Causality again
- Last class, discussed causal models and experiments
- Potential outcomes \(Y^x\) describe
how \(Y\) would be if \(X\) changed to \(x\)
- Can always observe \(Y=Y^X\), what
happened given observed \(X\)
- With experiment, can learn distribution of \(Y^x\), \(P(Y|do(X=x))\)
- Assigning \(X\) at random implies
- Today:
- Inference in experiments
- What to do with non-experimental data
Experimental Data
- Increasingly, substantial amount of economic data from
- Field experiments: assign social program at random
- JPAL runs hundreds of economic experiments all around the world
- Businesses experiment with design, marketing, customer interactions
- Called “A/B tests” by tech companies
- Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Google conduct over 10,000 each/year
Problems with nonexperimental data
Consider comparing average outcomes between two groups \[E[Y_i|X_i=1]-E[Y_i|X_i=0]=E[Y_i^1|X_i=1]-E[Y_{i}^{0}|X_i=0]\]
Add and subtract \(E[Y_i^0|X_i=1]\)
First term is ATT “average treatment effect on
the treated”
- For those assigned to treatment group, causal effect of the
- May differ from ATE if treatment assigned to groups for whom
efficacy differs
Second term is selection bias
- Difference in baseline outcome levels between group selected for
treatment and group not selected
- Nonzero if treatment and control group systematically differ in ways
relevant to the outcome
Example: Job Training and Earnings
- US runs many job training programs for low skill workers
- Goal is to get them back from bad economic situation to find
higher-paying work
- Is training effective? Hard to tell \[E[\text{earnings|training}]-E[\text{earnings|no
training}]=\] \[E[\text{earnings
change|do(training),trained}]+\] \[(E[\text{untrained
earnings|trained}]-E[\text{untrained earnings|not
- Want to know effectiveness of program
- First term gives this, at least for participants
- Problem is, second term is probably very negative
- People get job training because they have a bad job, or no job at
- On average, those who get training are those with lower untrained
Experiments and treatment effects
- Suppose treatment assigned randomly: \((Y_i^0,Y_i^1) \perp X_i\)
- Independence means conditional distributions same as
- Selection bias now \[E[Y_i^0|X_i=1]-E[Y_i^0|X_i=0]=E[Y_i^0]-E[Y_i^0]=0\]
- ATT now \[E[Y_i^1-Y_i^0|X_i=1]=E[Y_i^1-Y_i^0]=\text{ATE}\]
- By L.L.N. Difference in means consistently estimates ATE for
randomized experiments
- In small samples, estimate not exact
- May have drawn sample where unobseved variables differ between
treatment and control groups
Random coefficients
- Write potential outcomes model in more familiar form \[Y_i=Y_i^0+(Y_i^1-Y_i^0)X_i\]
- Define \(\beta_{0,i}=Y_i^0\), \(\beta_{1,i}=Y_i^1-Y_i^0\), then \[Y_i=\beta_{0,i}+\beta_{1,i}X_i\]
- Slope is treatment effect, intercept is value if not treated
- Result is a linear model with random coefficients
- Like linear model, but slope terms no longer constant
Relating to standard linear model
- Taking averages, can write as
- \(\beta_{0,i}:=\bar{\beta}_0+e_{0i}\)
- \(\beta_{1,i}:=\bar{\beta}_1+e_{1i}\)
- \(E[e_{0i}]=E[e_{1i}]=0\)
- Random coefficients model becomes \[Y_i=\bar{\beta}_0+\bar{\beta}_1X_i+e_{0i}+X_ie_{1i}\]
- A standard linear model with heteroskedastic errors
- Slope coefficient \(\bar{\beta}_1\)
is ATE
- Endogeneity: under nonrandom assignment, residual may be
correlated with \(X_i\)
- If X assigned randomly, \(X_i\perp
e_{0i}\) (no selection bias) and \(X_i\perp e_{1i}\) (treatment effect
independent of treatment assignment)
- Model becomes standard linear model satisfying Assumptions
- \(\hat{\beta}_1\) OLS estimator
same as difference in means
- Heteroskedasticity has meaningful interpretation
- Residual \(e_{0i}+X_ie_{1i}\) has
variance which depends on \(X\) so long
as \(e_{1i}\neq 0\)
- “Heterogeneous treatment effects”
- OLS with robust standard errors gives valid inference on ATE for
experimental data
- Equivalent to two-sample t-test on difference in means with unequal
Example: National Supported Work Program Experiment (Code 1)
#Load package containing data set
#see for info
#If not installed, run following command
repos = "",
data(lalonde) #Load data set
library(sandwich) #Robust SEs
library(lmtest) #testing with robust SEs
# Show treatment unrelated to covariates
balancereg<-lm(formula = treat ~ age + educ + black +
hisp + married + nodegr + re74 + re75 +
u74 + u75, data = lalonde)
Example: National Supported Work Program Experiment (Code 2)
#Build robust standard errors
balancereg.vcov<-vcovHC(balancereg, type="HC0")
#Conduct Wald test that coefs jointly 0
#using asymptotic Chi-squared distribution
vcov=vcovHC(balancereg,type="HC0"), test = "Chisq")
Example: National Supported Work Program Experiment
- National Supported Work Program (analyzed in Lalonde 1986, Dehejia
& Wahba 1998)
- Take group of low earnings workers, randomly assign to on the job
training (\(X=1\)) or no intervention
- Compare post program earnings for treated and untreated workers
- Can see it is uncorrelated with observable
characteristics by regressing tratment on pre-treatment covariates
- A Wald test that all coefficients 0 tests a null which is
implied by independence
vcov=vcovHC(balancereg,type="HC0"), test = "Chisq")
## Wald test
## Model 1: treat ~ age + educ + black + hisp + married + nodegr + re74 +
## re75 + u74 + u75
## Model 2: treat ~ 1
## Res.Df Df Chisq Pr(>Chisq)
## 1 434
## 2 444 -10 21.564 0.01749 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
- Non-rejection (at 1% level) reassuring
- Note that point of experiment is that treatment independent of
all characteristics, observed and unobserved
- These tests can’t be used to verify experiment
Estimating treatment effect (Code)
#Run simple regression of outcome (Real earnings in 78)
# on treatment in program
experiment<-lm(formula = re78 ~ treat, data = lalonde)
#Construct Robust SEs, test significance of causal effect
experiment.vcov<-vcovHC(experiment, type="HC0")
df=Inf,vcov. = experiment.vcov)
library(stargazer) #Display table of results
title="Job Training and 1978 Real Wages")
Estimating treatment effect
- Setting is experimental, with binary treatment
- Run OLS regression of earnings on training, with robust SEs
- Coefficient has interpretation as Average Treatment Effect
Job Training and 1978 Real Wages
t = 2.681
p = 0.008
t = 13.419
p = 0.000
- Strong and significant coefficient on treatment
- Treated earn $1800 more annually on average
- Treatment effect \(\bar{\beta}_1\)
large relative to SE
- Unlikely difference due to sampling error
- Also large relative to intercept
- \(\bar{\beta}_0\): average earnings
of workers conditional on no training
- Experimental design suggests this difference is causal
- If you took more workers from same population and put them in same
program, they would also earn about $1800/year more on average
Observational Data and Natural Experiments
- For many questions, no experiment run
- Too costly or unethical, or just not run
- Instead have observational data from observed
economic process
- Key to experimental setup is random assignment
- Someone or something set \(X\) independently of other determinants of
- Doesn’t have to be conscious
- Could be random natural event or capricious policymaker
- If this happen have natural experiment
- Can again interpret effect causally
- Rare, but useful to exploit when it does happen
- In practice, rare in observational data that relevant variable
affecting \(Y\) randomly assigned
- Instead, have many \(X_{ij}\)
determined by a variety of mechanisms with causal links between
- Today: convenient special cases where regression suffices
- Next class: some more general theory
Controlling for covariates
- New setup
- \(Y\) is outcome of interest
- \(X\) is treatment
- \(W\) are pre-treatment
- \(W\) may cause both X and Y, but
are not caused by them
- If we observe all the \(W\) that determine assignment of treatment
and might themselves affect \(Y\), can
still learn about effects of \(X\)
- Instead of random assignment \(Y^x\perp
X\), we can weaken to conditionally random
assignment \[Y^x\perp
Example: Consumer Credit
- Effect of obtaining mortgage loan \(X\) on consumer spending \(Y\)
- People who can get credit would likely have very different spending
habits than those who can’t, even in world where they didn’t get loan
- “Selection Bias”: \(E[Y^0|X=1]-E[Y^0|X=0]\neq 0\)
- But, if we have electronic loan application data, info on form,
\(W\), contains all characteristics
that determine treatment \(X\)
- Any variation in loan approval comes from bank decisions, made
without knowledge of other individual characteristics and so independent
of them
- Result: \(Y^x\perp X|W\)
- Conditional on loan data, there should be no relationship between
consumer characteristics and what spending would be if given or not
given loan
- Given \(W\), approval is
“effectively” randomly assigned
Identifying Treatment Effects \(P(Y|do(x))\)
- Assume \(Y^x\perp X|W\), and go
through same identification argument as in experiment case \[P(Y|X=x,W=w)=P(Y^X|X=x,W=w)\] \[=P(Y^x|X=x,W=w)\] \[=P(Y^x|W=w)=P(Y|do(X),observe(W=w))\]
- By causal consistency, conditioning, and conditional
- Result: recover distribution of conditional outcome Y, in
situations where \(W\) is observed
- To get unconditional effect \(P(Y^x)\), integrate over w \[=\int P(Y^x|W=w) P(w)dw=\int
Estimating Treatment Effects
- Result says we can recover causal effects if we know \(P(Y|X,W)\)
- We have tool for estimating conditional expectations
- Impose linear model on P(Y|X,W) \[E[Y|X,W]=X\beta_1+W^\prime\beta_2\]
- If c.e.f. correctly specified, \(\beta_1\) is causal effect of
\(X\) on \(Y\), given \(W\) observed
- Need to regress \(Y\) on \(X\) AND \(W\)
- Get unbiased estimate of causal effect
- In this linear additive case, treatment effect is
slope \(\beta_1\)
- In this case, omitting \(W\), or
some component of it, from regression would cause bias in estimate of
- This is called “confounding” or “omitted variable bias”
Omitted variables again
- Unbiased estimation requires correct specification of conditional
expectation function
- Suggests including appropriate functional forms and all possible
elements of \(W\) important here
- We now have causal interpretation of omitted variables formula
- Suppose \(E[Y|X,W]=\beta_0+\beta_1X+\beta_2W\)
- Regression of \(Y\) on \(X\) alone gives \(\tilde{\beta}_0+\tilde{\beta}_1X\)
- Regression of \(W\) on \(X\) gives \(\delta_0+\delta_1X\)
- Omitted variables formula says \(\tilde{\beta}_1=\beta_1+\beta_2*\delta_1\)
- Omitted variables bias occurs when both
- confounder correlated with outcome (\(\beta_2\neq 0\))
- confounder correlated with treatment
- Error precisely corresponds to selection bias: causal effect of
treatment is to take unit with same characteristics and change status,
but if units who get or don’t get treatment differ in some way that
affects the outcome, comparison reflects both the treatment effect and
the difference in the units selected
Covariates in binary treatment framework
- Random assignment \((Y_i^0,Y_i^1) \perp
X_i\) relaxed to \[(Y_i^0,Y_i^1) \perp
X_i | W_i\]
- Outcome is \(Y_i=Y^0_i+(Y^1_i-Y^0_i)X_i\), with
expectation \[E[Y_i|X_i,W_i]=E[Y^0_{i}|W_i]+E[Y^1_i-Y^0_i|W_i]X_i\]
- Assume a linear CEF for \(Y^0_i\):
\(Y^0_{i}=\bar{\beta}_0+\gamma W
+e_{0i}\) with \(E[e_{0i}|W]=0\)
- If treatment effect independent of controls, have \[Y^1_i-Y^0_i=\bar{\beta}_1+e_{1i}\]
- Result is random coefficients linear regression, with ATE=\(\bar{\beta}_1\) \[Y_i=\bar{\beta}_0+\bar{\beta}_1X_i+\gamma
- Under these conditions, OLS with robust SEs recovers average
treatment effect
Heterogeneous treatment effects
- In general, causal effect may vary with \(W\)
- Loan increases spending more for consumers with some characteristics
than others
- In structural representation, this means \(W_i\) correlated with \(e_{1i}\)
- When \(W\) added to regression, it
is now correlated with residual
- Assume linear CEF \[Y^1_i-Y^0_i=\bar{\beta}_1+\delta
W_i+e_{1i}\] structural formula now \[Y_i=\bar{\beta}_0+\bar{\beta}_1X_i+\gamma
W_i+\delta W_i\times X_i+e_{0i}+X_ie_{1i}\]
- Use linear regression again, with interaction terms (and robust
- Average treatment effect is \(\bar{\beta}_1+\delta E[W_i]\)
- Causality defined in terms of model of what things could be
- Experiments can recover causal effects on average
- Regression with appropriate controls can recover causal
- Regression with missing controls causes omitted variable bias
Next class
- More on causality
- Structural models
- When regression does and doesn’t work