\}_{j=1}^J\) from \(\pi(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)\)
- Any integral over posterior can be approximated as \(\frac{1}{J}\sum_{j=1}^{J} m(\theta_j)\) by LLN
- Algorithms slow and prone to bizarre failures, but applicable in many more cases (small T, unusual shape, etc)
Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) Estimate
- While very hard to calculate full posterior, can learn certain features of it easily
- In particular, the Posterior Mode, or MAP estimate: value \(\widehat{\theta}^{MAP}\) of \(\theta\) with highest posterior probability
- To extent that this is “most plausible single value”, can use it for predictions
- \(p(y_{T+1}|\mathcal{Y}_{T},\widehat{\theta}^{MAP})\) is “most plausible” single prediction model
- Key to MAP (and other large sample Bayesian approximations) is that likelihoods factorize into conditional likelihoods
- \(p(\mathcal{Y}_{T},\theta)=\Pi_{t=1}^{T}p(y_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_{t-1})\)
- Key trick: take log of posterior to turn product into sum
- \(\log p(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)=\sum_{t=1}^{T}\log p(y_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_{t-1},\theta)+\log\pi(\theta)-\log\int_{\theta} p(\mathcal{Y}_T,\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta\)
- Note that proportionality factor \(\log\int_{\theta} p(\mathcal{Y}_T,\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta\) not a function of \(\theta\)
- So to find the MAP estimate, can ignore it and maximize the other part \[\widehat{\theta}^{MAP}=\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\arg\max}\left\{\sum_{t=1}^{T}\log p(y_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_{t-1},\theta)+\log\pi(\theta)\right\}\]
Application: Bayesian Regression Model
- Consider regression model
- For any \(t=1\ldots T\), \(y_{t}=\sum_{k=1}^p\beta_kz_{t,k}+e_{t}\), \(e_{t}\overset{iid}{\sim}N(0,\sigma^2)\)
- \(Z_t\) can contain lags to get autoregression model, external predictors, etc
- Prior distribution on \(\beta\) is independent mean 0 normal distributions \(\pi(\beta)\propto\Pi_{k=1}^{p}\exp(-\frac{\beta_k^2}{2\sigma_{\beta}^2})\)
- Taking logs and ignoring constants, MAP estimate takes suspiciously familiar form \[\widehat{\beta}^{MAP}=\underset{\beta\in\Theta}{\arg\min}\left\{\sum_{t=1}^{T} (y_{t}-\sum_{k=1}^p\beta_kz_{t,k})^2+c\sum_{k=1}^{p}\beta_k^2 \right\}\]
- This is exactly L2 Penalized (Ridge) regression! (with penalty \(c\) based on relative variance of prior normal distributions and \(\sigma^2\))
- Suppose instead \(\pi(\beta_k)\propto \exp(-\lambda|\beta_k|)\) (Called Laplace distribution) \[\widehat{\beta}^{MAP}=\underset{\beta\in\Theta}{\arg\min}\left\{\sum_{t=1}^{T} (y_{t}-\sum_{k=1}^p\beta_kz_{t,k})^2+c\sum_{k=1}^{p}|\beta_k| \right\}\]
- This is exactly L1 Penalized (Lasso) regression!
MAP vs Structural Risk Minimization
- MAP estimate always equal to some form of structural risk minimizer
- (Negative) log likelihood defines the loss function, log prior defines the penalty
- Allows for new interpretation of both classes of method
- MAP Bayes methods have small uniform risk whenever SRM would
- Large T, stationary weak dependent distribution, limited complexity or heavy penalty
- SRM is approximately Bayes for a certain likelihood and prior
- Use knowledge of process (prior and likelihood) to assign loss and penalty
- Disadvantage of both MAP and SRM, relative to full Bayes, is use of single \(\theta\) rather than full posterior
- Posterior distribution allows expression of uncertainty and its use in decision-making
- May want to learn more about posterior than its highest point
Laplace Approximation
- If T large and averages are well-behaved, can use fact that posterior is sum to approximate
- Idea: average eventually close to mean, so a local Taylor expansion in \(\theta\) around \(\theta^*=\widehat{\theta}^{MAP}\) suffices
- \(\pi(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)=\exp(T(\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\log p(y_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_{t-1},\theta)+\frac{1}{T}\log\pi(\theta)-\frac{1}{T}\log\int_{\Theta} p(\mathcal{Y}_T,\theta)\pi(\theta)d\theta))\)
- \(\propto\exp(T(\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\frac{d}{d\theta}\log p(y_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_{t-1},\theta^*)(\theta-\theta^*)+\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\frac{1}{2}\frac{d^2}{d\theta^2}\log p(y_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_{t-1},\theta^*)(\theta-\theta^*)^2\)
- \(+\frac{1}{T}\frac{d}{d\theta}\log\pi(\theta^*)(\theta-\theta^*)+\frac{1}{T}\frac{1}{2}\frac{d^2}{d\theta^2}\log\pi(\theta^*)(\theta-\theta^*)^2+\text{higher order terms}))\)
- Proportionality constant and 0th order term disappear since not functions of \(\theta\)
- By optimality of MAP, first derivative term equals 0
- \(=\exp(T(\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\frac{1}{2}\frac{d^2}{d\theta^2}\log p(y_{t}|\mathcal{Y}_{t-1},\theta^*)(\theta-\theta^*)^2+\frac{1}{T}\frac{1}{2}\frac{d^2}{d\theta^2}\log\pi(\theta^*)(\theta-\theta^*)^2)\)
- Density which is exponent of a quadratic function has a name: it is a Normal distribution
- Laplace Approximation: For large T, posterior \(\approx\) normal, with mean around \(\widehat{\theta}^{MAP}\), variance proportional to minus inverse of second derivative of log likelihood (+ prior) over T
- Unless prior very large relative to \(T\), prior term also disappears as T grows
Applied Laplace Approximation
- Calculate MAP (or even just unpenalized version, called the Maximum Likelihood Estimator)
- Use same variance formula as used for normal confidence intervals
- Use this normal distribution as posterior
- Conclusion: When this works, posterior distribution is approximate sampling distribution and vice versa
- Can use intervals from standard regression, ETS, AR forecast commands, etc, as approximate Bayesian posteriors
- Interval between posterior quantiles is valid confidence interval if all conditions for validity of ERM confidence intervals hold
- Stationarity, weak dependence, low complexity, correct specification
- Bernstein-von Mises Theorem (cf van der Vaart 1998) presents formal conditions for this
- Laplace approximation relies on
- Unique posterior mode
- (2x) Differentiability of likelihood
- T big enough to ignore higher order terms
- All of these can cause problems, and approximation can be very bad far away from mode
- But really fast to compute, so a good starting point for a quick analysis
Monte Carlo Sampling Algorithms
- When exact posterior computation not possible and local approximations unreliable, can turn to numerical integration
- Wide variety of methods: Riemann sums, trapezoid rule, Simpson’s rule, etc
- Rules based on fixed grid usually scale poorly with dimension of \(\Theta\)
- Need huge number of grid points for modest accuracy if model has many parameters, like a VAR
- Rules based on random sampling, called Monte Carlo methods, perform equally well regardless of dimension
- By central limit theorem, error decreases as \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{J}}\): Quadruple number of draws to halve error, on average
- Sample from \(\pi(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)\) by class of methods called Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
- Idea: using random numbers, generate a sequence \(\{\theta_j\}_{j=1}^J\) drawn from a specially designed process
- Sequence comes from conditional distribution \(P(\theta_{j+1}|\theta_{j})\) which can be calculated using only \(p(\mathcal{Y}_T,\theta)\), \(\pi(\theta)\) without integration
- Under some conditions, \(P(\frac{1}{J}\sum_{j=1}^{J}m(\theta_j)\to\int m(\theta)\pi(\theta|\mathcal{Y}_T)d\theta)=1\) for any integrable function \(m()\) \(\Theta\to\mathbb{R}^d\)
- Huge variety of such methods exist, based on details of formula for \(P(\theta_{j+1}|\theta_{j})\): see illustrations
- Names like Metropolis-Hastings, Gibbs Sampler, MALA, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), etc
- Details matter a lot for speed and reliability, but once you have sequence of draws, can use the same way
- Due to flexibility, MCMC useful default first choice for Bayesian methods
Probabilistic Programming
- Ideally, would like a program that lets you enter likelihood, prior, and data, which would then automatically produce posterior and predictive distributions
- Such a program is called a Probabilistic Programming Language
- Many exist, based on different posterior approximation methods
- BUGS, Stan, Edward, Tensorflow Probability, etc
- Stan is a popular and well-supported choice, based on Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, with R access by library
- HMC uses derivatives of \(p(\mathcal{Y}_T,\theta)\), \(\pi(\theta)\) to speed up sampling, so tends to be fairly fast for models with many parameters
- Downside is that it requires differentiable probability models
- I will present some worked examples in Stan to show what Bayesian modeling and evaluation looks like
- For details of Stan language, see documentation at mc-stan.org
- Many conventional models, like regression, have already been coded and are accessible by an interface which doesn’t require accessing probabilistic programming language directly
- Still useful to have sense of what’s going on “under the hood” in packages like
, brms
or prophet
Writing a Stan Program
- A Stan program can be written and saved as .stan file, or defined directly as text (i.e. put quotes around the code)
- A Stan program is a file with several parts
- Data: the variables in the model, with values to be taken from data
- Parameters: the parameters of the model, to be inferred by Bayes rule
- Model: Both the (log) likelihood and the prior, defined as probability distributions
- May also have optional additional parts:
- functions, transformed data, transformed parameters: auxiliary functions
- Generated quantities: Things to simulate, including posterior predictive distribution
- Stan is a “typed” language, meaning every variable declaration is associated with a type
- int (integer), real, vector, etc, along with upper or lower bounds if bounded
- This ensures the language knows what possible values a variable can take
- Let’s see a Stan program to sample from the posterior of Beta-Bernoulli model from last class
- Likelihood is Bernoulli: \(p(y_t,\theta)=\theta^{y_t}(1-\theta)^{(1-y_t)}\), prior is Beta(a,b): \(\pi(\theta)\propto \theta^{a-1}(1-\theta)^{b-1}\)
- In this case, posterior after \(N\) 1s and \(M\) 0s known to be Beta(a+N,b+M), so can check accuracy
Stan code for model
library(rstan) #Access Stan from R
stan_code_bernoulli <- "
data {
int T; // The sample size
int<lower=0,upper=1> y[T]; // The observations (array of length T)
real<lower=0> prior_a; // The a parameter of the prior: data because user allowed to enter value
real<lower=0> prior_b; // The b parameter of the prior
parameters {
real<lower=0,upper=1> theta; // The probability of observing a one
model {
theta ~ beta(prior_a,prior_b); // Prior
for (t in 1:T)
y[t] ~ bernoulli(theta); // Likelihood: consists of N independent Bernoulli samples
generated quantities {
int<lower=0,upper=1> y_tilde; // Samples from posterior predictive distribution
y_tilde = bernoulli_rng(theta); //Simulate draw from (Bernoulli) conditional likelihood
Run Code on Simulated Data
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()) #Use parallel computing when running MCMC
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE) #Do not recompile Stan code every time file is saved
# Compile this code as a model. Warning: compiling takes a long time
stan_model_bernoulli<-stan_model(model_code = stan_code_bernoulli,model_name = "BernoulliModel")
# Generate some data to feed to the model
truetheta<-0.99 # Make 0s a rare event
aprior<-0.5 # Expect few 1s
bprior<-0.5 # Expect few 0s
Tsample<-1000 # Data size
set.seed(4567) # Seed random number generator, so results always same
ysample<-rbinom(Tsample,1,truetheta) #Generate T Bernoulli variates
# Format data as list to feed to model
stan_data<-list(T=Tsample, y=ysample, prior_a=aprior, prior_b=bprior)
# Run the code to draw samples from the posterior
fit_bernoulli<-sampling(object = stan_model_bernoulli,data = stan_data, chains = 4, iter = 2000, seed = 4567)
#Run 4 chains of 2000 samples, and discard the first 1000 of each
print(fit_bernoulli) # Print summary statistics for posterior statistics
stan_hist(fit_bernoulli) # Plot the approximated posterior density
Approximate Posterior and Posterior Predictive Densities
print(fit_bernoulli,digits_summary=3) # Print summary statistics for posterior statistics
## Inference for Stan model: BernoulliModel.
## 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1;
## post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
## mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## theta 0.985 0.000 0.004 0.976 0.982 0.985 0.987 0.991
## y_tilde 0.981 0.002 0.137 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
## lp__ -80.489 0.020 0.703 -82.572 -80.656 -80.217 -80.034 -79.983
## n_eff Rhat
## theta 1333 1.001
## y_tilde 3950 1.001
## lp__ 1233 1.002
## Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Sun Oct 27 23:59:00 2019.
## For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at
## convergence, Rhat=1).
quietgg(stan_hist(fit_bernoulli)) # Plot the approximated posterior density, suppressing warning messages

#Calculate some statistics
thetamean<-get_posterior_mean(fit_bernoulli,pars="theta") #Get posterior mean of theta
Interpretation and Monte Carlo Diagnostics
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo approximation drew 4 2000 sample sequences
- “Warm up” or “Burn in” of 1000 means first 1000 draws are discarded: done to reduce bias from start point of chain
- “Effective Sample Size” n_eff smaller than 4000 because samples autocorrelated, so variance increased, to level “as if” n_eff samples used
- Run multiple long chains to compare variability
- If distribution very different across samples within chains or across chains, possible that sampler “got stuck”
- Rhat not close to 1, warnings saying “divergent transition” or trace plots of MCMC draws which seem to wander around are all warning signs of problems with sampler
- Use
in library shinystan
for extensive graphical summaries of fit and diagnostics
- Due to randomness, can never be sure approximation is good, but should be cautious if warnings exist
- Data used had N= 985 1s, M= 15 0s
- So with prior Beta(0.5,0.5), exact posterior on \(\theta\) is Beta(985.5,15.5), with mean 0.9845155
- MCMC approximate posterior on \(\theta\) had mean 0.9845791
- Shape close to Beta distribution, but with some fluctuations due to sampling error
- Could improve precision at cost of longer runtime by sampling longer chains
Trace Plot of MCMC Chains
- Chains show similar and narrow variation, suggesting reasonably weak dependence

Extending the Model
- For more practical application, can add dependence by making probability of drawing a 1 a function of past samples
- Let’s try Bayesian version of logistic autoregression model (as in recession forecast example)
- \(p(y_{t+1}=1|\mathcal{Y}_{t})=\text{logit}^{-1}(a+\beta_1 y_{t-1}+\beta_2 y_{t-2})\)
- iid Bernoulli model is special case where \(\beta_1=\beta_2=0\), \(\text{logit}^{-1}(a)=\theta\)
- Need prior on \(\beta\):
- Note that \(\text{logit}^{-1}(5)\approx0.99\), so unless very strong persistence expected, prior should mostly be within \([-5,5]\)
- Try N(0,10) for \(a\), \(N(0,5)\) for \(\beta_1,\beta_2\), all independent, for quite dispersed prior
- Allows reasonable chance of very high persistence, but doesn’t force it
Stan Code
stan_code_logitAR <- "
data {
int T; // The sample size
int<lower=0,upper=1> y[T]; // The observations (array of length T)
int<lower=0> K; // Number of lags to use
real<lower=0> prior_a; // Prior variance of intercept
real<lower=0> prior_b; // The variance of coefficients on lags
parameters {
real a; // Intercept coefficient
real b[K]; // K Lag coefficients
model {
a ~ normal(0,prior_a); // Intercept Prior
for (k in 1:K)
b[k] ~ normal(0,prior_b); // Lag coefficient priors
for (t in (K+1):T) {
real mu = a;
for (k in 1:K)
mu += b[k] * y[t-k]; // Formula is sum of intercept and lags
y[t] ~ bernoulli_logit(mu); // Likelihood
generated quantities {
int<lower=0,upper=1> y_tilde; // Samples from posterior predictive distribution
for (t in (T-K):T) { // Use last K observations to predict y[T+1]
real mu = a;
for (k in 1:K)
mu += b[k] * y[t-k];
y_tilde = bernoulli_rng(inv_logit(mu)); //Simulate from conditional likelihood
Results: MCMC Fit vs Maximum Likelihood Fit
- Maximum likelihood here is logistic regression: ERM of cross-entropy loss
- If Bernstein von Mises approximation close, prior doesn’t matter, and Std. Error here is Normal posterior standard deviation
summary(recessionlogit)$coefficients #MLE
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -3.69266 0.1762321 -20.95339369 1.747251e-97
## l1usrec 20.85563 476.3834345 0.04377909 9.650805e-01
## l2usrec -14.42507 476.3834351 -0.03028038 9.758434e-01
- Examining MCMC fit with priors, big difference in coefficients
print(fit_logitAR) #Bayesian Prediction
## Inference for Stan model: LogitARModel.
## 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1;
## post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
## mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff
## a -3.70 0.00 0.18 -4.05 -3.81 -3.69 -3.58 -3.36 1582
## b[1] 9.33 0.07 1.84 6.66 7.98 9.03 10.33 13.75 727
## b[2] -2.88 0.07 1.84 -7.31 -3.86 -2.55 -1.55 -0.20 715
## y_tilde 0.03 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 4064
## lp__ -283.23 0.05 1.33 -286.60 -283.81 -282.89 -282.26 -281.72 795
## Rhat
## a 1
## b[1] 1
## b[2] 1
## y_tilde 1
## lp__ 1
## Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Oct 28 00:00:23 2019.
## For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at
## convergence, Rhat=1).
Posterior and Posterior Predictive Distribution Samples
#Pairs plot

Interpretation and Conclusion
- Asymptotic approximation based on ignoring priors very different from MCMC draws
- Even though sample size quite big and series not strongly dependent
- Reason is that 1 month vs 2 months in past contain almost the same information about future
- Predictions are highly correlated
- See this in posterior pairs plot between b1 and b2, with near straight line
- b1 and b2 posteriors notably skewed: not so close to normal
- Effectively, likelihood has not a single peak, but a “ridge” of almost identical density
- Adding prior information constrains range of plausible effects to subset of this ridge, resulting in different outcomes
- Lesson: be careful with approximation assumptions
- MCMC for logistic regression can be done with much less code using
estimates same model, with slightly different default prior scales
similarly for linear regression, etc. See also many models in brms
- Can set options to adjust priors as needed
- Bayesian approach offers principled and orderly way to produce predictions and forecasts
- Knowledge goes into building models and selecting priors: rest is just integration
- Can easily approximate posterior locally by its maximum, giving MAP equal to penalized ERM
- Can extend to distribution in large samples by taking Laplace approximation
- Posterior close to normal around MAP, with variance defined by derivatives
- For small samples or challenging problems, can sample by Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Implement easily using probabilistic programming languages like Stan