Adding group structure to data
- Up until now, we’ve assumed our data is drawn from a random sample
- \((Y_i,X_i)\) independent and identically distributed
- In some types of data, this may not reflect the sampling process
- Our sample can consist of groups of related observations
- Call this structure panel or longitudinal data
Example Panel Data Sets
- Individual or firm surveys visitng same respondents repeatedly
- Panel Study of Income Dynamics
- Longitudinal Business Database
- States, counties, or country characteristics over time
- Stock or financial asset prices and characteristics over time
- Household surveys
- Can be grouped over time, also different members of same household
Panel Structure
- In each example, observations within a group share characteristics
- If I ask “What is your favorite color?” then ask again 5 minutes later, answer unlikely to change very much
- Difficulty: can’t treat “you” and “you 5 minutes ago” as independent samples
- “You” and “you 5 minutes ago” share many unobserved characteristics
- Advantage: can use differences within a group to learn about only those characteristics that do differ
Answering Questions with Panel Data
- Effect of treatment on outcome, allowing treatment to vary within and between groups
- Effect of state-level policy on employment or growth
- Effect of firm announcements on stock prices
- Effect of tax policy on individual outcomes and welfare
- Observations in panel data indexed by 2 or more indices
- one for unit/group: \(i=1\ldots n\)
- one for observation within unit: \(t=1\ldots T\)
- Each unit \(X_{i}=(X_{i,1},\ldots,X_{i,t},\ldots,X_{i,T})\)
- \(X_{i,t}\) may itself be a vector of characteristics
- e.g. \((Income_{i,t}, age_{i,t}, \text{credit score}_{i,t}, \text{favorite color}_{i,t})\)
- May be represented on computer as list of \(N=n*T\) observations, one for each index \(i\) and \(t\) (e.g. “unit” and “time”)
- Or in special panel data format with \(T\) observations in each group
- Structure pdata.frame in library plm in R
Event Studies
- Idea: compare outcomes within a unit before and after treatment
- So long as there are no systematic changes over time except for treatment, difference can be interpreted as causal
- \(Y_{i,2}\) be outcome after treatment, \(Y_{i,1}\) outcome before
- \(\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(Y_{i,2}-Y_{i,1})\) estimates average effect
- Example: price of stock immediately before and after earnings announcement
- Equivalent to \(\beta\) in regression \[Y_{i,t}=\beta_0+\beta*After_{t}+u_{i,t}\]
- \(After_{t}\) treatment is 1 if t=2, 0 if t=1
Unobserved Effects Model
- Model outcome as \(Y_{i,t}=\beta_0+\beta*After_{t} + a_i + u_{i,t}\)
- \(u_{i,t}\) is nonsystematic variation in outcome
- \(E[u_{i,t}After_{t}]=0\) means no unobserved factors changing over time on average
- \(a_i\) is unit-specific characteristics that don’t change over time
- \(a_i\) called a fixed effect or unobserved effect
- Accounts for any possible covariates so long as they are fixed over time
- Obtain \(\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(Y_{i,2}-Y_{i,1})=\beta+\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(u_{i,2}-u_{i,1})\)
- Unbiased and consistent estimator of \(\beta\)
When to trust event studies
- Event Study methodology takes care of selection on characteristics that don’t change with time
- Doesn’t take care of things that do
- Need there to be no other systematic changes at same time
- Effectively need conditionally random assignment given \(a_i\)
- Often reasonable with financial data: \(t=2,t=1\) are in very short window right before and after:
- No news aside from treatment (firm announces its earnings, stock is split, Fed announces new monetary policy) in very short window
- Can become unreasonable if any systematic changes over time
- Can account for observed differences between treatment and control periods by including observed unit-specific controls \(X_{i,t}\)
- Can also look at effect over multiple periods
- Instead of just before and after, have \(d\tau_t\), dummy variable equal to 1 if \(t=\tau\), 0 otherwise
- Called a time dummy or time fixed effect
Run regression \[Y_{i,t}=\beta_0+\sum_{\tau=2}^{T}\beta_{\tau} d\tau_t + X_{i,t}^{\prime}\gamma+u_{i,t}\]
- If event occurs at \(t=2\), \(\beta_{\tau}\) is effect at time \(\tau\)
Can also include multiple periods before event with more time dummies
Event Study Limitations
- Outcome \(Y_{i,t}\) observed at two times
- Before and after an event
- Difference before and after \[\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}Y_{i,2}-\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}Y_{i,1}\]
- Measures effect of event
- Controls for selection bias caused by unobserved heterogeneity in level of \(Y_i\) across \(i\)
- Doesn’t get rid of selection bias caused by changes over time other than the event of interest
Accounting for systematic time variation
- In general, all sorts of things are happening at the same time as a treatment changes
- Outcome may be trending up or down over time for reasons unrelated to the treatment
- If these are not observed, can’t control for them directly
- Often, we can control for them indirectly
- Idea: Suppose two units experience same time-varying influences, but only one gets treatment in second period
- We can then compare change in treated to change in untreated unit
Differences in Differences
- Difference-in-differences estimator compares difference in pre-and post-treatment outcomes among treated units to difference among units that don’t receive treatment
- Equivalent to comparing difference between treatment and control units after treatment occurs to difference before
- Difference between pre and post treatment outcomes controls for unit-specific fixed effects
- Difference between units controls for unobserved common time trends
- Baseline value is \(\beta_0\) in control group,
- Estimable by pre-treatment average \(\bar{Y}_{1,control}\),
- Treatment group differs in baseline period by \(\beta_1\)
- \(\bar{Y}_{1,treat}\) estimates \(\beta_1+\beta_0\)
- Effect of time is \(\delta_0\) on treatment and control units
- \(\bar{Y}_{2,control}\) estimates \(\beta_0+\delta_0\)
- Treatment effect is \(\delta_1\)
- \(\bar{Y}_{2,treat}\) estimates \(\beta_0+\delta_0+\beta_1+\delta_1\) \[\widehat{\delta}_1=(\bar{Y}_{2,treat}-\bar{Y}_{2,control})-(\bar{Y}_{1,treat}-\bar{Y}_{1,control})\] \[=(\bar{Y}_{2,treat}-\bar{Y}_{1,treat})-(\bar{Y}_{2,control}-\bar{Y}_{1,control})\]
Table of outcomes
Control |
\(\beta_0\) |
\(\beta_0+\delta_0\) |
\(\delta_0\) |
———– |
——— |
—————— |
———— |
Treatment |
\(\beta_0+\beta_1\) |
\(\beta_0+\delta_0 +\beta_1+\delta_1\) |
\(\delta_0+\delta_1\) |
———– |
——— |
—————— |
———— |
Treatment - Control |
\(\beta_1\) |
\(\beta_1+\delta_1\) |
\(\delta_1\) |
Example: Minimum wage in New Jersey and Pennsylvania
- Card & Krueger (1994) study effect of rise in New Jersey minimum wage on employment in fast food restaurants
- NJ raised minimum wage from $4.25 to $5.05 in 1992
- Compare employment in fast food stores near the border to control for common trends in employment
- e.g. business cycle effects
- Need to believe that NJ not growing faster/slower than PA
Employees per store by state and time (Card & Krueger Table 3)
PA |
23.33 |
21.17 |
-2.16 |
———– |
——— |
—————— |
———— |
NJ |
20.44 |
21.03 |
0.59 |
———– |
——— |
—————— |
———— |
NJ - PA |
-2.89 |
-0.14 |
2.76 |
- PA fast food employment shrank, while NJ fast food employment grew slightly
- If we believe nothing different going on in two states aside from minimum wage, this suggests minimum wage raised employment
- Inconsistent with theory that higher minimum wage lowers unemployment
Regression Representation
- Treat observations with same \(i\) but different \(t\) as different observations
- Run OLS on “sample” of size \(nT\)
- Recall regression model for event study \[Y_{i,t}=\beta_0+\beta After_{t}+u_{i,t}\]
- Dif-in-dif also has equivalent representation as a regression \[Y_{i,t}=\beta_0+\beta_1*Treat_{i}+\delta_0*After_{t}+\delta_1*Treat_{i}*After_{t}+u_{i,t}\]
- \(Treat_{i}\) is 1 if unit is the one that will get treated, in any time
- \(After_{t}\) is 1 in the latter time period, 0 before
- \(Treat_{i}*After_{t}\) interaction indicates post-treatment difference
- So long as \(u_{i,t}\) independent over time and groups, just OLS
- Same estimation, inference, properties
- Within-group heterogeneity absorbed into averages
- Also allows adding observable controls \(X_{i,t}\)
More than 2 periods
- If observed over many periods, have many more options
- Simplest: combine outcomes from before periods, from after, and do standard DD estimate
- If treatment has constant effect, let \(Treat_{i,t}=1\) if treatment active in unit \(i\) at time \(t\), 0 otherwise
- Same as \(Treat_{i}*After_{t}\) in 2 period case
- Use complete set of dummies \(d\tau_{t}\) for periods, \(dk_{i}\) for units
- Run \[Y_{i,t}=\beta_0+\delta_1*Treat_{i,t}+\sum_{\tau=2}^{T}\delta_{\tau}d\tau_{t}+\sum_{i=2}^{n}\beta_k dk_{i}+u_{i,t}\]
Heterogeneous trends
- With many periods, can allow trends to differ between units
- Just need that trend is smooth
- Takes fewer parameters to describe than time periods
- E.g., linear trends (intercept+slope) need 3 or more time periods
- Regression representation \[Y_{i,t}=\beta_0+\delta_1*Treat_{i,t}+\sum_{\tau=2}^{T}\delta_{\tau}d\tau_{t}+\sum_{i=2}^{n}\beta_k dk_{i}+\sum_{i=2}^{n}\theta_k (dk_{i}\times t)+u_{i,t}\]
- Permits, e.g., employment to be growing faster in some states, so long as there is not a discontinuous break at treatment date
Visualization (Code 1)
# Plotting software for overlay graphics
xg<-seq(0,16,1) #x grid
#Generate functions
Visualization (Code 2)
frame<-data.frame(xg,y1,y2) #Group in one data set
+ ylab("Outcome") + xlab("Time")
+ggtitle("Differing Trends and Baselines:
Blue line treated after t=8")
graph #Display Graph

Sampling Issues
- Sampling assumption for panel data: \(X_{i}=(X_{i,1},\ldots,X_{i,t},\ldots,X_{i,T})\) drawn randomly (i.i.d.) from population of groups
- If we treat \(X_i\) as a length-T vector, this is exactly random sampling as usual
- Law of large numbers, Central Limit Theorem continue to apply
- \(\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}f(X_i)\overset{p}{\rightarrow}E[f(X_i)]\)
- \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\sum_{i=1}^{n}f(X_i)\overset{d}{\rightarrow}N(E[f(X_i)],Var(f(X_i)))\)
- Only thing to be careful of: sample size is \(n\), not \(N=n*T\)
- Given this, can treat it like any other random sample we’ve seen so far in class
- Difference is we allow correlation within a unit
Standard error issue: Serial correlation
- In general, if \(u_{i,t}\) i.i.d. over \(i\) AND \(t\), can use standard (or robust) OLS inference
- Unit-level covariates account for ALL persistence within groups
- Use lm() command on \(N=n*T\) independent observations
- With multiple periods, might have that \(E[u_{i,s},u_{i,t}]\neq 0\)
- Unobserved factors may affect outcome over time
- Called serial correlation
- Solution is to use SE formula which allows correlation over time within units
- Called clustered (by unit) standard errors
- A formula that looks like (and is derived same way as) sandwich formula can do this
- Use plm package with vcovHC command, cluster option
- Effective sample size becomes \(n\) instead of \(nT\): SEs usually much bigger
General framework
- Would like to deal with regressors more complicated than \(before\) and \(after\) some event
- Move from binary treatment \(X=1\) or \(X=0\) framework to general regression framework
- Will need to take fixed effects into account directly
Fixed effects model
Linear model with fixed effects \[Y_{i,t}=X_{i,t}^{\prime}\beta+\gamma_t+a_i+u_{i,t}\]
- \(X_{i,t}=(X_{i,t,1},\ldots,X_{i,t,k})\) are regressors whose effect we care about
- \(a_i\) are (group) fixed effects: not observed
- \(\gamma_t\) are time fixed effects
- This is structural equation
- Describes what would happen if \(X\) set at some level
- Care about \(\beta\): effect of our \(X\) variables on outcome
If \(X\) is indicator of treatment, \(\beta\) can be estimated by previous methods
How do we estimate coefficients in Fixed Effects model?
- Can represent \(\gamma_t\) by \(\gamma_{t}d\tau_t\)
- \(d\tau_t=1\) if \(t=\tau\), \(d\tau_t=0\) if \(t\neq\tau\)
- \(T-1\) Time dummies (base period excluded)
- Adds \(T-1\) extra variables: small fixed number
- Rest depends on what we assume about \(a_i\)
- Can rewrite error term as \(e_{i,t}=a_i+u_{i,t}\)
- If \(a_i\) correlated with \(X_{i,t}\) and not observed, \(E[e_{i,t}X_{i,t}]\neq 0\)
- OLS regression of \(Y_{i,t}\) on \(X_{i,t}\) and time dummies not consistent
- Essentially a missing variable problem
- Need to find way to get rid of \(a_i\) and estimate without it
First Differences
- Idea: run regression in changes instead of levels
- Start in \(T=2\) case for simplicity
- Define first difference operator \(\Delta\) as \(\Delta X_2:=X_{2}-X_{1}\)
Apply to \(Y_{i,t}=X_{i,t}^{\prime}\beta+\gamma_td\tau_t+a_i+u_{i,t}\) \[\Delta Y_{i,2}=\Delta X_{i,2}^{\prime}\beta+\gamma_2\Delta\tau_2+\Delta a_i+ \Delta u_{i,2}\]
- Since \(a_i\) same at times \(t=2\) and \(t=1\), \(\Delta a_i=0\)
- Differenced equation doesn’t contain \(a_i\)
- Anything that doesn’t change over time disappears
- Constant term in \(X_{i,t}\) goes away
- Any variable in \(X_{i,t}\) that doesn’t move (fixed characteristics) disappears
\(\Delta d\tau_2\) becomes just a constant
First differences, interpretation
- Result is a regression equation only in observable variables
\[\Delta Y_{i,2}=\gamma_2 + \Delta X_{i,2}^{\prime}\beta + \Delta u_{i,2}\]
- So long as this satisfies the OLS assumptions, can estimate it by OLS over the \(n\) samples (not \(nT=2n\))
- Can’t include any \(\beta_j\) corresponding to constant or variables that don’t change over time
- Interpretation is simple
- Regress change in outcome on change in regressors
- Constant term is average growth instead of level
- Residuals are unobserved factors leading to changes in outcome
- Exogeneity means changes in regressor uncorrelated with changes in unobserved factor across units
- If \(X_{i,t}\) is just a binary treatment, its coefficient is the difference-in-differences estimator
Example: Chetty et al 2015
- Consider effect of geographic area on wages
- People who live in one city probably not the same as those who live in another
- Fixed effects account for that
- FD estimator gives you change in wages for people who move from one city to another
- If people who move differ from general population, no problem
- so long as differences have equal effect on wages in both cities
- Estimate causal effect of moving
- But if other wage-relevant individual characteristics change at same time as move, then can’t distinguish
Time invariant characteristics
- Suppose demographic used as part of \(X_{i,t,j}\)
- In most cases, these are constant
- Effect of variables on outcome not identified
- Don’t know if it’s, say, race or some other unchanging personal characteristic which leads to base level
- If you do include something like this, it will be set as NA
- As in multicollinearity case
Multiple Time Periods
- If \(T>2\), can take differences \(\Delta\) between \(t=2\) and \(t=1\), between \(t=3\) and \(t=2\), etc.
Applied to \(Y_{i,t}=X_{i,t}^{\prime}\beta+\gamma_td\tau_t+a_i+u_{i,t}\) get \[\Delta Y_{i,t}=\gamma_t d\tau_t + \Delta X_{i,t}^{\prime}\beta + \Delta u_{i,t}\]
- for \(i=1\ldots n\), \(t=2\ldots T\)
- Treat each \((i,t)\) as an observation: have \(n(T-1)\) samples
- Estimate by OLS
- \(a_i\) disappears due to differencing
Again we lose any \(X_{i,t}\) which doesn’t change over time
Next Time
- More about panel data:
- Fixed Effects
- Random Effects
- Read Wooldridge Ch 13-14