- Heteroskedasticity
- Intro to Causality and Experiments
Inference with minimal assumptions
- Recall linear model assumptions
- In population, \(y=\beta_0+\beta_{1}x_{1}+\beta_{2}x_{2}+\ldots+\beta_{k}x_{k}+u\)
- \({(y_i,\mathbf{x}_i^\prime):i=1 \ldots n}\) are independent random sample of observations following 1
- There are no exact linear relationships among the variables \(x_0 \ldots x_k\)
- Formulas for inference required additional assumptions
- \(E(u|\mathbf{x})=0\)
- Homoskedasticity \(Var(u|x)=\sigma^2\) a constant \(>0\)
- Saw last class that (4) can fail with nonlinear conditional expectations
- Replace by (4’) \(E(u\mathbf{x})=0\) : OLS is best linear predictor
- Removing (5) or both (4) and (5), what can we say about inference?
- Assumption (5) requires distribution to take a particular shape
- \(Var(u|x)=\sigma^2\) is constant: not a function of \(x\)
- Says dispersion of deviations from best fitting line not equal at all predictor values
- Regardless of what you know, your prediction of \(y\) given \(\mathbf{x}\) is equally accurate on average
- Often fails:
- If population c.e.f. nonlinear, distribution around line will depend systematically on \(\mathbf{x}\)
- Even in truly linear case, where (4) holds, variance can depend on \(\mathbf{x}\)
- This situation is called heteroskedasticity
Data exhibiting linearity but heteroskedasticity (code)
#Generate a data set
x<-runif(1000, min=1, max=7)
u<-rnorm(1000)*(4*x) #u is a function of x
#Fit linear regression
hetreg<-lm(y ~ x)
#Plot points and OLS best fit line
plot(x,y,xlab = "x", ylab = "y",
main = "Heteroskedastic Linear Relationship")
abline(hetreg, col = "blue", lwd=2)
Data exhibiting linearity but heteroskedasticity

Data exhibiting nonlinear conditional expectation (code)
#Generate a data set
x<-runif(1000, min=1, max=7)
u<-6*rnorm(1000) #u is not a function of x
#Fit linear regression
hetreg2<-lm(y ~ x)
#Plot points and OLS best fit line
plot(x,y,xlab = "x", ylab = "y",
main = "Misspecified Relationship")
abline(hetreg2, col = "blue", lwd=2)
Data exhibiting nonlinear conditional expectation

Implications of heteroskedasticity
- Conditional distribution of y given x now varies
- \(Var(u|\mathbf{x}):=\sigma^2(\mathbf{x})\)
- Gauss Markov assumptions fail, OLS is not MLE
- OLS no longer efficient
- But method of moments interpretation still works
- We still have consistency: can we do inference?
- Yes, CLT still holds, with different variance
- Need new variance estimator to make tests/CIs
Limit Distribution under Heteroskedasticity: Univariate Case
- Under linearity \[\hat{\mathbf{\beta}_{1}}:=\beta_1+ \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(\mathbf{x}_{i}-\bar{x})u_i}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(\mathbf{x}_{i}-\bar{x})^2}\]
- Rescale by \(\sqrt{n}\) to get \[\sqrt{n}(\hat{\mathbf{\beta}}-\beta)= \frac{\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(\mathbf{x}_{i}-\bar{x})u_i}{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(\mathbf{x}_{i}-\bar{x})^2}\]
- Apply CLT, LLN, obtain \[\sqrt{n}(\hat{\beta}_{1}-\beta_{1})\overset{d}{\rightarrow}N(0,\Sigma_{11})\]
- \[\Sigma_{11}:=\frac{E[u_{i}^2(x_{i}-E[x_{i}])^2]}{Var^2(x_i)}\]
Eicker-Huber-White Robust Standard Errors
- \[\Sigma_{11}=\frac{E[u_{i}^2(x_{i}-E[x_{i}])^2]}{Var^2(x_i)}=\frac{E[E[u_{i}^2|\mathbf{x}](x_{i}-E[x_{i}])^2]}{Var^2(x_i)}\]
- Replace means by sample averages to get estimate
- Estimated errors consistent without exact linearity or homoskedasticity
- Gives valid (approximate) CIs, tests, etc under (1-3), (4’)
- Works whether linear or not, homoskedastic or not, hence “robust”
- Multivariate case similar, see bonus slides
- Implemented in R using sandwich command
Wage predictions with and without robust SEs (Code 1)
# Obtain access to data sets used in our textbook
#Load library to make pretty table
# Import data set of education and wages
# Regress log wage on years of education and experience
wageregression2 <- lm(formula = lwage ~ educ +
exper, data = wage1)
#Load library to calculate Robust SEs
# Calculate heteroskedasticity-consistent (HC) estimate
#type chooses scaling with some degrees of freedom
#correction: exact choice doesn't matter in large samples
Wage predictions with and without robust SEs (Code 2)
#Load library to implement tests
# Test coefs using robust s.e.s
# df=Inf means use critical values from Normal
# distribution, equivalent to t dist with
# infinite degrees of freedom)
#Plot comparison
font.size="tiny",digits=5,column.labels =
c("Homoskedastic Error Formula",
"Heteroskedastic Error Formula"),
title="Wage Regression with SE Estimates")
Wage predictions with and without robust SEs
## Warning: package 'foreign' was built under R version 3.5.2
Wage Regression with SE Estimates
Dependent variable:
Homoskedastic Error Formula
Heteroskedastic Error Formula
p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01
Hypotheses tests under heteroskedasticity
- For individual coefficients \(\frac{\hat{\beta}_j-\beta_j}{\hat{S.E.}_{robust}}\overset{d}{\rightarrow}N(0,1)\)
- Can use standard t-statistic and test with modified standard error estimate
- R commands: SE<-vcovHC(regression) produces standard errors, coeftest(regression,vcov=SE,df=inf) produces tests and p-values
- For testing multivariate restrictions, F-test no longer valid
- As an alternative, can use Wald test statistic \(W_n\)
- \(W_n\) is a sum of squares of unrestricted coefficients \(\hat{\beta}\) weighted by \(\hat{\Sigma}_{robust}\)
- See bonus slides for exact formula
- If robust variance replaced by nonrobust variance, equivalent to F-test
- Under \(H_0\) with \(q\) linear restrictions, \(W_n\overset{d}{\rightarrow}\chi^2_q\)
- “Chi-squared distribution with q degrees of freedom”
- R command: waldtest in library lmtest or linearHypothesis in library car
- Probability is language of things that happen
- When X happens, Y also happens
- Causality is the language of things that could happen, if something were different
- Difference is between
- Factual outcomes: there is some process in the world which leads to data X and Y
- Counterfactual outcomes: replace the process generating X with a new process
- Example
- When gas is expensive, people drive less
- If we raise the tax on gasoline, people will drive less
Education Example again
- Saw in classes 1-3 that people with more education tend to have higher wages
- Causal question: if I decide to get more education, will it raise my wages?
- If you could observe yourself (or people just like you) who were made to study more and not study more, you could compare
- This is idea behind experiments
- To see what happends when you change something, change it!
- Already have notation for factual outcomes: probability
- \(X\) and \(Y\) drawn from joint distribution \(P(X,Y)\)
- This can be rewritten as \(P(Y|X)P(X)\) by conditional probability
- Need new notation for counterfactual outcomes: what happens to \(Y\) if we do \(X\), i.e. replace the process generating \(X\) with \(X\) set at some particular value \(x\)
- \(Y^x\) is potential outcome: value of what \(Y\) would be in world where \(X\) set to \(x\)
- Distribution \(P(Y^x)\) of \(Y^x\) called \(P(Y|do(X=x))\)
- This may or may not coincide with \(P(Y|X=x)\), observed distribution of \(Y\) in situations when \(X=x\)
Causal Models
- How do \(P(Y|X=x)\) and \(P(Y|do(X=x))\) relate?
- We need a model of the world
- There are many things in the world that happen, some of which correspond to causal actions: some variable sets the value of some other variable at some level
- A model which describes these is called “structural” or “causal”
- Such a model will consist of equations specifying \(P(Y|do(X=x))\) for different sets of variables \(X\) and \(Y\), up to a set of parameters \(\theta\)
- Model will also specify distribution over observed events \(P(Y,X;\theta)\) given underlying causal structure
- Main task of causal inference is identification
- Given \(P(Y,X)\) recover (some information about) the parameters \(\theta\) of the causal model
A Randomized Experiment
- Consider data generated by an experiment, in which \(X\) is set by the experimenter randomly, drawn from a distribution \(P(X)\) independently from all other variables related to outcome \(Y\)
- \(Y\) is the outcome variable, \(X\) is called the treatment
- Suppose we model what \(Y\) would be if \(X\) set to \(x\) as \[Y^x=f(x,U)\]
- \(U\sim P_U(U)\) describes all variables other than \(X\) affecting \(Y\)
- Because set by experimenter, \(X\sim P_X(X)\) with \(X\perp U\)
- This implies \(X\perp Y^x\)
- Finally, assume causal consistency \(Y=Y^X\)
- Observed outcome is what it would be if we set \(X\) to its observed value
- The parameters of model are \(f(.,.)\), \(P_X(X)\), and \(P_U(U)\)
Identifying Causal Effects
- Assume in above model we observe \(P(Y,X)\)
- \(U\) is an unobserved or latent variable
- In this model, \[P(Y<z|X=x)=P(Y^X<z|X=x)\] \[=P(Y^x<z)\] \[=P_U(f(x,U)<z)\]
- Line 1 by causal consistency, line 2 by independence, and line 3 by our structural model
- \(P(X)=\int P(Y,X)dY\) and \(P(Y|X)=\frac{P(Y,X)}{P(X)}\) come from data
- \(P(Y^x)\) is identified: can write it as a function of \(P(Y,X)\)
- Experiments allow us to learn something about causal effects
Going from identification to estimation
- Above result says that if we knew \(P(Y,X)\) in experimental population, could get distribution of potential outcomes
- To learn \(P(Y,X)\) need to estimate it
- Need 2 additional assumptions
- We have a (large) random sample drawn from population where counterfactual distributions are the same
- “external validity”: experimental setting should correspond to setting of interest
- Observations should be independent, to satisfy L.L.N.
- Requires “No Interference” between units
- One person’s job training shouldn’t affect another’s wages
What we can’t learn from experiments
- Experiments can tell us distribution of potential outcomes \(Y^x\) for all \(x\) studied
- This is not all we might want to know
- Without observing other variables \(U\) or knowing something about \(f(.,.)\), can’t say much about effects of \(U\)
- We don’t manipulate \(U\) so we can’t say what its effect is
- Usually can’t learn realization of \(Y^x\) for \(X\neq x\)
- Know its distribution, but not its value
- E.g.: can never learn what would happen to you if you got more education, just distribution of what could happen
Non-experimental data
- Without explicit causal assignment, much less believable that \(X\) is unrelated to other variables affecting \(Y\)
- Maybe unobserved variable causes \(Y\) and \(X\) or \(Y\) and \(X\) both cause unobserved variable
- Can still write \(Y^x=f(x,U)\) and \(Y=Y^X\)
- But now, instead of \(X\) set at a particular value, have some process generating a joint distribution \[(X,U)\sim P(X,U)\] not in general independent
- In general \(P(Y|X)\neq P(Y|do(X))\)
- Ex: P(Y=Rain today|X=people carrying umbrellas) is increasing function in X, but P(Rain|do(carry an umbrella)) is constant in X
Special case: binary treatment
- Let \(X\in{0,1}\) be the treatment whose effect we want to measure
- Model \(Y^x=f(x,U)\) can now be expressed as \(Y^0:=f(0,U)\), \(Y^1:=f(1,U)\)
- Each unit \(i\) sampled has values \(Y_i^0=f(0,U_i)\) and \(Y_i^1:=f(1,U_i)\)
- Treatment effect for \(i\) is defined as \(Y_i^1-Y_i^0\)
- Causal consistency says observations given by \(Y_i=Y_i^0 1\{X_i=0\}+Y_i^1 1\{X_i=1\}\)
- Only observe actual outcome \(Y_i^{X_i}\), never counterfactual outcome \(Y_i^{1-X_i}\)
- Fundamental problem of causal inference
- Only see what was, not what might have been
Learning about treatment effects
- Usually interested in learning about features of distribution of treatment effects
- Parameter of interest:
- Average Treatment Effect (ATE) \(E[Y_i^1-Y_i^0]\)
- Let’s see why this is hard to learn about
- Consider naïve comparison: difference in conditional means \(E[Y_i|X_i=1]-E[Y_i|X_i=0]\)
- If we have a sample of a population \((Y_i,X_i)\) with \(n_0\) units with \(X_i=0\) and \(n_1\) with \(X_i=1\), we can construct estimate of this by \[\frac{1}{n_1}\sum_{i=1}^{n}Y_i 1\{X_i=1\}-\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n_0}Y_i 1\{X_i=0\}\]
Bias in naïve estimate of causal effects
\[E[Y_i|X_i=1]-E[Y_i|X_i=0]=E[Y_i^1|X_i=1]-E[Y_{i}^{0}|X_i=0]\] Add and subtract \(E[Y_i^0|X_i=1]\) \[=\stackrel{\text{ATT}}{E[Y_i^1-Y_i^0|X_i=1]}+\stackrel{\text{"selection bias"}}{(E[Y_i^0|X_i=1]-E[Y_i^0|X_i=0])}\]
- First term is ATT “average treatment effect on the treated”
- For those assigned to treatment group, causal effect of the treatment
- May differ from ATE if treatment assigned to groups for whom efficacy differs
- Second term is selection bias
- Difference in baseline outcome levels between group selected for treatment and group not selected
- Nonzero if treatment and control group systematically differ in ways relevant to the outcome
Example: Job Training and Earnings
- US runs many job training programs for low skill workers
- Goal is to get them back from bad economic situation to find higher-paying work
- Is training effective? Hard to tell \[E[\text{earnings|training}]-E[\text{earnings|no training}]=\] \[E[\text{earnings change|do(training),trained}]+\] \[(E[\text{untrained earnings|trained}]-E[\text{untrained earnings|not trained}])\]
- Want to know effectiveness of program
- First term gives this, at least for participants
- Problem is, second term is probably very negative
- People get job training because they have a bad job, or no job at all
- On average, those who get training are those with lower untrained earnings
Experiments and treatment effects
- Suppose treatment assigned randomly: \((Y_i^0,Y_i^1) \perp X_i\)
- Independence means conditional distributions same as unconditional
- Selection bias now \[E[Y_i^0|X_i=1]-E[Y_i^0|X_i=0]=E[Y_i^0]-E[Y_i^0]=0\]
- ATT now \[E[Y_i^1-Y_i^0|X_i=1]=E[Y_i^1-Y_i^0]=\text{ATE}\]
- By L.L.N. Difference in means consistently estimates ATE for randomized experiments
- In small samples, estimate not exact
- May have drawn sample where \(U_i\) differ between treatment and control groups
Random coefficients
- Write potential outcomes model in more familiar form \[Y_i=Y_i^0+(Y_i^1-Y_i^0)X_i\]
- Define \(\beta_{0,i}=Y_i^0\), \(\beta_{1,i}=Y_i^1-Y_i^0\), then \[Y_i=\beta_{0,i}+\beta_{1,i}X_i\]
- Slope is treatment effect, intercept is value if not treated
- Result is a linear model with random coefficients
- Like linear model, but slope terms no longer constant
Relating to standard linear model
- Taking averages, can write as
- \(\beta_{0,i}:=\bar{\beta}_0+e_{0i}\)
- \(\beta_{1,i}:=\bar{\beta}_1+e_{1i}\)
- \(E[e_{0i}]=E[e_{1i}]=0\)
- Random coefficients model becomes \[Y_i=\bar{\beta}_0+\bar{\beta}_1X_i+e_{0i}+X_ie_{1i}\]
- A standard linear model with heteroskedastic errors
- Slope coefficient \(\bar{\beta}_1\) is ATE
- Endogeneity: under nonrandom assignment, residual may be correlated with \(X_i\)
- If X assigned randomly, \(X_i\perp e_{0i}\) (no selection bias) and \(X_i\perp e_{1i}\) (treatment effect independent of treatment assignment)
- Model becomes standard linear model satisfying Assumptions (1-4)
- \(\hat{\beta}_1\) OLS estimator same as difference in means
- Heteroskedasticity: residual \(e_{0i}+X_ie_{1i}\) has variance which depends on \(X\) so long as \(e_{1i}\neq 0\) (“heterogeneous treatment effects”)
- OLS with robust standard errors gives valid inference on ATE for experimental data
- Equivalent to two-sample t-test on difference in means with unequal variances
Next class
- Examples
- Causality in multivariate setting
- Read Angrist Chapter 2
(Bonus 1): Standard errors under heteroskedasticity
- Recall Multivariate OLS formula \[\hat{\mathbf{\beta}}:=\beta+ (\sum_{i=1}^{n}\mathbf{x}_{i}\mathbf{x}_{i}^\prime)^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\mathbf{x}_{i}u_i\]
- Rescale by \(\sqrt{n}\) to get \[\sqrt{n}(\hat{\beta}-\beta)=(\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\mathbf{x}_{i}\mathbf{x}_{i}^\prime)^{-1}\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\mathbf{x}_{i}u_i\]
- Second part of second term looks like sum used in CLT
- It has mean \(E[\mathbf{x}_{i}u_{i}]=0\) and variance \(E[u_{i}^2\mathbf{x}_{i}\mathbf{x}_{i}^{\prime}]\)
- This equals \(E[E[u_{i}^2\mathbf{x}_{i}\mathbf{x}_{i}^{\prime}|\mathbf{x}]]=E[E[u_{i}^2|\mathbf{x}]\mathbf{x}_{i}\mathbf{x}_{i}^{\prime}]\)
(Bonus 2) Limiting variance
- Above results and CLT imply \[\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\mathbf{x}_{i}u_i\overset{d}{\rightarrow}N(0,E[E[u_{i}^2|\mathbf{x}]\mathbf{x}_{i}\mathbf{x}_{i}^{\prime}])\]
- By L.L.N., (3), and continuity \(\text{plim}(\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\mathbf{x}_{i}\mathbf{x}_{i}^\prime)^{-1}=(E[\mathbf{x}_{i}\mathbf{x}_{i}^\prime])^{-1}\)
- Next, if M is a \(k+1\times k+1\) matrix and \(v\) is a \(k+1\times 1\) random vector, fact that \(Var(ax+by)=a^{2}Var(x)+b^{2}Var(y)+2abCov(x,y)\) plus mechanics of matrix multiplication imply \(Var(Mv)=MVar(v)M^{\prime}\)
- Slutsky’s theorem: if \(\hat{a}\overset{p}{\rightarrow}a\) a constant and \(\hat{b}\overset{d}{\rightarrow}b\) a random variable, then \((\hat{a},\hat{b})\overset{d}{\rightarrow}(a,b)\)