- More on discrete outcome models
- Can define a model around any conditional distribution
- Hopeless to give complete accounting
- Instead mention a bunch of commonly used examples
- Describe shared principles
- “Zoo” of nonlinear models
- Probit, Logit, Linear Probability Model
- Extensions and Alternatives
- Multinomial/Nested/Ordered Logit
- Poisson Regression
- Tobit
Binary outcome/Discrete Choice Models
- Find relationship between regressors \(X\) and outcome \(Y\)
- \(Y\) is binary: 0 or 1, Yes/No, Choice A/Choice B
- Any binary variable must have a (conditional) Bernoulli distribution
- \(P(Y=1|X)=p(X)\), \(P(Y=0|X)=1-p(X)\)
- With a random sample, can obtain a likelihood function by assuming a model for \(p(X,\theta)\)
- Estimate by maximizing log likelihood
- \(\ell(Y,X,\theta)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}(Y_i\log(p(X_i,\theta))+(1-Y_i)\log(1-p(X_i,\theta)))\)
- Saw last class Random Utility Model \(Y_i=1\{X_i^\prime\beta>u_i\}\)
- Latent variable \(y_i^*=X_i^\prime\beta-u_i\) interpretable as relative utility of 1 instead of 0
- Choose \(Y_i=1\) if \(y_i^*\geq 0\)
- Gives \(p(X,\theta)=F(X^\prime\beta)\) for \(F\) the CDF of unobserved heterogeneity \(u\)
Probit and Logit as MLE
- Probit model assumes \(F(x)=\Phi(x)=\int_{-\infty}^{x}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}exp(-u^2/2)du\)
- Logit model assumes \(F(x)=\frac{exp(x)}{1+\exp(x)}\)
- Fully specifies conditional likelihood as function of data and parameters
- If conditional probability of outcome drawn from this form, for some \(\beta\), MLE consistent, asymptotically normal, and efficient
- Recall, consistency of MLE needs
- Identification: \(\ell(Y,X,\beta^*)\neq\ell(Y,X,\beta)\) for \(\beta\neq\beta^*\) with positive probability
- Uniform convergence to expected likelihood
- Guaranteed so long as dimension of \(\beta\) fixed and finite
- Asymptotic normality needs above and
- Twice differentiability of log likelihood (holds for forms above)
- Uniform convergence of derivatives (also guaranteed)
- Efficiency needs above and correct specification
- Binary outcome ensures likelihood truly is binomial
- Form of \(p(X,\theta)\) must equal \(P(Y=1|X)\)
MLE Results
- If \(P(Y=1|X)=F(X^\prime\beta^*)\) for some \(\beta^*\), MLE satisfies all of above conditions so long as there is no multicollinearity in \(X\)
- Asymptotic variance of \(\widehat{\beta}_{MLE}\) is given by sandwich formula in terms of first and second derivatives
- Under correct specification, many terms in this formula simplify, and it can be estimated as \[(\sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{[f(X_i^\prime\widehat{\beta})]^2X_iX_i^\prime}{F(X_i^\prime\widehat{\beta})[1-F(X_i^\prime\widehat{\beta})]})^{-1}\]
- Under incorrect specification, \(\widehat{\beta}_{MLE}\) converges to the value which maximizes the expected log likelihood under the true conditional distribution
- Asymptotic variance given by sandwich formula
- But cancelations do not occur
- Use libraries \(sandwich\) and \(lmtest\), and command vcov=vcovHC(mylogitregression,type=“HC0”) (HC1,2,3,etc) for consistent estimator
Interpretation of Nonlinear Model Parameters
- In any generalized linear model, coefficients represent impact on index \(X^\prime\beta\), which enters into likelihood through nonlinear link function
- A 0 coefficient means no impact, positive increases index, negative decreases it
- Conditional probability function \(P(Y=1|X)=F(X^\prime\beta)\) determines scale and relative magnitude
- To compute measure of effect of \(X\) on \(Y\), use marginal or partial effect
- Either derivative of \(P(Y=1|X)\) with respect to \(X_j\), or, if \(X_j\) is discrete, difference
- Derivative is \(f(X^\prime\beta)\beta_j\),
- Difference is \(F(\beta_0 + \beta_1X_1 +\ldots \beta_j X_j +\ldots)-F(\beta_0 + \beta_1X_1 +\ldots \beta_j (X_j-1) +\ldots)\)
Heterogeneity in effects
- Partial effect is function of \(X\): Report multiple ways
- At \(\bar{X}\) Partial Effect at the Average
- Average derivative/difference over distribution of \(X\) Average Partial Effect
- Or at relevant points or subpopulations
- Use probitmfx or logitmfx in mfx library to calculate
- Heterogeneity of effect here only from nonlinearity
- Same for anyone with same level of index
- Not equivalent to random coefficients model where individuals have different \(\beta\)
- Can estimate that model too (see mlogit library)
- Regardless of specification, conditional probability function may or may not have causal interpretation: depends on true causal model generating \(Y\)
Probit vs. Logit vs. LPM
- Linear Probability Model estimates \(Y=X^\prime\beta+u\) by OLS
- For binary \(Y\), estimates \(P(Y=1|X)=X^\prime\beta\)
- Does not impose that probabilities bounded between 0 and 1
- Interpret as best linear approximation of probability
- For estimating marginal effects, usually get similar results, especially for partial effect at average
- Marginal effect is \(f(\bar{X}^{\prime}\widehat{\beta})\beta_j\) for probit/logit, \(\beta_j\) for LPM
- Have \(f_{probit}(0)\approx 0.4\), \(f_{logit}(0)=0.25\),
- Multiply coefficients by these numbers to get number roughly interpretable as change in conditional probability
Bertrand and Mullainathan (2004) resume study (Code)
#Load library with data
#Load Bertrand and Mullainathan data
#Load library with marginal effects commands
# Convert outcome variable to numeric so it reads as 0/1
#Load library to make pretty table
Example: Bertrand and Mullainathan (2004) resume study
- Randomized controlled experiment on discrimination
- Send resumes out to employers, with identical distribution of contents, except name of applicant
- Use names highly correlated with ethnicity in US population as proxy for perceived ethnicity of applicant
- Outcome \(Y=1\) if resume gets called back, 0 otherwise
- Estimate by probit, logit, linear probability model
- Compare marginal effects for “average” applicant
Results (Code 1)
#Run Probit & Logit by glm command, LPM by lm()
binomial(link="probit"), data=ResumeNames)
binomial(link="logit"), data=ResumeNames)
Results (Code 2)
#Display table of coefficients
title="Binary Choice Output")
Binary Choice Output
Dependent variable:
Log Likelihood
Residual Std. Error
0.271 (df = 4866)
F Statistic
12.484*** (df = 3; 4866)
p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01
Partial effects at average: Logit (Code)
#Estimate partial effects at average
+experience+quality, data=ResumeNames)
#Display them
Partial effects at average: Logit
## Call:
## logitmfx(formula = callback ~ ethnicity + experience + quality,
## data = ResumeNames)
## Marginal Effects:
## dF/dx Std. Err. z P>|z|
## ethnicityafam -0.03153069 0.00767404 -4.1087 3.978e-05 ***
## experience 0.00271059 0.00065543 4.1356 3.540e-05 ***
## qualityhigh 0.01105134 0.00761716 1.4508 0.1468
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## dF/dx is for discrete change for the following variables:
## [1] "ethnicityafam" "qualityhigh"
Partial effects at average: Probit (Code)
#Estimate partial effects at average
+experience+quality, data=ResumeNames)
#Display them
Partial effects at average: Probit
## Call:
## probitmfx(formula = callback ~ ethnicity + experience + quality,
## data = ResumeNames)
## Marginal Effects:
## dF/dx Std. Err. z P>|z|
## ethnicityafam -0.03174445 0.00772256 -4.1106 3.946e-05 ***
## experience 0.00285682 0.00069971 4.0829 4.448e-05 ***
## qualityhigh 0.01052741 0.00771039 1.3654 0.1721
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## dF/dx is for discrete change for the following variables:
## [1] "ethnicityafam" "qualityhigh"
Probit and Logit as Empirical Risk Minimizers
- When misspecified, can interpret as empirical risk minimizer
- Loss function is (minus) log likelihood, risk is expected loss \[-E[\ell(Y,p(X,\theta))]=-E[Y_i\log(p(X_i,\theta))+(1-Y_i)\log(1-p(X_i,\theta))]\]
- Called (KL) Divergence
- Maximized when \(p(X,\theta)=E[Y|X]\), otherwise tries to get as close as possible
- Unlike square loss, penalty infinite if probability not in [0,1]: ought to be a real probability
Alternative Loss Functions
- Sometimes care more about prediction errors
- Guessing 1 when truth 0, 0 when 1
- Can look for rules which give 1 or 0 guess \(\widehat{Y}\) for every \(X\) instead of a probability
- Called a “classifier” in machine learning
- Convert probability guess \(f(X)\) into prediction by rule like \(\widehat{Y}=1[f(X)>0.5]\)
- Logit/Probit fit in with \(f(X)=p(X,\theta)\)
- Measure error by percent misclassified
- 0-1 Loss \(1[Y\neq\widehat{Y}]\)
- Or weighted version to emphasize one type of error more
- Can evaluate predictions by this measure
- Or use in empirical risk minimization
Incorporating Nonlinearities
- Nothing in particular requires \(p(X,\theta)\) to take form \(F(X^\prime\beta)\)
- Can replace \(X^\prime\beta\) (or \(p(X,\theta)\)) with any nonlinear function
- Estimate by maximum likelihood still, under same conditions
- Works like nonlinear regression: consistency, normality, etc hold
- Identification condition now needs \(p(X,\theta^*)\neq p(X,\theta)\) with positive probability for \(\theta\neq\theta^*\)
- Typical usage: \(X^\prime\beta\) replaced by a neural network function to classify binary outcome variable
- Inside logistic or similar function
Multiple Outcomes: J>2 Multinomial Logit
- With \(>2\) choices, \(Y\) takes a multinomial distribution
- Likelihood characterized by \(P(Y=j|X,\theta)\) for \(j=0\) to \(J-1\)
- More choices here, but random utility model provides direction
- Let \(U_{ij}=X_{ij}^\prime\beta_j+e_{ij}\) be utility of choice \(j\) for sample \(i\)
- \(e_{ij}\) iid across \(i\), \(j\) with Type I Extreme Value distribution
- CDF \(F(x)=exp(-exp(-x))\)
- Then \(Pr(Y_i=j)=\frac{exp(X_{ij}^\prime\beta_j)}{\sum_{j=0}^{J-1}exp(X_{ij}^\prime\beta_j)}\)
- Divide \(X_{ij}\) into (1) \(X_j\) characteristics of the choices
- Coefficient \(\beta\) does not vary with \(j\)
- and (2) \(X_i\) individual-specific characteristics
- \(\beta_j\) does vary with \(j\)
- Normalize coeffs on individual-specific variables to \(\beta_0=0\)
- Since decision only function of relative utility
- Estimate by MLE on \(\sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j=0}^{J-1}1[Y_i=j]log(P(Y=j|X,\theta))\)
Example: Travel Mode Choice (Code)
#Load data on travel decisions
# "
# /Text/Edition7/TableF18-2.csv")
#Install multinomial logit library if not installed yet
# install.packages("mlogit",
# repos = "")
library(mlogit) # Load Library
data("TravelMode", package = "AER") #Load data
travelchoice<-mlogit(choice~wait|income, TravelMode,
shape = "long", chid.var = "individual",
alt.var="mode", choice = "choice")
Example: Travel Mode Choice
- Use mlogit library for multinomial logit model
- Predict which way consumers travel
- mode = ‘car’, ‘bus’, ‘train’, ‘air’
- Use consumer income as individual-specific predictor
- Use wait time as choice-specific predictor
- Air is base category: coefficients relative to this
- See help files for detail on data format
travelchoice<-mlogit(choice~wait|income, TravelMode,
shape = "long", chid.var = "individual",
alt.var="mode", choice = "choice")
Results: Coefficients
#Display table of coefficients
title="Multinomial Logit
Travel Choice Estimates")
Results: Coefficients
Multinomial Logit Travel Choice Estimates
Dependent variable:
Log Likelihood
LR Test
182.668*** (df = 7)
p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01
Alternatives Models for Multinomial Choice
- Multinomial logit imposes restrictions on functional form
- If one option dropped, relative probability of other options remains unchanged
- Many alternative specifications for predicting multiple outcomes (all in mlogit)
- Multinomial probit
- Same random utility model, but with normal heterogeneity
- No closed form likelihood, so need numerical methods to calculate and maximize
- Nested logit: Logit function for probability \(j\) in group, then logit conditional probability among choices in that group
- E.g., choose soda vs. tea, then Coke vs. Pepsi, Lipton vs. Nestea
More Alternative Models for Multinomial Choice
- Ordered logit/probit
- Outcome variable \(Y_i\) may have known ordering:
- E.g., how much do you approve of candidate, on 3 point scale
- Latent utility \(U^{*}_i=X_{i}^\prime\beta +e_i\), \(e_i\) extreme value (logit) or normal (probit)
- \(Y_i=j\) if \(\mu_{j-1}<U_i^*\leq\mu_j\) for thresholds \(\mu_j\) estimated as parameters
- Random coefficients logit
- Same as standard/multinomial logit but allow coefficients \(\beta_i\) to differ between individuals
- Draw \(\beta_i\) from a parameterized distribution (e.g. normal)
- Estimate parameters of distribution by MLE
Integer Outcomes: Poisson Regression and Extensions
- When outcome \(Y\) is count data have non-negative integer \(\{0,1,2,\ldots\}\) number of things
- Rather than fixed finite number of possibilities
- Could use linear or nonlinear regression to predict
- Fine if \(Y\) close to continuous
- Discreteness preferred if many observations are small numbers
- One useful distribution over counts is poisson
- Link function gives generalized linear model \[P(Y=h|X)=exp(-exp((X^\prime\beta)))[exp(X^\prime\beta)]^h/h!\]
- Fit by glm with family=“poisson”
- Distribution has \(E[Y|X]=exp(X^\prime\beta)\) so partial effects given by derivative of this
- Also has variance \(Var[Y|X]=E[Y|X]\), which is restrictive
- Generalize this by using overdispersed Poisson regression
- Variance is \(\sigma^2E[Y|X]\), so scale can change
- Fit by family=“quasiposson”
Mixed discrete and continuous outcomes: Tobit Model
- Many ways for \(Y\) to be part discrete and part continuous
- Most common case: corner solutions
- Can’t buy less than 0 of something
- Can choose any positive amount
- If \(Y^{*}=X^{\prime}\beta+e\) is desired unrestricted outcome \(Y=Y^{*}1[Y^{*}>0]\) is observed amount
- If \(e\) has known distribution, estimate by MLE
- Tobit regression assumes normality
- Marginal effect on \(Y^{*}\) given by \(\beta\), but effect on conditional expectation of \(Y\) smaller, since sometimes \(Y\) stuck at 0
- Can generalize to other cutoffs
- Useful also for topcoded data: some income surveys cut off above a certain income to preserve privacy.
Fair’s Affairs: Tobit, Poisson, and Quasipoisson (Code 1)
fair.tobit <- tobit(affairs ~ age + yearsmarried +
religiousness + occupation + rating, data = Affairs)
fair.pois <- glm(affairs ~ age + yearsmarried +
religiousness + occupation + rating,
family=poisson, data = Affairs)
fair.qpois <- glm(affairs ~ age + yearsmarried +
religiousness + occupation + rating,
family=quasipoisson, data = Affairs)
Fair’s Affairs: Tobit, Poisson, and Quasipoisson (Code 2)
#Display table of coefficients
stargazer(fair.tobit, fair.pois,
"Predicting Extramarital Affairs")
Fair’s Affairs: Tobit, Poisson, and Quasipoisson
Predicting Extramarital Affairs
Dependent variable:
glm: quasipoisson
link = log
Log Likelihood
Wald Test
67.707*** (df = 5)
p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01
- Broad variety of nonlinear models are available for discrete or limited dependent outcomes
- Given a model, can estimate by MLE
- Need to interpret coefficients using marginal effects
- For binary outcomes, can do probit, logit, and variety of other loss functions and nonlinear extensions
- For multinomial outcomes, can base estimates on model of choice process
- Models also exist for non-negative and integer outcomes