- More Panel Data
- Unobserved Effects Model Continued
- Estimators
- Pooled OLS
- First Difference
- Fixed Effects
- Least Squares Dummy Variable
- Random Effects
- Book Chapters
- Wooldrige 13: First Differences and Diff-in-Diff
- Angrist & Pischke 5: Diff-in-Diff
- Wooldridge 14: Fixed Effects, Random Effects
Review: Unobserved Effects Model
Estimators: Pooled OLS
- Simplest way: just ignore \(a_i\), regress \(Y\) on \(X\) by OLS
- Ignores group structure
- Each \((i,t)\) treated as separate observation
- Fine so long as \(Cov(a_i,X_{i,t})=0\)
- Needs a treatment which is uncorrelated with unobserved characteristics that do not vary over time
- More likely if substantial set of controls included
- \(v_{i,t}=a_i+u_{i,t}\) becomes residual
Inference in Pooled OLS
- OLS residuals \(v_{i,t}=a_i+u_{i,t}\) generally correlated across \(t\): \[Cov(v_{i,t},v_{i,s})=Var(a_i)+Cov(u_{i,t},u_{i,s})\neq 0\]
- Even if idiosyncratic error \(u_{i,t}\) independent and homskedastic \(Cov(u_{i,t},u_{i,s})=0\) \(Var(u_{i,t})=\sigma_u^2\), still have \(Var(a_i)=\sigma_{a}^2\) term
- Omitted time-constant variable causes outcome to be correlated within group even conditional on \(X\)
- Need to adjust variance estimates for this: clustering
- Idea: since outcomes in group related, have effectively smaller number of independent observations
- Can also have heteroskedasticity across and/or within groups
- Command vcovHC(regression, cluster=“group”) in plm gives clustered (and heteroskedasticity-robust) SEs
Estimators: First Difference
If \(Cov(X_{it},a_{i})\neq 0\), can avoid unobserved heterogeneity by looking at changes instead of levels \[Y_{i,t}=X_{i,t}^{\prime}\beta+a_i+u_{i,t}\]
\[\Delta Y_{i,t}= \Delta X_{i,t}^{\prime}\beta + \Delta u_{i,t}\]
- Where \(\Delta Y_{i,t} = Y_{i,t}-Y_{i,t-1}\)
- “The effect of the change in X on the change in Y”
- Variables which don’t change over time disappear: including constant
- Estimate by OLS on differenced variables
Standard Errors
- To have exogeneity in first difference equation, need \(E[\Delta u_{i,t}\Delta X_{i,t}]=0\)
- Sufficient for this is strict exogeneity:
- \(E[u_{i,t}X_{i,s}]=0\) for any t,s
- Says that residuals uncorrelated with current, past, or future covariates
- Means that future treatment can’t depend on past outcomes
- \(\Delta u_{i,t}=u_{i,t}-u_{i,t-1}\) and \(\Delta u_{i,t+1}=u_{i,t+1}-u_{i,t}\) both contain \(u_{i,t}\)
- Often means errors are correlated across \(t\) within \(i\)
- Need to account for this: cluster standard errors by time
- Exception is if \(u_{i,t}=u_{i,t-1}+e_{i,t}\) \(e_{i,t}\sim\text{i.i.d.}\)
- Called random walk model: growth is i.i.d.
First Difference Assumptions
Just need to impose conditions for OLS to apply to changes
- (FD1) \(Y_{i,t}=X_{i,t}^{\prime}\beta+a_i+u_{i,t}\)
- (FD2) \((Y_i,X_i)\) are a random sample from cross section
- (FD3) No \(X_i\) is constant over time, and also no perfect linear relationships between variables
- (FD4) \(E[u_{i,t}|a_i,X_i]=0\) for all t: Strict exogeneity
- Or (FD4’) \(E[\Delta u_{i,t} \Delta X_{i,t}]=0\) for \(t=2\ldots T\)
- (FD5) \(Var(\Delta u_{i,t}|X_{i,t})=\sigma^2\) for all t
- (FD6) \(Cov(\Delta u_{i,t},\Delta u_{i,s}|X_{i})=0\) for all \(t\neq s\)
(FD7) \(\Delta u_{i,t}\sim\text{i.i.d.}N(0,\sigma^2)\)
- Just apply usual results for OLS
- (FD1-4’) get consistency
- (FD1-4) get unbiasedness
- Requires \(X\) to be random with respect to all periods
- (FD1-6) get homoskedastic inference
- Very strong, requires random walk in residual
(FD1-7) get finite sample normal distribution, exact t, F statistics
Usually don’t believe homoskedasticity, no serial correlation, so use robust and clustered standard errors
Assumptions to use OLS
- Again just need assumptions so OLS works
- Exogeneity requires \(E[\ddot{X}_{i,t}\ddot{u}_{i,t}]=0\) for any t
- Not quite the same as in FD case
- But both implied by strict exogeneity
- Homoskedasticity requires constant conditional variance of \(u_{i,t}\) and also that \(Cov(u_{i,t}u_{i,s}|X_i,a_i)=0\)
- Residuals in level are uncorrelated, instead of random walk (strongly correlated)
- Can then use usual OLS inference except with sample size in formulas replaced by \(n(T-1)\), not \(nT\)
- If there is still serial correlation, still use clustered SEs
- FE gets rid of \(a_i\) but not correlated \(u_i\)
Fixed Effects Assumptions
Just need to impose conditions for OLS to apply to transformed data
- (FE1) \(Y_{i,t}=X_{i,t}^{\prime}\beta+a_i+u_{i,t}\)
- (FE2) \((Y_i,X_i)\) are a random sample from cross section
- (FE3) No \(X_i\) is constant over time, and also no perfect linear relationships between variables
- (FE4) \(E[u_{i,t}|a_i,X_i]=0\) for all t: Strict exogeneity
- Or (FE4’) \(E[\ddot{X}_{i,t}\ddot{u}_{i,t}]=0\) for \(t=2\ldots T\)
- (FE5) \(Var(u_{i,t}|X_{i,t})=\sigma^2\) for all t
- (FE6) \(Cov(u_{i,t}, u_{i,s}|X_{i})=0\) for all \(t\neq s\)
(FE7) \(u_{i,t}\sim\text{i.i.d.}N(0,\sigma^2)\)
Estimators: Least Squares Dummy Variable
- Take unobserved coefficients model and replace \(a_i\) with dummy variable \(d_i=1\) for group \(i\), \(d_i=0\) otherwise
Run OLS regression on augmented equation \[Y_{i,t}=X_{i,t}^{\prime}\beta+\sum_{i=1}^{n}a_i d_i+u_{i,t}\]
Estimator \(\widehat{\beta}\) is numerically identical to Fixed Effects estimator
- Under homoskedasticity and 0 serial correlation of \(u_{i,t}\)
- OLS standard error formula is correct so long as degrees of freedom correction included
- i.e., if \(X\) is \(k\) variables, residual variance estimator is \(\frac{1}{nT-K-n}\sum_{i=1}^{nT}\widehat{u}_{i,t}^2\)
- Accounts for \(n\) variables added
- Usually want to use robust, cluster-adjusted inference
Incidental Parameters
- Coefficients \(a_i\) on dummies are not consistently estimated by \(\widehat{a}_i\)
- Number of coefficients grows exactly with sample size
- Consistency, asymptotic normality results fail
- Reason: only have \(T\) observations per individual \(i\)
- Essentially a finite sample problem
- Under strict conditional mean 0 exogeneity, coefficients unbiased, but variance never goes to 0
- Coefficient \(\widehat{a}_i\) for \(i\) is measure of average effect of \(i\)
FE vs. FD. vs LSDV
- With strict exogeneity \(E[u_{i,t}|X_{i,1},X_{i,2},\ldots,X_{i,T},a_i]=0\)
- FE and FD both consistent, unbiased
- FE, FD exactly the same if T=2
- Efficiency depends on degree of serial correlation in residuals
- If highly serially correlated, FD better
- If not, FE more efficient
- If using clustered SEs, both provide valid inference
- LSDV is same as FE: easier to do manually
- Better to use panel data software: gets standard errors right.
- LSDV usually slower to implement, since number of parameters is now huge
Example: Union status and wages (Code 1)
#Load Libraries
#Load Data
#Turn into panel data set
wagepan.p<-pdata.frame(wagepan, index=c("nr","year"))
Example: Union status and wages (Code 2)
# Run Pooled OLS
olsreg<-(plm(lwage ~ union + I(exper^2)+married +
educ + black + exper +
data=wagepan.p, model="pooling"))
# Run First Differences
fdreg<-(plm(lwage ~ 0+ union +
I(exper^2)+ married +
educ + black + exper +
data=wagepan.p, model="fd"))
Example: Union status and wages (Code 3)
#Run Fixed Effects
fereg<-plm(lwage ~ union + I(exper^2)+ married +
d81+d82+d83+d84+d85+d86+d87, data=wagepan.p,
#Run Least Squares Dummy Variables
lsdvreg<-plm(lwage ~ union + I(exper^2)+ married +
data=wagepan.p, model="pooling")
Example: Union status and wages
- Regress log wage on union status along with time invariant (race, previous education) and time-varying (experience, marital status) worker characteristics (and year dummies) by different methods
- All can be performed from plm package in R
- Syntax for these regressions is plm command
- model=“within” for within/FE transform
- model=“fd” for first difference transform
- model=“pooling” for pooled OLS (no transforming to get rid of unobserved effects, just OLS)
- LSDV uses OLS, but include group as factor
Results (Code 1)
#Get Coefficients and clustered standard errors
vcov=vcovHC(olsreg,cluster = "group"))
vcov=vcovHC(fdreg,cluster = "group"))
vcov=vcovHC(fereg,cluster = "group"))
vcov=vcovHC(lsdvreg,cluster = "group"))
Results (Code 2)
#Build Table
#title="Panel Data Estimators: Results",
Results of different methods (All SEs clustered)
## =================================================
## -------------------------------------------------
## union 0.183*** 0.041* 0.080*** 0.080***
## (0.027) (0.022) (0.023) (0.023)
## I(exper2) -0.002** -0.006*** -0.005*** -0.005***
## (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
## married 0.108*** 0.038 0.047** 0.047**
## (0.026) (0.024) (0.021) (0.021)
## educ 0.091***
## (0.011)
## black -0.142***
## (0.050)
## exper 0.067***
## (0.019)
## =================================================
## =================================================
Random Effects Model
- Sometimes regressors not correlated with \(a_i\)
- This is more likely if you include time-constant variables
- Use these to account for this heterogeneity
- Could run pooled OLS, but usual standard errors are wrong
- Also lose efficiency
- \(a_i\) induces serial correlation of errors
- When \(u_{i,t}\) are homoskedastic, serially uncorrelated, \(a_i\) homoskedastic, know form of serial correlation
- Most efficient estimator is Feasible Generalized Least Squares:
- Weight pooled OLS by covariances
- Random Effects is FGLS with error form given by \[Var(a_i+u_{i,t})=\sigma_a^2+\sigma_u^2\] \[Cov(a_i+u_{i,t}, a_i+u_{i,s})=\sigma_a^2\]
Random Effects Estimator
- RE has representation in terms of quasi-demeaning
\[\lambda=1-(\frac{\sigma_u^2}{\sigma_u^2+T \sigma_a^2})^{1/2}\]
\[Y_{i,t}-\lambda\bar{Y}_i= (X_{i,t}^{\prime}-\lambda\bar{X}_{i}^{\prime})\beta + v_{i,t}-\lambda\bar{v}_{i}\]
- Because \(a_i\) same over time, large average \(Y_i\) could come from \(\bar{X}_i\) or from \(a_i\),
- Best guess of coefficients should depend less on averages, more on things that change over time
Random Effects Estimator
- Since \(\lambda<1\),time-invariant terms do not disappear
- But estimates closer to FE (exactly the same if \(\lambda=1\), no unobserved heterogeneity)
- Since \(\sigma_u^2\), \(\sigma_a^2\) unknown, estimate by using pooled OLS, then taking sample variance of residuals
- Need (strict) exogeneity for consistency, correctly specified error structure gives efficiency
- Option model=“random” in plm()
Random Effects Assumptions
- (RE 1) Linear Model \(Y_{i,t}=X_{i,t}^{\prime}\beta+a_i+u_{i,t}\)
- (RE 2) \((Y_i,X_i)\) are a random sample from cross section
- (RE 3) No perfect linear relationships between variables
- (RE 4) \(E[u_{i,t}|a_i,X_i]=0\) for all t: Strict exogeneity and
- \(E[a_i|X_i]=\beta_0\) No correlation with unobserved heterogeneity
- (RE5) \(Var(u_{i,t}|X_{i}, a_i)=\sigma_u^2\) for all t and \(Var(a_i|X_{i})=\sigma_a^2\)
- (RE6) \(Cov(u_{i,t},u_{i,s}|X_i,a_i)=0\) for all \(t\neq s\)
- (RE1-4) give consistency, unbiasedness
- Strict exogeneity and random sampling
- Imposes strong condition of 0 correlation with unobserved variables
- Condition (RE 3) no longer requires getting rid of time-constant variables
- RE is most efficient estimator if (RE1-6) hold
- Homoskedastic, no serial correlation
- (RE 1-6) also permit asymptotic normality with SE estimate under homoskedastic formula
- Even without (RE5-6), can do heteroskedasticity and serial correlation robust SEs for T, Wald tests
Fixed vs Random Effects
- FE/FD robust to correlation with heterogeneity, but if RE assumptions hold, less efficient
- Can run both, test equality in Hausman test
- phtest(fe,re) in plm
- Alternatively, can write \(a_i= \gamma_0+\gamma_1\bar{X}_{1i}+\gamma_2\bar{X}_{2i}+\ldots+\gamma_k\bar{X}_{ki}+r_i\)
- “Correlated random effect” with \(E[r_i X_{i,t}]=0\) represents linear fit of heterogeneity onto regressors
- Including these between averages in regression with \(X_{i,t}\) by pooled OLS/RE, just get back FE estimate (numerically the same)
- If \(\gamma_j\) terms jointly 0 in Wald test, can’t reject standard RE
Unions and wages: (Code 1)
#Compare RE and FD to FE estimates of unions on wages
#Run Random Effects
rereg<-plm(lwage ~ union + I(exper^2)+ married +
+ educ + black + exper +
d81+d82+d83+d84+d85+d86+d87, data=wagepan,
#Run Pooled OLS
polsreg<-plm(lwage ~ union + I(exper^2)+ married +
+ educ + black + exper +
d81+d82+d83+d84+d85+d86+d87, data=wagepan,
Unions and wages: (Code 2)
#Run First Differences
fdreg<-plm(lwage ~0+ union + I(exper^2)+ married +
d81+d82+d83+d84+d85+d86+d87, data=wagepan,
#Construct Coefficients and Clustered SEs
vcov=vcovHC(fereg,cluster = "group"))
vcov=vcovHC(rereg,cluster = "group"))
vcov=vcovHC(fdreg,cluster = "group"))
vcov=vcovHC(polsreg,cluster = "group"))
Unions and wages: (Code 3)
#Build Table
Unions and wages: FD, FE, RE, Pooled OLS (Clustered)
## =================================================
## -------------------------------------------------
## union 0.041* 0.080*** 0.106*** 0.183***
## (0.022) (0.023) (0.021) (0.027)
## I(exper2) -0.006*** -0.005*** -0.005*** -0.002**
## (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
## married 0.038 0.047** 0.064*** 0.108***
## (0.024) (0.021) (0.019) (0.026)
## educ 0.091*** 0.091***
## (0.011) (0.011)
## black -0.143*** -0.142***
## (0.050) (0.050)
## exper 0.106*** 0.067***
## (0.016) (0.019)
## =================================================
## =================================================
Comparisons (Code)
#Run Hausman test to compare Fixed vs Random
- RE between pooled OLS and FE
- Need to believe union status uncorrelated with unobserved fixed characteristics to trust RE or pooled OLS as consistent
- If this is believed, RE should be more efficient
- Can test: run phtest(fereg,rereg) to get
## Hausman Test
## data: lwage ~ union + I(exper^2) + married + d81 + d82 + d83 + d84 + ...
## chisq = 26.644, df = 10, p-value = 0.002964
## alternative hypothesis: one model is inconsistent
- Reject null of no correlation: be wary of RE estimates
- Fact that FD differs suggests possible violation of strict exogeneity (or other model asumption)
- Timing of joining a union may not be conditionally random