- Nonlinear estimators
- Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
- Principles: consistency
Nonlinear Estimation
- Many models have no convenient linear representation
- Sometimes we know or believe our data have a particular nonlinear structure
- Want to exploit this for better estimation and inference
- Simple example: instead of linear regression model
\[Y=\beta_0+\beta_1X_1 +\beta_2X_2+\ldots+\beta_kX_k + u\]
- We may believe in nonlinear regression model
\[Y=f(X,\theta) +u\]
- Here, \(f(X,\theta)\) is nonlinear function of some parameters \(\theta\)
- Requires applying more general principles for estimation
- \(Y\) might take on restricted set of values
- e.g., 0 or 1, or non-negative real numbers, non-negative integers
- Linear regression model may predict values of \(Y\) which are not logically possible
- Nonlinear models can enforce these restrictions
- We may care about features of data not represented by conditional expectation
- Conditional probabilities, variances, or other moments
- We may care about conditional expectation function, but believe it is nonlinear function of parameters
- Ex: \(E[Y|X]=\beta_1exp(\gamma_1X_1) +\beta_2 exp(\gamma_2X_2)\), neither \(\beta\) nor \(\gamma\) known
- This is nonlinear regression model
- Focus only on this today, introduce other models later
- In general a model is a description of the behavior of some variables in terms of some (possibly unknown) numbers called parameters
- For any set of parameters, the model produces some implications for the distribution of data
- Would like to use these implications to produce estimators of the parameters
- Recall we showed that OLS could be justified by any of several related principles
- Empirical Risk Minimization
- Method of moments
- Maximum likelihood
- All of these principles can be used to find estimators for nonlinear models also
Empirical Risk Minimization
- Find best predictor of \(Y\) among functions \(f(X,\theta)\) with parameters \(\theta\in\Theta\)
- Measure “best” by loss function \(\ell(Y,f(X))\)
- E.g. \((Y-f(X,\theta))^2\) or \(|Y-f(X,\theta)|\) (for real Y) or \(-Y\log(f(X,\theta)) - (1-Y)\log(1-f(X,\theta))\) for binary \(Y\)
- Risk is average loss over the distribution of data \(E[\ell(Y,f(X,\theta))]\)
- Best predictor is the \(\theta\) that makes this smallest \(\theta_{0}=\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\arg\min}E[\ell(Y,f(X,\theta))]\)
- Don’t know risk, but can approximate it by empirical risk \(\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\ell(Y_i,f(X_i))\)
- Empirical risk minimizer is \[\widehat{\theta}_{0}=\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\arg\min}\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}[\ell(Y_i,f(X_i,\theta))]\]
- No need for \(f(X,\theta)\) to be just linear functions
Maximum Likelihood
- Sometimes model specifies entire joint (or at least conditional) distribution of the data, called likelihood
- \((Y,X)\sim p(Y,X,\theta)\) or \(p(Y|X;\theta)p(X)\)
- Fisher had idea that choosing \(\theta\) under which observed data set is most probable would give good estimate of parameter for distribution that actually did generate the data
- \((Y_i,X_i)\) iid means joint distribution is product of \(p(.)\)
- Taking log turns this into sum but doesn’t change arg max \[\widehat{\theta}_{MLE}=\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\arg\max}(\sum_{i=1}^{n}log(p(Y_i|X_i,\theta)))\]
- Likelihood for nonlinear regression with normal errors gives \[p(Y|X,\theta)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\exp(-(Y-f(X,\theta))^2/2\sigma^2)\] \[\widehat{\theta}_{MLE}=\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\arg\max}(\sum_{i=1}^{n}-(Y-f(X,\theta))^2)\]
Method of Moments
- Model may imply that expectations of certain functions \(g(Y,X,\theta)\) satisfy \(E[g(Y,X,\theta)]=0\) when \(\theta=\theta_0\)
- E.g. \(Y=f(X,\theta_0)+u\) with \(E[u|X]=0\) gives
for any functions \(t(X)\) of \(X\) (by def of conditional expectation)
- If this is only true for \(\theta=\theta_0\), we say that these moments identify \(\theta\)
- Can solve nonlinear system of equations for \(\theta\) that makes moment equations true
- This must be \(\theta_0\)
- To estimate, replace \(E\) by \(\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\)
Estimate \(\widehat{\theta}\) is solution to approximate system \[\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}g(Y,X,\widehat{\theta})=0\]
Optimization Estimators and Method of moments
- Can usually represent ERM or MLE by method of moments
- Optimum given by solution of first order conditions
- \(\theta_0=\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\arg\min}E[\ell(Y,f(X,\theta))]\) requires \[0=\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}E[\ell(Y,f(X,\theta))]=E[\frac{\partial}{\partial f}\ell(Y,f(X,\theta))\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}f(X,\theta)]\]
- In NLLS case, this gives \[E[(Y-f(X,\theta))\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}f(X,\theta)]=0\]
- \(\theta\) is a vector of k parameters
- System of \(k\) equations in \(k\) unknowns
- May or may not have unique solution
- In OLS case, unique solution condition known
- For nonlinear estimators, analogous “unique solution” condition needed, but usually hard to express explicitly
Nonlinear Regression
- Nonlinear least squares (NLLS) is special case of each method
- Handy when model says a conditional expectation function takes a particular nonlinear form
- NLLS, along with more general procedures (method of moments, MLE), often used in “structural” estimation of economic models
- Derive form of nonlinear relationship from model of individual and equilibrium behavior
- Means form of estimator looks different in each case
Doing more with linearity
- Note that OLS can handle nonlinear CEF
- Use transformations of \(X\) or \(Y\)
- But must search over class of linear combinations of nonlinear transformations
- You can match almost anything by including a high enough order polynomial
- \(X=(1,x,x^2,x^3,...,x^k)\)
- But for some functions you may need a really big \(k\)
- Maybe as big as number of data points
- Standard OLS limit theory not applicable
- Might instead choose some other class of transformations
- Piecewise polynomial (spline), or other exotic functions
- Feasible and useful, will discuss more next week
- But if you know you are in a certain nonlinear class, can use way fewer parameters by NLLS
Shared Principles
- In terms of model formulation and interpretation, nonlinear least squares \(Y=f(X,\theta)+u\) similar to OLS
- Can also find \(\theta_0\) such that \(f(X,\theta_0)\) gives the best predictor in the nonlinear class of \(Y\) given \(X\)
- If the CEF correctly specified, \(E[u|X]=0\), \(f(x,\theta_0)\) gives it
- For causal interpretation, need exogeneity condition for structural equation
- Can use NLLS to find CEF in adjustment formula
- Exact same conditions (backdoor criterion, etc) apply
Numerical Optimization
- Parameter value solving minimization equation/nonlinear system not always available in closed form
- Need to calculate optimum numerically
- Many algorithms exist to minimize functions numerically
- Basic idea:
- Start at some point,
- Move “downhill” in direction of steepest descent (gradient)
- Stop when you can’t move any further
- Works so long as function is convex:
- Bowl shape means moving down always gets you to bottom
- Problems if there are hills, ridges
- Many details: how far to move each step, how many, etc
- Standard software uses reasonable defaults
Simulation using nls command
# Generate some data from a nonlinear model
y<-a0*exp(b0*x)+rnorm(50) #Include normal noise
#Estimate correctly specified model
#Start minimization going downhill from some
#reasonable guess for parameter values
model<-nls(formula=y~a*exp(b*x), start=list(a=1,b=1))
Example: Results (code)
Example: Results
## Nonlinear regression model
## model: y ~ a * exp(b * x)
## data: parent.frame()
## a b
## 2.1253 0.4843
## residual sum-of-squares: 43.49
## Number of iterations to convergence: 6
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 1.719e-07
#Generate points to plot predictions
ee<-predict(model,list(x=xn)) #Predicted y
main="Nonlinear Least Squares Fit")

Consistency: Assumptions
Suppose true parameter \(\theta_0\) satisfies \[\theta_0=\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\arg\min}Q(\theta)\]
Contains ERM, (negative of) MLE, can do method of moments
Consider general extremum estimator expressed as \[\widehat{\theta}=\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\arg\min}\widehat{Q}(\theta)\]
\(\widehat{Q}\) is some approximation of \(Q(\theta)\)
Consistency \(Pr(|\widehat{\theta}-\theta_0|>\epsilon)\rightarrow 0\) follows under two conditions
- Identification: \(\theta_0\) strictly minimizes \(Q\)
- \(\underset{|\theta-\theta_0|>\epsilon}{\inf}Q(\theta)>Q(\theta_0)\) for all \(\epsilon\)
- Any other point must be strictly larger
- Uniform convergence of \(\widehat{Q}(\theta)\) to \(Q(\theta)\)
- \(\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\sup}|\widehat{Q}(\theta)-Q(\theta)|\overset{p}{\rightarrow}0\)
- Approximate objective is close to true objective at all \(\theta\), with high probability
Identification condition: Interpretation
- Identification condition
- \(\underset{|\theta-\theta_0|>\epsilon}{\inf}Q(\theta)>Q(\theta_0)\) for all \(\epsilon\)
- Means there is a single value that minimizes risk/solves system of equations
- Not 2, not all along a continuum
- Rules out multicollinearity, other cases where multiple parameters solve system
In NLLS \[Q(\theta)=E[(Y-f(X,\theta))^2]=E[(f(X,\theta_0)-f(X,\theta)+u)^2]\] \[=E[(f(X,\theta_0)-f(X,\theta))^2]+E[u^2]\geq E[u^2]=Q(\theta_0)\]
- \(Q(\theta)>Q(\theta_0)\) for \(\theta\neq\theta_0\) so long as \(f(X,\theta_0)\neq f(X,\theta)\) with positive probability
Only an issue if two parameters give same \(f\)
Neural Networks
- Useful nonlinear functions for regression applications
- Repeatedly compose sums of noninear functions and sums of linear functions
- Single “neuron”: take \(k\times 1\) vector \(X\) to scalar \[f_{j}(b_{0j}+b_{1j}x_1+b_{2j}x_2+\ldots+b_{kj}x_k)\]
- \(f_j(u)\) is a fixed nonlinear function
- E.g. \(max(u,0)\) or \(tanh(u)\) or \(\frac{exp(u)}{1+exp(u)}\)
- A layer takes a sum of neurons: \(F^{(1)}=\sum_{j=1}^{J}b^{(1)}_{j}f_j(X)\)
- Parameters are the \(J\times K+1\) coefficients \(b\)
- Can apply single layer function to inputs which are outputs of another layer, and so on
- \(Y=F^{(L)}(... F^{(2)}( F^{(1)}(X))))\)
- “Deep” Neural network
Neural Network Modeling
- Many choices when defining the function
- What nonlinearity, how many layers, how big is \(J\) in each, etc
- Can represent just about any relationship, no matter how complicated (Hornik et al 1989)
- Nonconvex: minimize by mix of moving downhill, picking random points/directions
- Great results for applications with big \(k\), complicated function
- E.g., \(X\) is \(k\) pixel photograph, k very big
- y is indicator = 1 if photo contains a dog
- Millions of photos of dogs on internet,
- Can get accurate prediction with some nonlinear function
Next Time
- Inference for nonlinear models
- More NLLS
Consistency: Proof (supplemental: graphical version on board)
- By identification, there is some \(\delta\) such that
\[Pr(|\widehat{\theta}-\theta_0|>\epsilon)<Pr(Q(\widehat{\theta})-Q(\theta_0)>\delta)\] \[=Pr(Q(\widehat{\theta})-\widehat{Q}(\widehat{\theta})+\widehat{Q}(\widehat{\theta})-Q(\theta_0)>\delta)\] \[\leq Pr(Q(\widehat{\theta})-\widehat{Q}(\widehat{\theta})+\widehat{Q}(\theta_0)-Q(\theta_0)>\delta)\]
- Since \(\widehat{\theta}\) minimizes \(\widehat{Q}()\)
\[\leq Pr(2\underset{\theta\in\Theta}{\sup}|\widehat{Q}(\theta)-Q(\theta)|>\delta)\rightarrow 0\]