Going beyond the data you have


Improving generalization

External validity


Selection Diagrams

Example: Covariate shift

Selection diagram: source and target differ in distribution of observed confounder Z

Modified Example: Experiment to Observation

Selection diagram: source and target differ in distribution of observed confounder Z

Example: Label Shift

Selection diagram: source and target differ in distribution of outcome Y

Anti-causal Label Shift

Selection diagram: source and target differ in distribution of outcome Y

Application: Metanalysis

Selection diagram for hierarchical metanalysis: covariates and outcomes may differ by study

Sample Selection

Modeling Sample Selection

S linked to no other variables


S linked to X but not Y

S linked to Y but not X

Selection based on covariates

S linked to Z

Estimation of selection adjustment

Outcome dependent sampling

Y associated with Z

Alternate estimates in selection model

Final application: more metanalysis



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