- More about nonlinear regression
- Inference for nonlinear models
Nonlinear Models - Derivation
Nonlinear Models - Calculation
- With OLS, all of above methods could be accomplished by solving a system of linear equations
- Produced an explicit formula
- For nonlinear models, solve system of nonlinear equations
- No explicit formula, but computer can find solution
- Write down likelihood, or empirical risk as function of parameters
- Optimize that function numerically
Optimization Issues
- Use standard optimization algorithms
- (Stochastic) Gradient descent, Newton’s Method, BFGS, Nelder-Mead, simulated annealing, etc
- We can now find an estimator for just about any model we can write down
- Computer has to be able to find the solution
- Means there has to be a solution:
- Might not be if model is misspecified
- Also an issue if there’s more than just one
- Rule of thumb: if computer can’t find a solution, maybe something wrong with the model you wrote down
Nonlinear Least Squares
- Model: Nonlinear Regression
\[Y=f(X,\theta_0)+u\] \[\theta_0\in\Theta\] \[E[u|X]=0\]
- Just like linear regression model but \(X^\prime\beta\) now \(f(X,\theta)\)
Estimator: Nonlinear Least Squares \[\widehat{\theta}=\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\arg\min}\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}[(Y_i-f(X_i,\theta))^2]\]
- Minimizes empirical squared error loss
- Maximizes likelihood if \(u\sim N(0,\sigma^2)\)
Solves moment equations implied by \(E[Y-f(X,\theta)|X]=0\)
Empirical Example: Kroft et al (2014)
- Effect of unemployment duration \((d)\) on rate of job finding
- Model by sum of exponentials \(A(d)=(1-a_1-a_2)+a_1exp(-b_1d)+a_2exp(-b_2d)\)
- Probability of re-employment goes down fast (exponentially) early after losing job, then declines more slowly
- NLLS estimates speed of decline and also where it levels off
- Nonlinearity also keeps expectation between 0 and 1
Consistency in Nonlinear Models
- Model says our true parameter \(\theta_0\) solves \[\theta_0=\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\arg\min}Q(\theta)\]
Estimate it by analogy using \[\widehat{\theta}=\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\arg\min}\widehat{Q}(\theta)\]
- \(\widehat{\theta}\overset{p}{\rightarrow}\theta_0\) so long as we have following conditions
- Identification: \(\theta_0\) strictly minimizes \(Q(\theta)\)
- Our model gives us the best prediction only when we have the right parameter values
- Uniform convergence of \(\widehat{Q}(\theta)\) to \(Q(\theta)\)
- Replacing the expectations with sample averages doesn’t cause big approximation errors in the system
Minizing sample loss \(\approx\) minimizing population loss, which gives the true parameter
Consistency of Nonlinear Least Squares
- Identification holds if \[f(X,\theta_0)\neq f(X,\theta)\] with positive probability for any \(\theta\in\Theta\) other than \(\theta_0\)
- Implies \(Q(\theta_0)=E[(Y-f(X,\theta_0))^2]\neq Q(\theta) = E[(Y-f(X,\theta))^2]\)
- Nonlinear version of no multicollinearity condition
- Rules out, e.g. \(f(X,\theta_a,\theta_b)=(\theta_a*\theta_b)X\)
- Since \(f(X,\theta_a,\theta_b)=f(X,k*\theta_a,\theta_b/k)\)
- Uniform convergence \(\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\sup}|\widehat{Q}(\theta)-Q(\theta)|\overset{p}{\rightarrow}0\) \[\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\sup}|\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(Y_i-f(X_i,\theta))^2-E[(Y-f(X,\theta))^2]|\overset{p}{\rightarrow}0\]
- Sample mean square error close to population mean square error with high probability
- Holds by (uniform version of) law of large numbers
Asymptotic distribution theory: Intuition
- Consistency means that at least in large samples, we are likely to be close to the truth
- Since we are near the truth, we can look at behavior in a small neighborhood
- Twice differentiability means that in a small neighborhood, our criterion function is locally quadratic
- After a Taylor expansion, the system of FOCs defining the solution is (locally) linear
- Remainder terms proportional to distance from truth, and so disappear, by consistency
- We can then use same limit theory we did for linear model
Asymptotic Distribution: Assumptions
- Consistency \(\widehat{\theta}\overset{p}{\rightarrow}\theta_0\)
- Twice Differentiability: \(\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}Q(\theta)\) and \(\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}Q(\theta)\) exist, are bounded
- Optimality of \(\theta_0\) means first order conditions hold
- \(\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}Q(\theta_0)=0\)
- Optimality of \(\widehat{\theta}\) means first order conditions hold also
- \(\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}\widehat{Q}(\widehat{\theta})=0\)
- Above + CLT imply next condition:
- Sample first derivative asymptotically normal with limit mean 0
- Sample second derivative converges to population second derivative \[\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}\widehat{Q}(\widehat{\theta})\overset{p}{\rightarrow}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}Q(\theta)\]
Meaning for NLLS
- Derivatives are \[\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}Q(\theta)=2E[(Y-f(X,\theta))\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}f(X,\theta)]\] \[\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}Q(\theta)=2E[(Y-f(X,\theta))\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}f(X,\theta)-(\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}f(X,\theta))^{\prime}(\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}f(X,\theta))]\]
- For \(\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}\widehat{Q}(\theta)\) and \(\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}\widehat{Q}(\widehat{\theta})\), replace expectations by sample means
- Convergence of \(\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}\widehat{Q}(\widehat{\theta})\) follows by (Uniform) law of large numbers, plus consistency of \(\widehat{\theta}\) and continuity of \(\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}Q(\theta)\)
- Convergence of \(\sqrt{n}\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}\widehat{Q}(\theta)\) follows by CLT
Asymptotic Distribution: Derivations
- Derive for case where \(\theta\) one dimensional
- Vector case essentialy the same, but more notation
- Taylor expand \(\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}\widehat{Q}(\widehat{\theta})\) around \(\theta_0\) \[0=\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}\widehat{Q}(\widehat{\theta})=\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}\widehat{Q}(\theta_0)+\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}\widehat{Q}(\bar{\theta})(\widehat{\theta}-\theta_0)\]
- where \(\bar{\theta}\) is between \(\widehat{\theta}\) and \(\theta_0\) by mean value theorem
- Solve for \(\widehat{\theta}-\theta_0\) \[(\widehat{\theta}-\theta_0)=-(\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}\widehat{Q}(\bar{\theta}))^{-1}\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}\widehat{Q}(\theta_0)\]
- Standardize and apply CLT to get \[\sqrt{n}(\widehat{\theta}-\theta_0)\overset{d}{\rightarrow}N(0,\Sigma)\] \[\Sigma=(\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}Q(\theta_0))^{-1}\Sigma_Q(\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}Q(\theta_0))^{-1}\]
- Looks ugly, but it’s just sandwich formula from before
Nonlinear Least Squares Assumptions
- (NLS1) Nonlinear model \(Y=f(X,\theta_0)+u\) for some \(\theta_0\in\Theta\)
- (NLS2) Random sampling \((Y_i,X_i)\) drawn iid from above nonlinear model
- (NLS3) (i): Identification: \(f(X,\theta_0)\neq f(X,\theta)\) with positive probability for any \(\theta\in\Theta\)
- (ii): Uniformity: \(\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\sup}|\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i-f(X_i,\theta))^2-E[(y_i-f(X_i,\theta))^2]| \overset{p}{\rightarrow}0\)
- (iii): \(\Theta\) finite dimensional, closed, and bounded, and \(f(x,\theta)\) continuous in \(\theta\) (implies (ii))
- (NLS4) Exogeneity \(E[u|X]=0\)
- or (NLS4’) \(E[u\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}f(x,\theta_0)]=0\)
- (NLS5) (i): Differentiability: \(f(X,\theta)\) twice continuously differentiable in \(\theta\) with bounded derivatives
- (ii): Homoskedasticity: \(E[u_i^2|X]=\sigma^2\)
- (NLS6) \(u\sim N(0,\sigma^2)\)
NLLS results
- NLLS consistent under (NLS1-4)
- Can weaken (NLS4) to (NLS4’) to get convergence to best nonlinear predictor in class \(f(X,\theta),\theta\in\Theta\)
- Even if CEF not in that class
- Exactly as in OLS case. Again, need robust standard errors.
- Asymptotic normality follows under (NLS1)-(NLS4’),(NLS5)(i)
- Formula is application of general nonlinear estimator sandwich formula
- Homoskedasticity (NLS1-5) sometimes assumed by software packages, gives non-robust standard error formula
- Normal errors (NLS1-6) imply efficiency: NLS gives estimate with smallest possible asymptotic variance
- No real finite sample results
- Depends strongly on form of \(f(X,\theta)\)
- Taylor expansion based distribution theory really relies on \(\widehat{\theta}\) being close to right: otherwise it may be bad approximation
Nonlinear Least Squares: Distribution
\[\Sigma=(\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}Q(\theta_0))^{-1}\Sigma_Q(\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}Q(\theta_0))^{-1}\] \[\Sigma_Q=4E[u^2(\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}f(X,\theta_0))^\prime(\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}f(X,\theta_0))]\] \[\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}Q(\theta)=2E[(Y-f(X,\theta_0))\frac{\partial^2}{\partial\theta^2}f(X,\theta_0)-(\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}f(X,\theta_0))^{\prime}(\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}f(X,\theta_0))]\]
- In linear case, this is exactly sandwich formula
- First derivative just equals \(X\)
- Second derivative equals 0
- Can get sample version by replacing \(E\) by sample means
- Exact formula not so important since computer will calculate derivatives for you
- But good to know asymptotic variance will look like this for any nonlinear estimator
- With given asymptotic distribution, can construct tests and confidence intervals in the usual way
- Approximate \(\Sigma\) by replacing expectations by sample averages
- \(\widehat{\Sigma}\) can be used in place of \(\Sigma\) in test statistics, exactly as in linear case
- Test single parameters with a t-test
- Test multiple parameters with a Wald test
- Weighted sum of squares of deviation of \(k\) parameters from \(H_0\) converges to \(\chi^2_k\)
Simulation Example
# Generate some data from a nonlinear model
y<-a0*exp(b0*x)+rnorm(50) #Include normal noise
#Estimate correctly specified model
#Start minimization going downhill from some
#reasonable guess for parameter values
model<-nls(formula=y~a*exp(b*x), start=list(a=1,b=1))
#Display results including inference
Results (code)
## Formula: y ~ a * exp(b * x)
## Parameters:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## a 2.06150 0.12839 16.06 <2e-16 ***
## b 0.49093 0.01497 32.80 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.06 on 48 degrees of freedom
## Number of iterations to convergence: 6
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 1.089e-08
- Nonlinear regression can be used when regression function comes from nonlinear class
- Parameters can be estimated by minimizing sum of squared errors numerically
- Limit distribution in nonlinear models can be done by Taylor expanding criterion function around true parameter
- Estimate approximately normal, so build tests and confidence intervals in usual way, using estimated asymptotic variance
Next time
- Nonlinear regression requires knowing the form of the nonlinearity
- Useful if form comes from knowledge of the situation
- Next time: what if we don’t know form of f?
- Can still estimate it, given lots of data
- Nonparametric regression