Instrumental Variables Continued
- Review
- Estimation and Inference
- IV in Potential outcomes framework: LATE
A Possible Solution: Instrumental Variables
- Find instrument \(Z\) such that \[Cov(Z,u)=0\] \[Cov(Z,X)\neq 0\] \[E[u]=0\]
- \(Z\) correlated with \(X\) but not residual \(u\)
- \(Z\) affects treatment only
- No direct effect on \(Y\)
- No correlation with omitted confounders
- Then \(\beta_1=\frac{Cov(Z,Y)}{Cov(Z,X)}\)
- Estimate by Instrumental Variables Estimator \[\hat{\beta}_1^{IV}=\frac{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(Z_i-\bar{Z})(Y_i-\bar{Y})}{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(Z_i-\bar{Z})(X_i-\bar{X})}\]
IV assumptions
- Assume the following
- (IV1) Linear Model \[Y=\beta_0+\beta_1X + u\]
- (IV2) Random sampling: \((Y_i,X_i,Z_i)\) drawn i.i.d. from population satisfying linear model assumptions
- (IV3) Relevance \[Cov(Z,X)\neq 0\]
- (IV4(i)) Exogeneity \[Cov(Z,u)=0\]
- (IV4(ii)) Mean 0 errors \[E[u]=0\]
- Sometimes also assume (IV5) Homoskedasticity \[E[u^2|Z]=\sigma^2\] (\(\sigma^2\) a finite nonzero constant)
IV asymptotics
- IV estimator \(\hat{\beta}_1^{IV}\) is consistent for \(\beta_1\) under (IV1)-(IV4(i))
- IV estimator of constant term \(\hat{\beta}_0^{IV}\) consistent under (IV1)-(IV4)
- IV estimator \(\hat{\beta}^{IV}\) asymptotically normal under (IV1)-(IV4)
- Standard errors of IV estimator derived in usual way using CLT under (IV1)-(IV5)
- Formula is in book, and applied by software
- Different formula if residuals are heteroskedastic
- (IV1)-(IV4) hold, but (IV5) doesn’t
- Obtain from vcovHC command in sandwich library
Example application: Estimating a demand curve
- Quantity demanded \(Y\) is causally affected by price \(X\)
- But also other things, including shifts in demand curve
- Want estimate of effect of price on demand
- Sometimes firms experiment with prices, but rarely
- Instead, can find instrument \(Z\) for price
- \(Z\) relevant if it affects price
- \(Z\) exogenous if independent of any shifts in demand curve
- Need something which independently shifts supply curve
- Idea: instrument \(Z\) using
- Random change in tax on item
- Random change in cost of inputs to production
Example: Cigarette demand
- Let’s estimate a demand curve for cigarettes across states (1995 data)
- Use cigarette tax increases as instrument
- Works if tax changes determined by state fiscal needs unrelated to cigarette demand
- Price elasticity estimated by IV regression of log sales on log price, using tax difference as instrument
ivreg(log(packs) ~ log(rprice) | tdiff, data = c1995)
- Decompose into reduced form: effect of tax on quantity demanded, divided by first stage: effect of taxes on prices
- OLS version of estimate gives correlation of price and quantity, but could come from supply or demand
Example: Cigarette demand (Code)
#Load library containing IV command 'ivreg'
# Load data on cigarette prices and quantities
#Use real prices as X
CigarettesSW$rprice <- with(CigarettesSW, price/cpi)
#Use changes in cigarette tax as
# instrument which shifts supply curve
CigarettesSW$tdiff <- with(CigarettesSW, (taxs - tax)/cpi)
#data from different states in 1995
c1995 <- subset(CigarettesSW, year == "1995")
IV estimate of demand elasticity for cigarettes (code)
#To get IV estimate of effect of x on y using
# z as instrument syntax is ivreg(y ~ x | z)
# Effect of log(price) on log(quantity)
# Elasticity
fm_ivreg <- ivreg(log(packs) ~ log(rprice)
| tdiff, data = c1995)
#Obtain (robust) standard errors
vcov = vcovHC(fm_ivreg, type = "HC0"))
OLS estimate of demand elasticity for cigarettes (code)
#OLS estimate of effect of log(price)
#on log(quantity) with no instrument
fm_ols <- lm(formula= log(packs) ~
log(rprice), data = c1995)
#Obtain (robust) standard errors
vcov = vcovHC(fm_ols, type = "HC0"))
Components of IV estimates of demand elasticity for cigarettes (code)
# First stage: z on x
firststage<-lm(formula= log(rprice) ~
tdiff, data = c1995)
vcov = vcovHC(firststage, type = "HC0"))
# Reduced form
reducedform<-lm(formula= log(packs) ~
tdiff, data = c1995)
vcov = vcovHC(reducedform, type = "HC0"))
Results of IV estimates of demand elasticity for cigarettes (code)
#Display results in big fancy table
title="Cigarette Demand Elasticity: OLS,
IV, Reduced Form, First Stage",
Results of IV estimates of demand elasticity for cigarettes
Cigarette Demand Elasticity: OLS, IV, Reduced Form, First Stage
Dependent variable:
- OLS says 1% difference in prices associated with 1.2% lower cigarette consumption
- Not causal effect of changing prices
- IV says 1% increase in prices (due to change in tax) leads to 1% lower cigarette consumption
- Justification: states that saw 1 % point increase in tax saw
- 3% increase in prices (First stage)
- 3% decrease in sales (Reduced form)
- If tax increases effectively random, can interpret both as causal
- If tax increases affect demand only through prices, ratio is effect of price on quantity
- IV elasticity \(\neq\) OLS estimate: states with higher cig prices also had other characteristics which reduced cigarette sales
Potential Outcomes in IV
- In IV case, \(X_i\) not random, but \(Z_i\) is
- E.g., maybe you ran a controlled experiment, giving drug to one group \(Z_i=1\), not to other \(Z_i=0\)
- But some people forget to take the drug
- Likely that people who forget not random
- Associated with stress, memory, physical ability, etc
- Goal is causal effect of \(X_i\) on \(Y_i\)
- Experiment assigns \(Z_i\): told to take the drug,
- Not \(X_i\): actually take the drug
- Use \(Z_i\) as instrument for \(X_i\)
- Random assignment of IV means \(Z_i\) independent of \((Y^0_i,Y^1_i,X^0_i,X^1_i)\)
IV Estimate in Binary Z, Binary X case
- First Stage: Regression of \(X\) on \(Z\) gives \(E[X_i|Z_i=1]-E[X_i|Z_i=0]\)
- Since \(Z\) random, this is ATE of Z on X
- Reduced form: Regression of \(Y\) on \(Z\) gives \(E[Y_i|Z_i=1]-E[Y_i|Z_i=0]\)
- Since \(Z\) random, this is ATE of Z on Y
- IV is reduced form over first stage \[\hat{\beta}_1^{IV}= \frac{\frac{1}{n_1}\sum_{i=1}^{n}Z_iY_i-\frac{1}{n_0}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(1-Z_i)Y_i}{\frac{1}{n_1}\sum_{i=1}^{n}Z_iX_i-\frac{1}{n_0}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(1-Z_i)X_i}\]
- Converges to \[\frac{E[Y_i|Z_i=1]-E[Y_i|Z_i=0]}{E[X_i|Z_i=1]-E[X_i|Z_i=0]}\]
- In constant effects case, this is \(\beta\)
- But what if effects heterogeneous?
Goal of potential outcome interpretation
- Under constant treatment effects, a valid IV gives ATE, independent of characteristics
- Issue is subjects induced into treatment by IV may respond differently than other subjects when made to take treatment
- Drug more/less effective among people already healthier, and so less likely to forget
- Students who attend a school after winning a voucher are those who expect it will help them out the most
- It turns out that, if effects differ, IV can only give you Average Treatment Effect for subpopulation
- Call this the Local Average Treatment Effect, LATE
- Still interesting if we want to give treatment just to this group
- Next, will show who this group is
Causal effect of Z on X
- In potential outcomes notation, \(X\) given \(Z\) takes value \[X_i=X^0_i(1-Z_i)+X^1_iZ_i\]
- Can distinguish 4 groups
- Always Takers: Take drug whether assigned or not \[X^0_i=X^1_i=1\]
- Never Takers: Don’t take drug whether assigned to or not \[X^0_i=X^1_i=0\]
- Compliers: Take drug if assigned, Don’t if not \[X^0_i=0,\ X^1_i=1\]
- Defiers: Take drug if not assigned, don’t take if assigned \[X^0_i=1,\ X^1_i=0\]
- In many cases, reasonable to assume no defiers
- E.g. drug only given to treatment group, so no way for control to take it, even though treatment group may sometimes forget
- If IV Z is something like “I give you money to do X”, rational people will always be no less likely to do X when it is more profitable
- Can fail if instrument can move outcome in either direction
- Judge A gives longer sentences to one group of criminals than Judge B, but shorter to a different group
- If monotonicity holds, \(P(X_i^1=0,X_i^0=1)=0\) and \[E[Y_i|Z_i=1]-E[Y_i|Z_i=0]=\] \[P(X_i^1=1,X_i^0=0)E[Y^1_i-Y^0_i|X_i^1=1,X_i^0=0]\]
- Reduced form is causal effect of \(X\) for the compliers, multiplied by probability that the instrument induces compliance
First stage in potential outcomes framework
- First stage is \(E[X_i|Z=1]-E[X_i|Z_i=0]\)
- Independence means this equals \(E[X^1_i]-E[X^0_i]\) \[= P(X^1_i=1)-P(X^0_i=1)\]
- Apply law of total probability \[= (P(X^1_i=1 \cap X^0_i=1)+P(X^1_i=1 \cap X^0_i=0))\] \[-(P(X^0_i=1 \cap X^1_i=1)+P(X^0_i=1 \cap X^1_i=0))\] \[= P(X^1_i=1 \cap X^0_i=0)-P(X^0_i=1 \cap X^1_i=0)\]
- No defiers implies \[E[X_i|Z=1]-E[X_i|Z_i=0] = P(X^1_i=1 \cap X^0_i=0)\]
- First stage estimates proportion of compliers
- \(E[Y^1_i-Y^0_i|X_i^1=1,X_i^0=0]\) is called the LATE
- Local Average Treatment Effect
- Recovered by \[LATE=\frac{E[Y_i|Z_i=1]-E[Y_i|Z_i=0]}{P(X_i^1=1,X_i^0=0)}\]
- Probability of compliance \(P(X_i^1=1,X_i^0=0)=E[X_i|Z=1]-E[X_i|Z_i=0]\) \[LATE=\frac{E[Y_i|Z_i=1]-E[Y_i|Z_i=0]}{E[X_i|Z=1]-E[X_i|Z_i=0]}\]
- This is \(\beta^{IV}\)
- Under independence and monotonicity, IV estimates LATE
- With constant treatment effects, do not need monotonicity
- IV gives causal effect of treatment on compliers
- This is average treatment effect over a subpopulation
- People induced to change their behavior by instrument
- Maybe not the same as population as a whole
- People who remember to take medicine probably healthier than those who forget
- Then LATE gives effect of drug on healthier people, not always the same as on all people
- If policy is to change \(X\) for all people, IV only measures the effect if effects are the same on everyone
- If policy is to induce people to do \(X\), by changing \(Z\), then IV gives what we want
- In non-binary instrument case, IV gives weighted average of conditional causal effects over different subgroups
- See Angrist & Pischke book for many details
Example: Charter School Effectiveness
- Policy question
- Many states now have privately run but publicly funded schools.
- Do these schools improve learning outcomes?
- In certain school districts, admission to school for some students is by lottery
- \(Z_i=1\) if admitted, \(Z_i=0\) if not
- Independent of potential learning outcomes since random
- Not all who are admitted attend
- \(X_i=1\) if attending, \(0\) otherwise
- If people who decide to attend differ from those who don’t, difference in scores may provide biased measure of causal effects
- Use IV to estimate causal effect of attending a charter school on Math test scores \[\hat{\beta}^{IV}=\frac{\text{Average score, admitted - Average score, not admitted}}{\%\text{ of admitted who attend - }\%\text{ of non-admitted who attend}}\]
Results (from Angrist and Pischke, Table 3.1)
- Data from KIPP school in Lynn, Massachussetts, 2005-2008
- Sample of 371 students apply to school via lottery
- 253 admitted, of whom 199 attend
- 118 not admitted, of whom 5 attend (got in some other way)
- First stage: admitted students \(199/253 - 5/118= 0.74\) percent increased likelihood of attending
- Average Math score of lottery winners: 0.00 standard deviations below state mean
- Average score for non-winners: 0.36 standard deviations below state mean
- Reduced form:
- Lottery winners have math scores 0.36 standard deviations higher than nonwinners.
- ATE says winning boosts math scores
- IV estimate: Reduced form/first stage = 0.36/0.74=0.48 standard deviations higher
- Lottery boosts math scores by \(.36\sigma\), and since this can only be coming from going to the school, which only 3/4 of winners did, effect of going to school is \(\approx .5\sigma\) units on math tests
- Constant effects model says \(0.48\sigma\) is “the” causal effect of going to charter school for this population
- If school more or less effective for some students, interpretation more limited
- Always takers: students who would go even if not admitted
- Probably these are people with involved parents
- Likely to differ on education-related characteristics
- Never takers: students who won’t attend even if admitted
- Again could differ on education-related characteristics
- Defiers: students who would only go if not admitted
- Seems reasonable to rule this out
- LATE: Causal effect of charter school for students in group who, if admitted, will choose to attend
- When instrument available, IV estimator handles endogeneity
- Linear constant coefficients case:
- Requires Exogeneity and Relevance
- Estimates (constant) effect
- Heterogeneous treatment effects case
- Requires Independence and Monotonicity (No Defiers)
- Estimates Local Average Treatment Effect
- Average of Treatment Effects for compliers only
Next Class or Two
- Multivariate Instrumental Variables
- Testing IV assumptions
- More IV applications