- Working with time series
- Regression with dependent data
- Inference under serial correlation
- Ensuring data is stationary
- Covered in Ch 10-12 of Wooldridge
Time Series
- Time series present another design for data
- Series \((Y_t,X_t)\) \(t=1\ldots T\) of ordered observations
- Serial correlation makes usual inference difficult
- \(Cov(Y_t,Y_{t+h})\neq 0\)
- But can model serial correlation to describe properties of data
- Approach 1: finite sample properties via strict exogeneity
- Can do regressions using time series data and rely on finite sample properties
- Approach 2: asymptotic theory under weak dependence
- Weakly dependent series satisfy modified LLN and CLT
- Use this to show consistency and asymptotic normality of regression with dependent data
- When the future is “like” the past and historical events are like present ones, we can use past to learn about future
- True for i.i.d. data, stable ARMA processes, many more
- Can fail if future fundamentally different from past
Stationarity and Weak Dependence: Review
- (Second order) Stationarity
- \(E[Y_{t}]=E[Y_{s}]\) for all \(t\), \(s\)
- \(Cov(Y_{t},Y_{t+h})=Cov(Y_{s},Y_{s+h})\) for all \(t\), \(s\)
- Weak dependence
- \(Cov(Y_t,Y_{t+h})\rightarrow 0\) as \(h\rightarrow \infty\)
- \(\sum_{h=-\infty}^{\infty}|Cov(Y_t,Y_{t+h})|<\infty\)
- Stationarity and weak dependence imply
- Ergodic Theorem (law of large numbers for time series) \[\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}y_t\overset{p}{\rightarrow}E[y_t]\]
- Time series Central limit theorem \[\frac{1}{\sqrt{T}}\sum_{t=1}^{T}(y_t-E[y_t])\overset{d}{\rightarrow}N(0,\Sigma)\] \[\Sigma=\sum_{h=-\infty}^{\infty}Cov(y_t,y_{t+h})=Var(Y_t)+2\sum_{h=1}^{\infty}Cov(y_t,y_{t+h})\]
Time Series Regression: Assumptions
- (TS.1’) Linear Model \((X_t,Y_t)\) drawn from model \(Y_t=X_t^{\prime}\beta+u_t\) and satisfy stationarity and weak dependence
- (TS.2’) No perfect multicollinearity of \(X_t\)
- (TS.3’) Contemporaneous exogeneity \(E[u_t|X_t]=0 \forall t\)
- or (TS 3’’) \(Cov(X_t,u_t)=0\)
- (TS.4’) Comtemporaneous homoskedasticity: \(Var(u_t|X_t)=\sigma^2\) \(\forall\ t\)
- (TS.5’) No serial correlation \(E[u_tu_s|X_t,X_s]=0\) \(\forall\ t\neq s\)
Time Series Regression: Results
- Under (TS.1’),(TS.2’),(TS.3’‘) (or (TS.3’), which implies (TS.3’’)), have consistency: \[\widehat{\beta}\overset{p}{\rightarrow}\beta\]
- Under (TS.1’)-(TS.5’) have asymptotic normality with usual variance formula \[\sqrt{T}(\widehat{\beta}-\beta)\overset{d}{\rightarrow}N(0,\sigma^2(E[X_tX_t^\prime])^{-1})\]
- Inference is exactly standard: t-statistics, Wald tests, CIs, etc
- With serial correlation or heteroskedasticity, consistent but need modified standard errors
Inference in Regression with dependent errors
- Homoskedasticity assumption not critical
- Heteroskedasticity can be handled by using usual sandwich variance formula
- Zero serial correlation in errors \(E[u_tu_s|X_s,X_t]=0\) still needed
- Strong assumption: given predictor variables, future values of outcome completely uncorrelated with past values
- This might be true if we have included any past variables that are related to outcome
- May not want to or be able to include all relevant predictors
- Don’t need 0 serial correlation for consistency, normality
- If \(u_t\) stationary and weakly dependent, OLS asymptototically normal, with a variance that depends on correlation in errors
- Follows from weakly dependent CLT
- If we can estimate the variance, can perform t and Wald tests with new variance estimator
Variance estimation under autocorrelation
- Asymptotic variance of \(\widehat{\beta}_{OLS}\) when \(u_t\) serially correlated follows from usual calculations: \(\sqrt{T}(\widehat{\beta}-\beta)=\) \[(\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}X_tX_t^{\prime})^{-1}\frac{1}{\sqrt{T}}\sum_{t=1}^{T}X_tu_t\overset{d}{\rightarrow}N(0,E[X_tX_t^\prime]^{-1}\Sigma E[X_tX_t^\prime]^{-1})\]
- \(\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}X_tX_t^{\prime}\overset{p}{\rightarrow}E[X_tX_t^\prime]\) by ergodic theorem
- \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{T}}\sum_{t=1}^{T}X_tu_t\overset{d}{\rightarrow}N(0,\Sigma)\) by weak dependent CLT
- \(\Sigma=Var(X_tu_t)+2Cov(X_tu_t,X_{t+1}u_{t+1})+2Cov(X_tu_t,X_{t+2}u_{t+2})+2Cov(X_tu_t,X_{t+3}u_{t+3})+\ldots\) long run variance
- First part estimated by sample mean, but estimating second part hard since it is infinite sum
- 2 options: come up with model for serial correlation, or estimate \(\infty\) sum directly
Modeling Residual Serial Correlation
- Can estimate long run variance if we have a model of serial correlation in errors
- E.g. \(u_t=\rho u_{t-1}+e_{t}\), \(e_t\sim i.i.d.(0,\sigma_e^2)\) independent of \(X\) then \(Cov(u_t,u_{t+h})=\rho^h\sigma_e^2\)
- One parameter, can be estimated by two step procedure
- Regress \(Y_t\) on \(X_t\) to get residuals \(\widehat{u}_t\)
- Regress \(\widehat{u}_t\) on \(\widehat{u}_{t-1}\) to get \(\widehat{\rho}\)
- With \(\widehat{\rho}\), can use it to run weighted regression which eliminates serial correlation
- Generalized least squares procedure is Cochrane-Orcutt (or, with slight modifications, Prais-Winsten) method
- Gives efficient estimates if model of serial correlation is correct
- Can extend to AR(2) model, etc
- If model not correct, still consistent, but inference not accurate
Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation-Consistent inference
- Long run variance can be estimated without a model
- \(\Sigma=Var(X_tu_t)+2Cov(X_tu_t,X_{t+1}u_{t+1})+2Cov(X_tu_t,X_{t+2}u_{t+2})+2Cov(X_tu_t,X_{t+3}u_{t+3})+\ldots\)
- By weak dependence, later covariance of far away observations close to 0
- Estimate first \(m\) terms by sample covariances, ignore the rest
- Estimate biased by excluding later terms, but bias decreases if \(m\) grows with sample size
- Bias-variance tradeoff just like kernel regression
- Can also use weight rather than fixed window
- Just like in kernel regression
- This method accounts for autocorrelation
- Also heteroskedasticity since sandwich form used
- Called HAC estimate (m lag version called Newey-West)
- In R as vcovHAC or NeweyWest in sandwich library
Practical HAC Estimation
- Bandwidth can be chosen adaptively by approximate rules
- Since convergence only with slowly growing m, often low accuracy in moderate sample sizes, especially if residuals highly persistent
- Often results better using “prewhitening”
- Estimate parametric (e.g. AR(1)) model for errors
- Then apply kernel to residuals from this model
- Idea: parametric model close to right, kernel accounts for any misspecification
- Option prewhite in vcovHAC
- Usually care about coefficients, not standard errors per se
- These methods ensure tests and CIs have accurate coverage
Example: Monetary Policy Reaction Function (Code)
#Library to download data
#Download quarterly series from FRED
gdppot<-pdfetch_FRED("GDPPOT") # Potential GDP
# Downloaded quarterly fed funds rate to file
# in directory: need this file to compile
Example: Monetary Policy Reaction Function (Code 2)
# GDP Price Deflator (price Level)
gdpc1<-pdfetch_FRED("GDPC1") # Real GDP
#Output Gap
#Inflation, # Change from 1 year ago
#Library for time series regression
Example: Monetary Policy Reaction Function (“Taylor Rule”)
- Estimate monetary policy reaction function as before \[r_t=\beta_0+\beta_1 r_{t-1} + \beta_2 inf_t + \beta_3 gap_t + u_t\]
- Use HAC robust standard errors to account for serial correlation, heteroskedasticity in interest rates not accounted for by predictors
- Display usual, HAC, and prewhitened HAC SE estimates
- All require stationarity and weak dependence
- Interest rate policy follows same rule over time
- Long ago interest rates (inflation, GDP Gap) have little relation to today’s values
Estimates: Robust inference for Taylor Rule (Code)
library(sandwich) #Standard error estimates
library(lmtest) #Test statistics
library(stargazer) #Tables
title="Taylor Rule: Usual, HAC,
prewhitened HAC standard errors")
Estimates: Robust inference for Taylor Rule
Taylor Rule: Usual, HAC, prewhitened HAC standard errors
Dependent variable:
F Statistic
1,401.172*** (df = 3; 244)
p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01
Sources of nonstationarity
- Data nonstationary if \(E[Y_t]\neq E[Y_s]\) or \(Cov(Y_t,Y_{t+h})\neq Cov(Y_s,Y_{s+h})\) for \(s\neq t\)
- Fails when value is deterministic function of time
- Trends: many series grow (or shrink) over time
- Mean not a constant
- GDP much higher now than in past
- Breaks: behavior of series differs after some time period
- Dollar price of gold constant at $35/oz 1945-1971, then increasing and highly variable after
- Seasonality: behavior of series different in different quarters/months/day of the week
- Retail sales always largest in December
- Fails when dynamics unstable
- Series has no well-defined mean or variance to return to
- E.g. Random walk: \(Y_t=Y_{t-1}+e_t\), \(E[e_t|Y_{t-1}]=0\) \(\forall\) \(t\)
- Has conditional mean \(E[Y_{t+h}|Y_t]=Y_t\) for \(h>0\), but no time invariant distribution can satisfy above
- Same true of any unstable ARMA process
A trending time series: Prices, 1947-2019 (Code)
plot(gdpdef, main="Price Level (GDP Deflator)",
ylab="Price Level")
A trending time series: Prices, 1947-2019 (code)

Nonstationarity: why a big deal
- Stationarity needed for consistency and inference
- Without it, not clear what “average” or “convergence” means
- One way to think about problem it causes
- Observations correlated with missing variable: time
- If both \(x\) and \(y\) nonstationary, have omitted variable bias
- Observe two series strongly related simply because both changing over time
- This phenomenon is known as “spurious correlation”
- Yule (1926) called it “nonsense correlation”
- Striking because no relationship other than the fact that variables are time series need connect them
Example Spurious Correlation
Dealing with nonstationary data
- Running a regression using a nonstationary time series won’t produce a consistent estimate
- Tough luck for macroeconomists and forecasters
- No reason future has to be like the past
- But there is hope, if source of nonstationarity is known
- Transform series so that transformed series is stationary
- When mean and variance known deterministic functions of time \(\mu_t\) and \(\sigma_t^2\), can just normalize
- \(\frac{Y_t-\mu_t}{\sigma_t^2}\) is stationary
- In any model built out of stationary components, can solve for the stationary variable
- For random walk \(Y_t=Y_{t-1}+e_t\), \(Y_t\) nonstationary but \(\Delta Y_t=e_t\) is stationary
- Transformed variables are stationary but regression equation may have different interpretation
- GDP not stationary but GDP growth might be
- Differences, ratios, etc can be used
Trend stationarity
- Simplest case is deterministic trend
- \(Y_t = \beta_0 +\beta_1 t + u_t\) for some stationary (not necessarily independent) \(u_t\)
- Can also do quadratic trend \(\beta_0 +\beta_1 t +\beta_2 t^2\), exponential, etc
- Usually better to take logs and model as linear trend for exponentially growing series like many macroeconomic variables
- If we knew coefficients, we could just subtract trend
- Solution: put trend as covariate in regression
Inference with time trends
- With time trends, inference is nonstandard: don’t trust, e.g. \(R^2\)
- It’s not stationary, so strictly speaking consistency/normality results for stationary data don’t apply, but they do still hold
- In fact, coefficient on trend converges faster than usual: for linear trend coefficient, estimation error asymptotically proportional to \(\frac{1}{T^2}\) instead of \(\frac{1}{T}\)
- Including trend as regressor equivalent to regressing both \(Y\) and \(X\) on \(t\), running regression on residuals
- Residuals are then stationary
- Usual (or robust, if errors heteroskedastic or serially correlated) standard errors from this equivalent procedure are asymptotically valid
Making data stationary
- Strategy of including deterministic function of time in regression generalizes
- Seasonality
- Include dummy for month/quarter/day of week in regression to account for seasonal changes in mean
- Breaks
- Include dummy for after/before break date
- Other approach is transforming series directly
- Most government statistics reported already de-seasonalized
- Can also do something like \(X_t-L^4X_t\)
- Change in series over one year
- Since both in same season, seasonal mean removed
- With dependent data, can still learn from standard regression methods
- If data stationary and weakly dependent, have consistency and asymptotic normality
- If errors still correlated, can use robust variance estimate
- If nonstationary, can model form of nonstationarity, remove it
- Include time trend (or season dummies, etc) in regression
- Difference or transform data
- Once stationarity and weak dependence restored, estimation, inference, interpretation similar to iid case, with modified error estimates