- Estimation and inference with persistent time series
- Reasons for persistence
- Problems caused by persistence
- Testing
- Results crucial when handling financial data
- Easy ways to lose money in the stock market!
- Chapter 12, 18 in Wooldridge
Time series dependence: Review
- Recall, a time series \(Y_t\) is stationary and weakly dependent if \(E[Y_t]=E[Y_s]\), \(Cov(Y_t,Y_{t+h})=Cov(Y_s,Y_{s+h})\) \(\forall\ s\neq t\) and \(Cov(Y_t,Y_{t+h})\rightarrow 0\) quickly enough
- Law of large numbers (“Ergodic Theorem”) and (modified) Central Limit Theorem hold
- Allows the series to be used in a regression with more or less usual results, up to a modified standard error formula
- Historical events can be treated like “samples” of underlying process
- Need future to be comparable to past, and not too related to it
- This can be reasonable if we directly account for characteristics that do change over time
Dealing with nonstationary data
- Most basic approach
- Transform series so that transformed series is stationary
- In any model built out of stationary components, can solve for the stationary variable
- For trend stationary data, can “detrend”
- Regress series on function of time and use residual
- Or include function of time in regression
- Transformed variables are stationary but regression equation may have different interpretation
- GDP not stationary but GDP growth might be
Integrated Series
- Series where source of nonstationarity is random much harder to deal with
- Random walk \(Y_t=Y_{t-1}+e_t\) typical example of series with stochastic trend
- Series drifts far away from any particular value, but this drift is not on preset path
- With constant, \(Y_t=b_0+Y_{t-1}+e_t\), expected to increase by \(b_0\) each period, but doesn’t stay close to line
- A series \(Y_t\) is called integrated (of order 1) if
- \(Y_t\) nonstationary, \(\Delta Y_t\) stationary,
- Asset prices, exchange rates, many macro variables seem to look like this
- A possible solution
- Remove both trends by differencing: \(\Delta Y_t= b_0 + e_t\) stationary
What if source of nonstationarity not known?
- How can we detect it?
- Measure dependence
- Apply hypothesis tests
- What if we don’t account for it?
- What are our options to deal with it?
Daily log price, S&P 500 (1-04-2010-Last Week): (Code)
#Install data library (uncomment if needed)
# repos="")
library(quantmod) #Use quantmod to download data
#Get S&P500 Data
getSymbols("^gspc",src="yahoo",from = "2010-01-01")
spdata<-as.ts(GSPC) # Turn into time series format
sp500<-spdata[,6] #Extract just adjusted closing price
lsp500<-log(sp500) #Take logs
#Plot log prices
Daily log price, S&P 500 (1-04-2010-Last Week): Looks persistent

Differenced daily log price, S&P 500 (Code)
#Plot Differenced series
Differenced daily log price, S&P 500: looks less persistent

Autocorrelation function of daily log price, S&P 500
#Plot Autocorrelation function of log S&P 500
Autocorrelation function of daily log price, S&P 500

Unit roots
- Random walk model one example of strongly dependent series \[Y_t=\rho Y_{t-1}+e_t\]
- Where \(\rho=1\), \(E[e_t|Y_{t-1}]=0\)
- Generalizes to unit root process: \(e_t\) any stationary process
- Maybe have trend or constant also: \(Y_t=b_0 + b_1 t + Y_{t-1}+e_t\)
- \(Y_t=e_t+e_{t-1}+e_{t-2}+e_{t-3}+\ldots+Y_0\)
- Acts like a sum, instead of a single variable
- \(\frac{1}{t}(Y_t-Y_0)\overset{p}{\rightarrow}E[e_t]\), \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{t}}(Y_t-Y_0)\overset{d}{\rightarrow}N(0,\Sigma_{e})\)
- This messes up a lot of our usual regression results
- May get spurious correlations even when no deterministic trend
- If we know we have a unit root, can take difference
- But how do we know?
Sources of unit roots
- Lots of series look like unit roots, especially asset prices
- Not a coincidence: consider following argument
- Suppose \(E[price_{t+1}|\text{info today}]>price_t\)
- Buy as much as you can today, sell tomorrow, make a ton of money
- Suppose \(E[price_{t+1}|\text{info today}]<price_t\)
- Sell a ton today, buy tomorrow, make a ton of money
- So if \(E[price_{t+1}|\text{info today}]\neq price_t\) possible to make a lot of money very fast
- This is an Arbitrage argument
- Price should be close to a unit root
- Need to borrow money to do this, at interest rate \(r\), so should actually be \(E[price_{t+1}|\text{info today}]= price_t+r\), unit root with drift
- Also only make a lot of money on average
- Argument may not be exact: correct for risk, etc
Problems with nonstationarity
- When \(Y_t\), \(X_t\) nonstationary, law of large numbers and CLT fail
- Can’t trust tests or confidence intervals
- If both series integrated, both have mean changing over time
- Acts like “time” is omitted variable, even though no deterministic trend
- Regressions will yield large and statistically significant coefficients
- Relationship just as likely to go in opposite direction in the future
- Spurious/nonsense regression
- Deterministic detrending won’t solve this
- “Trend” is random, not of any fixed functional form
- Huge problem when working with financial data
- Easy to regress stock price on another variable and get big coefficient
- Relationship will disappear in the future
- If you trade on this, you will lose money
What to do about it?
- If you work with economic data, means you should be careful when working with time series, since data may look like unit root and then usual methods have issues
- Applies to more than just financial data because many things can be function of prices
- Can resolve by taking differences if needed
- If you work in finance, care much more about exactly unit root or only approximately
- Arbitrage argument only says that price should behave this way, or else someone can make a lot of money
- Many behavioral reasons to think this is only approximate
- If not exact, can trade and make money from deviations
- Somebody has to, for result to hold
- Many hedge funds do (more sophisticated version of) this
- Either way, useful to have explicit hypothesis test for unit root
Unit root testing
- Model is \(Y_t=\rho Y_{t-1}+e_t\)
- \(H_0:\ \rho=1\), \(H_1:\ \rho<1\)
- Setup looks like a regression problem: regress \(Y_t\) on \(Y_{t-1}\)
- Under \(H_0\), \(Y_t\) not stationary, so usual regression results fail
- Rewrite as \(\Delta Y_t=\theta Y_{t-1} +e_t\)
- \(H_0:\ \theta=0\), \(H_1:\ \theta<0\)
- Still have nonstationary regressor
- But run OLS anyway
- Use standard t statistic
- Turns out this works, under some conditions
- But can’t use usual normal/Student t critical values
Dickey-Fuller Test
- Let \(\Delta Y_t=\theta Y_{t-1} +e_t\)
- Assume \(e_t\) is mean 0 serially uncorrelated homoskedastic series: pure random walk
- Regress \(\Delta Y_t\) on \(Y_{t-1}\) to get \(\hat{\theta}\), construct usual standard error formula \(\widehat{S.E.}_{\hat{\theta}}\)
- Test statistic is usual t statistic \(t_{DF}=\frac{\hat{\theta}}{\widehat{S.E.}_{\hat{\theta}}}\)
- Under \(H_0\), \(t_{DF}\) has, not a normal or Student t distribution, but a Dickey-Fuller distribution
- Tables of one sided critical values in your book
- In practice, pure random walk assumption too strong
- Can add a constant to regression to allow for drift
- Can also add time trend
- Distribution under \(H_0\) changes, but tables/software still exist
Accounting for serial correlation in root testing
- 0 Serial correlation in \(e_t\) is strong assumption
- Can relax it by also adding lags of \(\Delta Y_t\) to regression
- \(\Delta Y_t =\theta Y_{t-1}+ \beta_1\Delta Y_{t-1}+\ldots\beta_{k}\Delta Y_{t-k}+e_t\)
- Include enough lags until residual is serially uncorrelated
- Add constant and time trend also if needed
- This version is called Augmented Dickey Fuller test
- ur.df in urca library in R, also versions in tseries or forecast
- Adding lags may not be enough to make residual serially uncorrelated and homoskedastic
- Resolve by using Newey West (Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation-Consistent) standard errors
- This version is called Phillips Perron test (also in R)
- All have nonstandard critical values
- Don’t rely on usual p values!
Testing for Unit Root in S&P 500 (log) price (Code)
#ADF tests
t0<-spADF0@teststat[1] #t value, no lags
t1<-spADF1@teststat[1] #t value, 1 lag
#Phillips Perron test
ppt<-spPP@teststat #t value, robust errors
Application: Testing for Unit Root in S&P 500 (log) price
- Economic argument says price should be unit root with drift
- Also suggests there should be no serial correlation in residuals
- But can include anyway to be safe
- Run ADF test with constant but no trend, and with 0 or 1 lags
- Results the same: t-stat is -0.7427572 or -0.6984625
- 10% and 5% Critical values are -2.57 and -2.86 for both
- Theory says nothing about heteroskedasticity (and well known that stock prices appear to have non-constant volatility) so may want robust test
- Phillips Perron test gives statistic -0.6650779
- 10%, 5%, 1% critical values -2.5676997, -2.8632418, -3.4360036
- Evidence against unit root hypothesis not strong
- In practice, finance researchers almost always work with difference in price (called “return”), not price itself
What to do with series with a unit root
- So you test your series and find you can’t reject unit root
- If you care about \(\rho\) in \(Y_t=\rho Y_{t-1}+e_t\), \(\rho=1\) not rejected just means it can’t be ruled out, not that \(1\) is best estimate
- Simplest solution is to difference if unsure
- Removes stochastic and linear trends
- If \(Z_t\) is in fact stationary, \(\Delta Z_t\) stationary too, so not much harm if used in regression
- After differencing can use in regression
- Interpret relationships in terms of changes
- May get less precise estimates when true relationship exists
- Other detrending methods may have different properties
Persistent Data: Conclusions
- Many economic time series exhibit nonstationary behavior
- If deterministic, can account for it by subtracting trend, or including it in regression
- Many financial and macroeconomic series act like “unit root”
- Weakly dependent changes added up over time
- Can test for this by regressing \(\Delta Y_t\) on \(Y_{t-1}\), comparing t-statistic to nonstandard critical values
- Difference and detrend to describe short run relationships
Time Series Conclusions
- Time series data allow learning from past events using data from single unit over long time
- Under assumption that future is like the past, and weakly correlated with it, can treat past time periods as separate observations
- Use this data in regression and other procedures
- To make events over time comparable, may need to transform, detrend or difference
- Especially for financial data