- Time Series
- Data Structure
- Regression with time series data
- Dependence
- Models
- Covered in Wooldridge Ch. 10-11
Time Series Data
- Instead of random sample from population, have many observations of same object over time
- Macroeconomic data from one country
- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment every month/quarter/year
- Financial data
- Price of S&P, Dow, Nasdaq every 5 minutes for 10 years
- \(Y_t\), \(t=1\ldots T\) ordered series of observations of variable \(Y\)
- If observations iid, acts just like random sample
- Usually this is false
- Processes evolve in way that depends on time
- Challenge for standard estimation and inference
- Opportunity to model structure of changes over time
- Learn relationships
- Use historical behavior to predict current and future behavior
- Data consists of \(T\) ordered observations of variables \(Y_t\)
- May have vector \((Y_t,X_t)\), \(X_t\) a \(k+1\times 1\) vector of predictors
- Compare to panel data: there have data ordered in time, but many observations of same process across individuals
- Now can’t use info across individuals to learn structure
- For panel data, allowed variables to be related over time
- Saw in unobserved components model, effective sample size is not increased by adding time periods
- Can’t say much of anything from a single series
- 1 type of model: even if data not independent, build model from variables that are independent
- Like pooled OLS with independent errors
- Alternate possibility: “weak dependence”
- Occurrences “far in the past” “don’t matter much today,” can treat long past history as effectively independent observations
- These are only models of the data
- May be good or bad decription of series of interest
Example: US Quarterly GDP Growth, 1947q2-2018q3 (Code)
#Library to download data
#Download Seasonally Adjusted Quarterly Real US GDP Growth
#FRED Series number "A191RL1Q225SBEA"
#Format as Quarterly time series starting 1947q2
plot(gdpg, main="Real US GDP Growth,
1947q2-2018q3",xlab="Quarter",ylab="Percent Change")
Example: US Quarterly GDP Growth, 1947q2-2018q3

- Relate \(Y_t\) to \(X_t\) based on values at same time
- E.g. \(Y\) is GDP, \(X\) is interest rate
- Causal relationship called “IS curve” in macroeconomics
- Will focus discussion on linear models with time series data
- Can do IV, nonlinear/nonparametric regression, MLE, etc
- General principles shared
- Our usual model: \(Y_t\) drawn from linear model (TS.1) \[Y_t=X_t^{\prime}\beta+u_t\]
- Random sampling assumption removed
- Without it, \(X_s\) and \(X_t\) may be correlated for \(s\neq t\)
- Use standard least squares regression \(\widehat{\beta}=(\sum_{t=1}^{T}X_tX_t^\prime)^{-1}\sum_{t=1}^{T}X_tY_t\)
- What are properties now?
- 2 approaches
- Make very strong assumptions on \(u_t\) to use finite sample theory
- Find way to use LLN and CLT for correlated data
Regression Assumptions
- If we can condition on entire sequence of \(X_t\), and \(u_t\) essentially random, don’t need to use any properties of \(X\) to describe OLS
- Strict Exogeneity (TS.2) \[E[u_t|X_1\ldots X_T]=0\ \forall t\]
- With (TS.1) and (TS.3) (No multicollinearity of \(X_t\), same as before), implies OLS unbiased \[E[\widehat{\beta}]=\beta\]
- Proof unchanged from cross-section case
- OLS is also Best (Minimum Variance) Linear Unbiased Estimator if we also have
- (TS.4) \(Var[u_t|X_1\ldots X_T]=Var(u_t)=\sigma^2\) Homoskedasticity
- (TS.5) \(E[u_s u_t]=0\ \forall s\neq t\) No serial correlation
- \(\widehat{\beta}\) has a normal distribution, and usual \(t\) and \(F\) tests have exact \(t\) and \(F\) distributions if we also have
- (TS.6) \(u_t\sim i.i.d.\ N(0,\sigma^2)\) independent of all \(X\)
- \(X_t\) may follow complicated dynamics
- But given \(X\), \(Y\) differs only by uncorrelated random noise
- Any relationship over time in \(Y\) is due only to the value of \(X\)
- Strict Exogeneity
- Means no feedback from past \(Y\) to future \(Y\)
- Since \(X_t\) related to each other need errors unrelated to any \(X\)
- Above results use finite sample properties of residuals only
- No results show consistency, asymptotic distribution
- Without knowing how \(X\) changes over time, can’t say anything about what \(Y\) will do in large samples
- Absence of relationship between \(Y_t\) and \(Y_s\) given a function of \(X\) more likely if \(X\) contains any variable that might relate to \(Y\)
- One useful possibility
- \(Y_t\) depends not just on current \(X_t\), but also history of \(X\)
- E.g., changes in interest rate affect GDP not only this quarter, but also for many quarters to come
Lags, Differences, Etc.
- Past (or sometimes future) values of variables can enter into \(X_t\)
- “Lag of \(X_t\)” takes \(X_t\) 1 period back
- Denote \(X_{t-1}\) as \(LX_t\), \(X_{t-2}\) as \(L^2 X_t\), etc
- Change or difference in \(X_t\) denoted
- If data is column containing values, create lags by shifting index by one
- For \(X_t\), \(LX_t\) to be columns of same length, need to delete first observation of \(X_t\): lose one data point
- Time series data format in \(R\) using commands of form \(gdp<-ts(gdpvector,start=1947,frequency=quarterly)\)
- Can run regressions using lags, etc. using dynlm package
- Syntax just like lm
- Eg.
Distributed Lags
- Regression on lags of \(X\) called distributed lag regression \[Y_t=\beta_0+\beta_1x_t+\beta_2x_{t-1}+\beta_3 x_{t-2}+\ldots + u_t\]
- Include enough lags so that error term is serially uncorrelated
- Lets \(x_t\) have effect on \(Y_t\) today and for multiple future periods
- Effect of \(x_t\) on \(Y_{t+h}\) is coefficient on \(x_{t-h}\)
- Impulse Response describes effect when \(x_t\) goes from zero to 1 for one period, then returns to \(0\) again, as function of time \(h\) from initial shock
- It equals \(\beta_1\), \(\beta_2\), \(\beta_3\), \(\ldots\) up to maximum included lag
- Can also describe effect of permanent change when \(x_t\) goes from 0 to 1 then stays there as
- \(\beta_1\), \(\beta_1+\beta_2\), \(\beta_1+\beta_2+\beta_3\),\(\ldots\)
- Sum of all coefficients is called long run effect of permanent change
Dependent Data
- Regression models can describe how \(Y\) changes when \(X\) does, but don’t tell us how \(X\) changes over time
- Most time series data exhibits serial correlation \(Corr(Y_t,Y_s)\neq 0\)
- Serial correlation can reflect
- Changes in observable determinants
- Changes in unobserved determinants
- Or autonomous dynamics: effect of past values on future values
- Regardless of whether goal is to summarize time evolution or describe causal relationships, can be useful to model dynamics of a single series
- Many models exist, linear and nonlinear
- Will provide a few linear examples
- Then describe properties which allow using dependent data in more general regression models
- Simplest model generating correlation between \(Y\) today and \(Y\) in past is a (linear) autoregression (AR) model
- \(Y_t=\rho Y_{t-1}+e_t\ \forall t\)
- \(e_t\) uncorrelated over time and satisfies \(E[e_t|Y_{t-1}]=0\)
- Linear relationship between \(Y\) today and \(Y\) last period: regression of \(Y\) on itself, hence the name
- Properties depend on value of \(\rho\)
- If \(|\rho|<1\) \(Y_t\) is called stable
- \(E[Y_{t}|Y_{t-1}]=\rho Y_{t-1}\), so
- \(|E[Y_{t+1}|Y_{t}]|=|\rho Y_t|<|Y_{t}|\),
- In fact \(E[Y_{t+h}|Y_t]=E[\rho E[Y_{t+h-1}|Y_t]|Y_t]=\ldots=\rho^hY_t\rightarrow 0\) as \(h\rightarrow\infty\)
- \(Y\) returns to its average value over time
- If \(|\rho|\geq 1\), \(Y\) wanders around or even explodes
- Can extend by adding more lags of \(Y\), or a constant term so mean is non-zero, or using nonlinear function
- Stability conditions correspondingly more complicated
Moving Averages
- Can also build \(Y_t\) up from unobservable components
- Moving Average (MA) Model
- E.g. \(Y_t=e_t+\theta e_{t-1}\ \forall t\), \(e_t\) i.i.d. \((0,\sigma_e^2)\) over time
- \(Cov(Y_t,Y_{t-1})=Cov(e_t+\theta e_{t-1},e_{t-1}+\theta e_{t-1})=\theta Cov(e_{t-1},e_{t-1})=\theta\sigma_e^2\)
- \(Cov(Y_t,Y_{t-h})=0\) for \(h\geq 2\)
- Can add more lags to allow dependence to last longer
- AR model has MA representation \[Y_t=\rho Y_{t-1}+e_t=\rho (\rho Y_{t-2}+e_{t-1})+e_t=\ldots\] \[=e_t+\rho e_{t-1}+ \rho^2 e_{t-2} + \rho^3 e_{t-3} + ...\]
- Can combine into ARMA(p,q) model \[Y_t = \rho_1 Y_{t-1} + \rho_2 Y_{t-2} + ... + \rho _ p Y _{t-p} +\] \[e_t + \theta_1 e_{t-1}+ \theta_2 e_{t-2}+\ldots+ \theta_q e_{t-q}\]
- Can describe arbitrary impulse response to unobserved components or pattern of covariances over time in this way
Plot: AR, MA, and ARMA series (Code 1)
tl<-80 #Length of simulated series
#Initialize random number generator for reproducibility
e1<-ts(rnorm(tl)) #standard normal shocks
theta<-0.7 #MA parameter
rho<-0.7 #AR parameter
for(s in 1:(tl-1)){
#AR(1) initialized at 0
#ARMA(1,1) using same shocks
Plot: AR, MA, and ARMA series (Code 2)
#Represent as same length time series
#Collect as Matrix
"AR(1),MA(1), and ARMA(1,1) Simulated data",
ylab="Series value",lty=c(1,2,3),
expression("AR(1): rho=0.7","MA(1):
theta=0.7","ARMA(1,1): rho=0.7, theta=0.7"),
lty=1:3, col=c("red","black","blue"))
Plot: AR, MA, and ARMA series

Stationarity and Weak Dependence
- To use a time series inside our standard methods, would really like to have a law of large numbers and central limit theorem
- These hold for independent and identically distributed data
- Each data point has same average
- Even when some points differ from it, others likely to differ in opposite direction
- So mean is usually close to true average
- For this to be true of a time series, need a few things
- First, it must have a well-defined average
- \(E[Y_t]\) and \(E[Y_s]\) should be the same
- Next, correlations cannot be so large that when one point is observed large, you expect entire series to be large
- Need that future and past observations reflect similar properties
- And that the far past close enough to unrelated to the present that we can consider it separate information
- Formally guaranteed by stationarity and weak dependence
Limit theorems under weak dependence
- Suppose data \(y_t, t=1:T\) are stationary and weakly dependent
- Holds, e.g. for MA and stable AR and ARMA series
- Ergodic Theorem (generalizes law of large numbers) \[\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}y_t\overset{p}{\rightarrow}E[y_t]\]
- Central limit theorem \[\frac{1}{\sqrt{T}}\sum_{t=1}^{T}(y_t-E[y_t])\overset{d}{\rightarrow}N(0,\Sigma)\]
- Where \(\Sigma\) is the limit of the variance of the sum, equal to \[\Sigma=\sum_{h=-\infty}^{\infty}Cov(y_t,y_{t+h})=Var(Y_t)+2\sum_{h=1}^{\infty}Cov(y_t,y_{t+h})\]
- Stationarity and weak dependence ensure \(\Sigma\) well-defined and finite
- \(\Sigma\) called long run variance of series \(y_t\)
Regression with dependent data
- When \(X_t\) and \(u_t\) satisfy weak dependence, can obtain consistency, asymptotic normality for regression
- Strict exogeneity \(E[u_t|X_1\ldots X_T]=0\ \forall t\) can be weakened to
- contemporaneous exogeneity \(E[u_t|X_t]=0 \forall t\)
- Or as far as \(Cov(X_t,u_t)=0\)
- This permits \(X_t\) to be related to \(u_{t-1}\), for example
- Allows case where \(X_t=Y_{t-1}\)
- Autoregression can be estimated by linear regression
- Unbiasedness fails: usually substantial bias in finite samples
- If \(u_t\) homoskedastic and has no serial correlation, asymptotic variance has standard formula
- This can be true if \(X_t\) contains all historical information relevant to predicting \(Y_t\), possibly including lags of \(Y_t\) and \(X_t\)
- Otherwise, limit depends on long run variance
- Will discuss robust estimates next class
Time Series Regression: Assumptions
- (TS.1’) Linear Model \((X_t,y_t)\) drawn from model \(Y_t=X_t^{\prime}\beta+u_t\) and satisfy stationarity and weak dependence
- (TS.2’) No perfect multicollinearity of \(X_t\)
- (TS.3’) Contemporaneous exogeneity \(E[u_t|X_t]=0 \forall t\)
- or (TS 3’’) \(Cov(X_t,u_t)=0\)
- (TS.4’) Contemporaneous homoskedasticity: \(Var(u_t|X_t)=\sigma^2\) \(\forall\ t\)
- (TS.5’) No serial correlation \(E[u_tu_s|X_t,X_s]=0\) \(\forall\ t\neq s\)
Time Series Regression: Results
- Under (TS.1’),(TS.2’),(TS.3’‘) (or (TS.3’), which implies (TS.3’’)), have consistency: \[\widehat{\beta}\overset{p}{\rightarrow}\beta\]
- Proof is same as before
- But by ergodic theorem instead of law of large numbers
- Under (TS.1’)-(TS.5’) have asymptotic normality with usual variance formula \[\sqrt{T}(\widehat{\beta}-\beta)\overset{d}{\rightarrow}N(0,\sigma^2(E[X_tX_t^\prime])^{-1})\]
- Inference is exactly standard: t-statistics, Wald tests, CIs, etc
- Proof similar to before, using exogeneity and 0 serial correlation, plus time series CLT
- With heteroskedasticity
- Consistent but need robust standard errors
- With serial correlation, need another kind of robust SEs
Example: Monetary Policy Reaction Function (“Taylor Rule”) (Code 1)
#Download quarterly series from FRED
gdppot<-pdfetch_FRED("GDPPOT") # Potential GDP
fefr<-read.csv("Data/FEDFUNDS.csv") # Downloaded quarterly
#fed funds rate to file in directory
# need this file to compile
gdpdef<-pdfetch_FRED("GDPDEF") # GDP Price Deflator
gdpc1<-pdfetch_FRED("GDPC1") # Real GDP
Example: Monetary Policy Reaction Function (“Taylor Rule”) (Code 2)
frequency=4) #Output Gap
start=c(1947,2),frequency=4) #Inflation
# Change from 1 year ago
#Library for time series regression
Example: Monetary Policy Reaction Function (“Taylor Rule”)
- Fed sets monetary policy by changing Fed Funds Rate \(r_t\)
- Want to know how Fed responds to macroeconomic variables
- Suggested that good description is that Fed responds to inflation \(inf_t\) and output gap (measure of difference in GDP from “potential” level) \(gap_t\)
- \(r_t\) evolves more slowly than inflation or output, so current value also predictable from past: \(r_{t-1}\)
- Regression equation for reaction function is \[r_t=\beta_0+\beta_1 r_{t-1} + \beta_2 inf_t + \beta_3 gap_t + u_t\]
- Run regression using data from FRED
- Macroeconomic database for US
Estimates (Code)
#Display results in table
title="Fed Funds Rate Policy Rule")
Fed Funds Rate Policy Rule
Dependent variable:
F Statistic
1,401.172*** (df = 3; 244)
p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01
- Time series present another design for data
- Serial correlation makes usual inference difficult
- But can model serial correlation to describe properties of data
- With strong exogeneity, can do regressions using time series data and rely on finite sample properties
- If time series are weak dependent, have modified LLN and CLT
- Can do regression and get consistency and asymptotics
- Same results extend to most other estimators we’ve seen in class
Next Time
- More time series
- Trends, seasonality, integration, failure of weak dependence
- Serial Correlation
- Inference