
Regression Discontinuity: Situation



Regression Discontinuity Estimate

Visual Proof (Lee and Lemieux 2008, Fig 2)

Potential and Observed Outcomes

Potential and Observed Outcomes

Examples of Discontinuities

Regression Discontinuity: Simple Estimate

When does it work?

Empirical Example: Vote Share in Congressional Elections

Potential and Observed Outcomes

Potential and Observed Outcomes

Accounting for underlying trend

Local Linear Estimate


\[(\hat{\beta}^{+}_0(x),\hat{\beta}{+}_1(x))=\underset{(\beta_0,\beta_1)}{\arg\min}\sum_{i=1}^{n}1\{X_i\geq c\}K(\frac{X_i-x}{h})(Y_i-\beta_0-\beta_1(X_i-x))^2\]


Choosing a Bandwidth: Considerations

Lee Data w/ OLS, different slope on each side: 11.8% incumbency advantage (Code)

#Load RD package containing Lee (2008) incumbency data 
data(house) #Lee data
# Specify x, y, and cutpoint = 0 Dem-Rep vote share
# Run OLS RD estimate, linear 
# with different slope on each side
reg_para <- rdd_reg_lm(rdd_object=house_rdd)
plot(reg_para,xlab="Dem-Rep Vote Share, t", 
     ylab="Dem-Rep Vote Share, t+1", 
     main="Parametric RD")

Lee Data w/ OLS, different slope on each side: 11.8% incumbency advantage

Lee Data Local Linear, IK BW=0.29, 8.0% incumbency advantage (Code)

#Estimate MSE- optimal bandwidth on Lee 
# data by Imbens-Kalyanaraman procedure
# Run local linear RD estimate, 
# linear with different slope on each side
plot(LEEnp,xlab="Dem-Rep Vote Share, t", 
     ylab="Dem-Rep Vote Share, t+1", 
     main="Nonparametric RD")

Lee Data Local Linear, IK BW=0.29, 8.0% incumbency advantage

Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests

“Fuzzy” Regression Discontinuity

Fuzzy RDD as Instrumental Variables Estimate


Ensuring assumptions hold

Density Estimation (Code)

#Run McCrary test 
# Estimates density left and right of cutoff
# null is no difference in density
pvalue<-LEEtest[2] #get p value 
#Run McCrary test and display plot

Density Estimation

Lee Data: Density Above and Below Cutoff


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