Material today to help provide context for replication projects
More generally, describes what you should worry about when assessing (or performing!) empirical research
Replication Project
Final project is a partial replication and critical analysis of recent study from major economics journal
Synthesizes and extends course objective skills
Evaluate and estimate causal effects
Understand and interpret applications of econometric methods, including how to interpret under different assumptions
Account for structure and properties of economic data (e.g. panel structure) when using these methods
Implement using statistical programming
In addition to practice with econometrics, replication is a way to ensure integrity of scientific results
Practical Issues
You are replicating papers which have provided data, code, detailed summaries, help files: use them all
Code is hardest
I guarantee something confusing will come up in Stata code
Translation guide, web search, and emailing/visiting me for help are reasonable approaches
More generally, think about expressed purpose of analysis
Should be able to figure it out from paper even without looking at code
Purpose is not just translating code
Interpreting and evaluating results
Performing scientific service of replication
I have every reason to believe studies are high quality
But this need not be taken on faith
You can use your knowledge to evaluate
Types of Replication and their objectives
Narrowest kind: run and check the author’s own code
Does it produce the claimed results?
Reinhart & Rogoff (2010): Excel coding error found by grad student majorly reduces size of claimed correlation, with major policy implications
Independent replication (same data): goal of this project
Reproduce, evaluate, and extend published analysis of original data set
Does equivalent method produce same results?
Does data appear to satisfy assumptions needed for the methods used?
Do resonable alternative methods support claimed results?
Independent replication (new data)
Assesses methods of data collection, variability of estimate
Can rely on same protocol, or assess conclusions using new (hopefully improved) method
Latter becomes essentially a new study
Questions to ask about an empirical paper
What question is it asking?
Usually “What is the effect of X on Y”
What data is being used?
Are they actually measures of X and Y claimed?
“coercion”, “performance”, “connections”, “wages” need to be defined, measured
Answer specific to context
What method is it using to answer the question?
A statistical method is a function applied to data
What do we need to assume about the world for this method on this data to answer the question?
Are those assumptions consistent with what we do know about situation?
If not, what does the number tell us?
How trustworthy is the result?
Account for sampling variability, model error, and researcher mistakes
How to critique an empirical paper
Ensure methods implemented correctly and without error
Even more important
Ensure that data and methods reliably answer the question
Method and model evaluated jointly
Context of data collection and measurement, prior knowledge of the world can be used to assess assumptions
“Random sample” assumption depends on how data collected
Exogeneity: do we know \(X\) independent of \(e\)? Maybe, if \(X\) specifically assigned that way.
Some, but not all assumptions, can be verified or rejected based on data, given other assumptions
Does the conditional expectation function take the form we claim? Check by comparing to nonlinear or nonparametric estimates
Does the causal graph take the form we claim? Can test for some of the independence relationships between observables implied by graph.
Constructive Critique
Systematically evaluate the assumptions used
Test those which can be tested
For those not testable, assess whether measurements taken in given context should have desired properties
Given believable assumptions, can assess method
Is it consistent? Unbiased? Distributed according to known distribution? Efficient?
Estimation and inference should be based on properties procedure has in this situation
Suggest other methods with better properties given assumptions one believes are satisfied
“The Credibility Revolution in Empirical Economics”
Formerly, content of assumptions not taken seriously
Much of economics involved regressions on observational data, (or sometimes IV) with controls chosen by data availablity and introspection
Analysis simply assumed that specification is correct
Recently, willingness to trust results based on models decreased
Instead, look to situations in which design ensures assumptions are satisfied (e.g. (natural) experiments)
When above not feasible, strong push to use methods based on weaker assumptions
Inference and estimates which allow broader set of or misspecified functional forms, unobserved heterogeneity, dependence across data points, etc
Attaining Credible Results
Methods discussed in this class provide guide to when causal effects can be identified, consistently, unbiasedly, and/or efficiently estimated
Experiments, Control, Diff-in-Diff and Fixed Effects methods, IV, Regression Discontinuity all take advantage of knowledge of design to allow estimation and inference of effects
These methods can be run and produce a number even when design conditions not satisfied
When applied in situations where model assumptions are satisfied, consistency and other desirable properties follow
Easier to do when assumptions are weaker, hence variety of forms of robustness
Usually requires gathering new data by experiment, or finding unique situations where methods can be applied
Testing credibility assumptions
“Credible” designs of kind focused on by Angrist and Pischke designed to act like experiments, at least in part of population
Nice aspect of methods based on full randomization is that implications are strong: independence from unobservables (untestable) AND observables (testable)
Covariate balance tests measure the latter
Is treatment independent of observables?
Extends to other “quasiexperimental” methods with minor modifications
Control: conditional on controls, other (d-separated) observables should be independent of treatment
IV: is instrument independent of observables not being used as endogenous/exogenous regressors
RD: are observables near the cutoff independent of treatment?
Diff-in-Diff: “parallel trends”: treatment should be independent of slope of time trend
Nothing can directly tell us about things we don’t observe (without further assumptions), but these can be reassuring
Validating other assumptions
Randomness is key design issue, but many estimators need more than this for validity
Especially true to accurately quantify uncertainty
Correct specification is a major one
Need right form of conditional expectation
Requires including right variables, using right functional forms
Common sense often suggest nonlinear forms
E.g., discrete outcomes can’t be linear function of unbounded continuous variable
When common sense not enough, use flexible, or even nonparametric methods
Functional form misspecification, heteroskedasticity, and dependent data all require nonstandard inference
Use heteroskedacity robust, clustered, and/or serial correlation robust inference whenever needed
Instrumental variables issues
IV needs both exogeneity and relevance
Without strong first stage, estimate unreliable
Used to resolve endogeneity issues with OLS, at cost of less precise inference (bigger SEs)
Alwyn Young (2017) looks at sample of IV regressions from recent econ journals
Over 90% either have weak first stage or are not significantly different from OLS at 1% level
Finding instruments which improve estimates substantially not easy
May be reliable tool mainly in random experiments with some but limited noncompliance
In these cases, since few noncompliers, IV often fairly close to OLS (called “ITT” or intent to treat estimate) anyway
The “Replication Crisis”
Recently, even fields which rely mainly on experimental data have begun worrying about reliability of results
Independent efforts to replicate prominent results show large fraction of effects substantially exagerated
Esp. in psychology, increasingly medicine: econ next?
Fault appears to be in difference between statistical theory and practical application thereof
Theory of estimation and inference says results accurate “with high probability”
Probability is over possible realizations of data
Works if you decide on a procedure, then observe data
If direction reversed, no guarantees
Sources of nonreplicability of “credible” research
Sampling error!
These are estimates, which come with (often large) CIs
Model error and mistakes (or, potentially, fraud) can happen
Worse, common data practices can bias usual inference
Researchers have “degrees of freedom” in analysis
Choose procedures to obtain significant results
Could be by trying many tests and then reporting only the “interesting” ones
Including different covariates/interactions, using different test statistics or estimators, etc
Or through less overt “adaptive” analysis: e.g., plot data, see interesting pattern, run test for that pattern
Publication/Publicity bias
Even if researcher committed, public may not see full analysis
Insignificant findings may not be published
or not reported or emphasized
Implications of Replication Issues
Estimates with high variability are often far from the truth
Combined with processes which emphasize or promote large and surprising results, will disproportianately see results which are larger in magnitude, even when effects are small
New data will often find insignificant or smaller effects than initial estimate
A replication on the same data using the same techniques should find the same results
If authors chose technique (functional form, estimator) based on data to find large results, a replication based on other techniques will likely show smaller results
Exactly what is found in medicine, psychology, economics
Effects get “smaller” over time
Illustration: New Data Replication of Economics Lab Experiments
Data: Camerer et al (2016). Figure: Andrews & Kasy (2017)
t-statistics on new data markedly smaller than originals, though less pronounced than similar studies in psych, medicine
Attaining Replicable Results
Report all analyses performed
If needing to control size, specify form of analysis before exploring data
Use procedures which take into account all choices made in the analysis
Use efficient procedures, with low probability of finding wildly wrong results just from sampling variation
Replicate your work, or have others do so for you
Re-run experiment to see if form of findings holds up
If not feasible to run experiment again, keep a “hold-out sample”
Subset of data you don’t look at until after analysis is complete
Valid results should be visible in this sample
Reporting of results
Most discussion in this class proceeded as if you have a single effect to estimate, and will use one procedure only
No empirical paper consists of just one estimate
Many choices in your analysis can matter
Covariates, functional forms
Bandwidth or other tuning parameters
Subset of data used
Estimator used, if multiple choices available
FD vs FE, Logit v Probit, etc
If you tried multiple approaches when looking at data, report all of them
This is why the papers you were given have long appendices
Take seriously your basic statistical training!
Tests have probability of Type I and Type II error
This is calculated for independent realizations of data
Needs to correspond to analysis actually done
If you look at multiple variables, use a multivariate test!
F, Wald, etc
Estimator properties (bias, consistency, distribution) describe how estimator should perform applied to hypothetical data set
Once data known, it’s a number, not a variable
Sampling variation matters
Variance of estimates decreases with sample size
Can’t get precise estimate with small # of observations
Effective sample size matters
Some estimates need much more data
IV: essentially estimates effect only using “compliers”
Small subset of population, especially if first stage weak
RD: estimates effect only using samples near cutoff
Nonparametric (kernel) regression: use only data near a point
Like having nh samples instead of n
Panel data: Accounting for unobserved effects (eg by FE or FD) reduces effective sample size from \(nT\) to \(n(T-1)\)
Clustering SEs by group cuts effective sample size to \(n\)
Alternative clustering assumptions can substantially affect precision
These implications do not mean estimators shouldn’t be used
Using observational data, amount of information that can be reliably used to find causal effects much less than full sample
Goal of these techniques is to extract that information
Highly variable estimates do mean low precision, vulnerability to sampling error
“Misuse” still a concern: can perform many analyses until something interesting found
Maybe less than in some sciences, where many experiments can be done cheaply
Have to find situation with RD, IV, etc
Still vulnerable to many user choices: controls, bandwidth, etc
Suggests these studies, to extent possible, need replication too
Even if new data not feasible to collect, should compare and evaluate techniques
Next classes
Time series
One more kind of dependent data
Wooldridge Ch 10, 11, 12
Useful if you will work with macroeconomic or financial data